Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, is one of the most ethnically diverse cities in Eastern Europe. According to 2013 statistics, the largest ethnic groups are Lithuanians at 57.8%, Poles at 18.7%, and Russians at 14%. However, Vilnius has always been a multinational city, with the dominant groups changing over time. Today, Vilnius is home to people of 128 different ethnicities, and events organized by various cultural associations aim to promote intercultural understanding and cooperation between different cultures.
11. Vilnius has always been a multinational city yet the proportions
of the largest national groups
have varied.
12. Usually, the absolute majority of
Vilnius population would be
composed of representatives of
2 or 3 nationalities.
In 1897, they were Jews and
In 1931 - Poles and Jews.
In 1942 - Poles and Lithuanians.
13. Throughout the Soviet years,
representatives of three
nationalities dominated in
Vilnius: Lithuanians, Russians
and Poles.
15. Beside the Lithuanians our
culture is also affected by
immigrants, refugees and
foreigners living in Vilnius for a
long time.
16. Vilnius is inhabited by
people of 128 different
ethnicities which makes it
the most ethnically diverse
city in Lithuania.
17. Various events are organized by
civil society organizations and
cultural associations of
individual nations and
nationalities living in Vilnius.
18. The aim of these activities:
- to build intercultural
- to find a real modus of cooperation
- to create the atmosphere and a
sense of security where different
cultures meet and communicate
with each other.
19. Among numerous activities with
multicultural character the most
popular ones are:
POLISH DAY which is on May
3rd. This is a celebration of
Poland's constitution and a
celebration of the Feast of
St. Mary - Queen of Poland.