Vertical farming is a new developing business that will completely replace other types of farming in 2050 and it is more useful since it doesn't need so much spaces and provide more profits.
2. What is Urban Farming?
Urban agriculture can be defined as growing fruits, herbs, and
vegetables and raising animals in cities
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3. What is Vertical Farming?
Vertical farming is like a green house ,but instead of short
buildings it is really tall that are stacked. They have no
pesticides. Also you can grow whatever you want during the
year without any problem.
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5. Inquiry Question:
How are we going to sustainably feed 9 billion people in the year of
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6. Answers:
Urban Farming Vertical Farming
There are no herbicides, pesticides, or
fertilizer need.
The lack of available space for
Soil pollution from waste and chemicals
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7. Exchange
The total Area of each floor 1180m族.
Each tower consists of 32 floors and 3
basements .
Jaff Towers in slemani
1180m族 * 2 Towers = 2360m族
2360m族 * 35 floors = 82600
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8. Why do we need vertical farming?
Increasing the crop yield
providing job opportunity
Increasing local food, variety food
Impact environment. increasing(O2)
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9. Conclusion
In conclusion of our presentation, we think that If we grow
our food by using urban and vertical, we might be able to
feed 9 billion people that we possibly have in 2050.
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