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16. To Place an Order, Call Toll Free at 1-800-743-9401Learn more at www.hubindustrial.com 32
What do these age old clich辿s have in
common? Theyre all true. No matter the
slogan you choose, if youre planning
to be successful, at some point youre
going to have to take a risk. Not to worry
though, youre certainly not alone.
Stop what youre doing and take a look
around. Chances are youre looking at a
product that came from a company that
started by taking a risk. Depending on
what youre looking at, it may not have
been the first risk or even the second that
paid off.
Perception of successful businesses tends
to be that they must have had some kind
of good fortune, been blessed with plenty
of initial operating capital, or started their
business in a perfect economy. However,
No guts
no glory!
You miss
every shot you
dont take.
You cant win
if you dont play
the game.
the opposite is true of many of todays
most successful companies.
In 1971 Fred Smith took $250,000
of his own money and convinced the
board of his familys trust to match
it. He then convinced the board to
guarantee a $6.3 million dollar loan to
buy his first two planes. His idea was
to move Federal Reserve shipments
nightly throughout the United States
using his 550mph delivery trucks.
The Fed did not award him the contract
and instead elected to use his system
to move 13.2 million checks through
five hubs using their own planes. He
wasnt deterred. He went to New York,
where he signed a contract for 23
more jets with one to be delivered each
week at a cost of $29.1 million dollars.
After laying it on the line and enduring
multiple setbacks, he is today the CEO
of Federal Express. He has been on the
list of the highest paid executives in
America since 1999 and has shared his
Five Secrets of Entrepreneurial Suc-
cess with the rest of us. They are:
Have a Compelling Business Idea
Be a Zealot
Have a Conservative Business Plan
Work Effectively With Others
Grow as Your Business Grows
May your success be as big as your
co v er story
17. company profile: perry roofing
raise the roof
Learn more at www.hubindustrial.com 54
ood.Clothing.Shelter.These are the three
basic needs in life. Youre on your own
with dinner and your wardrobe, but Perry
Roofing has Shelter under control for you.
In 1976 Perry started with, One man and a
truck. Today, they scour the earth for the most
competent and highly skilled craftsmen to put
roofs on facilities in stadiums, Wal-Mart shop-
ping centers, and even NASA buildings.
Perry Roofing knows that, while a roof may be
in the far corners of your mind, it should always
be on your mind. A roof protects you from the
elements and keeps your belongings, and most
importantly your family, safe and secure. Not
only that, a quality roof built with quality prod-
ucts can save you and your
family MONEY!
In addition to being one of RSIs Top 100
roofers, Perry is also concerned with providing a
bright future for tomorrow. They are frequently
involved with such charitable organizations as:
House of Hope, Habitat for Humanity, and the
Boys and Girls Club.
Whether its a residential or commercial
project, youre looking to repair your leaking
roof, or update your roof with the latest in Green
technology, you can count on one of Perry Roof-
ings two Florida locations to keep you safe, dry
and economical.
For more information or to book them for
your next project go to: www.perryroofing.
com or call them at (800) 487-6637
To Place an Order, Call Toll Free at 1-800-743-9401
18. B
efore working at HUB,I worked a few different
construction jobs.Most recently,I was working for
a roofing company that specializes in artisan roofs.
The unique quality of these roofs means the jobs are often
contracted in far-away places and the workers have to stay
there until the job is finished.
I did a lot of traveling in my time there,and it usually was
a strange mixture of glamour and very hard work.
My most hair raising experience was doing a job in the
Dominican Republic.The DR is the Spanish-speaking half of
the island of Hispaniola; the other half of the island is Haiti.
In comparison to Haiti,the DR enjoys a more stable
government and a better economy,but it is still a third world
country.Our project was inside a wealthy district called
Casa de Campos but outside the neighborhood we were
working in,there were guards with guns at the gas stations.
After the third day of work,I left my guest house to take
a stroll down the beach in the evening as I often did on
other jobs.It had never even crossed my mind to take any
precautions until a couple of guards demanded to know in
broken English what I was up to.
Im just taking a walk,I responded.
Show us your pass,was their reply.We had two
passes among us at the guest house,but I hadnt thought to
slip one into my trunks as I headed out the door.
Things went from bad to worse.Not only did I have no
pass with me,I hadnt brought my drivers license,either.I
couldnt even tell them the number of the house I was stay-
ing in.
By now,I had four guards sizing me up.I was refused
permission to go back to the house.They were talking about
taking me to their station.I considered running away,but
decided that would probably not end well.
At last,they rustled up a golf cart,put me on board and
let me direct them to my house.My fellow roofers came to
the door and looked with alarm at the guards and then at
Do you know this gringo?The guards demanded.The
thing he knows only is his name!
It was a big relief the day i planted my feet back on
american soil.As exciting as it was to visit exotic places,it
feels pretty good to have a great job with a little less excite-
ment like i do now.
Ben Sparks
Check out my special for this month here!
Above: Even our jobsite had a guard.This one trusted me enough to let me examine his gun.
Learn more at www.hubindustrial.com 76
Show us your pass,was their
reply.We had two passes among
us at the guest house,but I hadnt
thought to slip one into my trunks
as I headed out the door.
Big Businesses
that Started in
a Recessiona list of companiesthat helped rebuild economies
1. HP (Hewlett-Packard
Development Company LP)
2. GE (General Electric Co)
3. Sports Illustrated
4. Wikipedia Foundation Inc
5. MTV Networks
6. CNN
7. Microsoft Corp
8. FedEx Corp
9. Burger King Corp
10. Hyatt Corp
11. IHOP
12. LexisNexis
13. The Jim Henson Company
14. Trader Joes
100 extension
cords074-007-006 100 Extension Cord for $45.00
only $45same day shipping till 6pm Et
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To Place an Order, Call Toll Free at 1-800-743-9401
19. this months riddle
You have six pairs of black gloves and six
pairs of brown gloves in a drawer.In complete
darkness,how many gloves must you take
from the drawer in order to be sure to get a
pair that match?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
last months riddle
Two pro athletes decided to work out. At 6:00 pm, the
athletes began the workout at their fitness center. One ran
10 miles at 10 miles per hour and one cycled 6 miles at 6
miles per hour. Then they both ran at 2.5 miles an hour for
15 minutes.The athletes never took any breaks and they
started at the same time and place. How is it possible that
they ended at the same place?
Answer: They were at the fitness center the whole time.
They ran and cycled on exercise equipment.
Congrats!!! To Brent Harris and Blake Mitchel who won a
2-pack Husky hard case tool set and to Maralee Onken,Sarah
Jackson andTroy Phillippie who each won a 6-pack of led
flash lights!
u-Control RC Helicoptor
From Brookstone
2 Drawing Winners
riddle me this!februarys brainteaser
$50 Gift Card
From Restaurants.com
3 Drawing Winners