Vishwanath was Subhash Ghai's second blockbuster film that reunited the lead cast of Shatrughan Sinha and Reena Roy from his debut hit Kalicharan. The film tells the story of an honest lawyer named Vishwanath who is framed and imprisoned by an underworld don named GNK, but seeks vengeance after his release. Though Subhash Ghai named his first two films after famous Indian cricketers, he was not actually a big cricket fan himself.
4. The first two movies ‘Kalicharan’
and ‘Vishwanath’ were named
after renowned Indian cricketers
of that time; namely Alvin
Kalicharan and Gundappa
Vishwanath. Though Subhash
Ghai was not much of a cricket
follower himself.
An honest lawyer, Vishwanath is
implicated and imprisoned at the
behest of powerful underworld
don, GNK and his associates.
After his release from
prison, Vishwanath decides to
seek vengeance