WHO ARE THE AWLIYA (FRIENDS OF ALLAH) ? Introduction Wilayat (Sainthood) is a very special rank and position of acceptance given by Allah to His beloved servants. A Wali is a pious muslim who attains this position of wilayat. Wilayat is deduced from the root word Wila, which means closeness. Some attain this position due to their sincere devotion and worship. Some attain this position from birth, but ultimately, it depends on Allahs mercy and kindness. Wilayat is a shadow of Nabuwat (Prophethood). A Wali, no matter how great his status, cannot reach the status of a Prophet or a Sahaabi (companions of the Holy Prophet Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). All the Awliya Allah belong to the Ahle-Sunnah-wal-Jamaat, and anyone belonging to any other sect cannot be Awliya because they have beliefs contrary to the teachings of Rasoolallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam).