The document discusses the history and development of the internet over the past 50 years, from its origins as a US military program called ARPANET to the commercialization of the world wide web in the 1990s. It grew exponentially from the 1980s onward and became a major force in communications, business, and society through new technologies and greater public access to computers and online content. The internet has profoundly shaped modern life and continues to rapidly evolve and impact nearly all aspects of the global community.
Domuz Gribi Nedir? Belirtileri, Tedavisi | T端rkiye'de Son Durumdomuzgribi
Domuz gribi nedir?
Tarih巽e, olay脹n geliimi
WHO pandemi fazlar脹
Yeni influenza A(H1N1) nedir, nas脹l bula脹r?
Enfeksiyon bulgular脹, belirtiler
Tan脹 ve tedavi
A脹 巽al脹malar脹
D端nyada ve T端rkiye'de son durum
Korunma y旦ntemleri
聴yerinde al脹nacak 旦nlemler
This document discusses the differences between physical and digital businesses across several areas:
- Demand and supply flows are near real-time for digital but take days for physical businesses.
- Digital products like eBooks have much smaller file sizes than physical books, reducing storage and transportation needs.
- Digital searches have negligible costs while physical searches require warehouses and distribution.
- A terabyte of digital storage can hold millions of eBooks, compared to needing over 60,000 square kilometers to store the same number of physical books.
- Digital logistics are much faster than physical, with an eBook transferring in seconds over the internet instead of hours or days for physical shipping.
The document describes Sri Lanka as a tropical island paradise that offers a variety of natural and cultural attractions for tourists. It highlights Sri Lanka's beautiful scenery including beaches, waterfalls, botanical gardens and wildlife reserves where visitors can see elephants, leopards and many birds. The document also summarizes Sri Lanka's rich cultural history seen in ancient ruins, temples and forts dating back thousands of years. Sri Lanka is portrayed as a top tourist destination that can fulfill any traveler's desires through its natural beauty, activities and unique culture.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The document recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to experience these benefits.
Nouns can be either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted and have both a singular and plural form, while uncountable nouns cannot be counted and only have a singular form. Examples of countable nouns include book, apple, dog, and table, while uncountable nouns include substances, concepts, and things viewed as a whole like water, advice, furniture, and money.
The document introduces people from different countries and provides their name, country of origin, nationality, and language spoken. It includes representatives from China, Japan, Korea, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It also notes some differences in how British and American nationalities and languages are described.
This document summarizes information about Adtoma, a digital advertising company founded in 2004 and based in Stockholm, Sweden. It has 60+ customers, 25+ employees, and offices in multiple European countries and New York. The management team has over 50 years of combined experience in online advertising. Adtoma's product, called Adtoma Fusion, aims to simplify, speed up, and smarten the processes of customer relationship management, order booking, and ad trafficking. It consolidates these functions into a single database to eliminate multiple data entry and increase efficiency.
The 48 Laws of Power document outlines strategies for gaining and maintaining power through manipulation and deception. It discusses 43 "laws" or strategies, including never outshining your master, making enemies seem loyal through proving themselves, concealing your intentions, saying less than necessary to appear more powerful, guarding your reputation, courting attention at all costs, getting others to do work for you while taking credit, making others come to you, winning through actions not arguments, associating with successful people, and more. The document provides advice on how to use deception and psychological tactics to control others and rise to positions of power.
This document provides information about using "" and "What...look like?" questions. It discusses:
- Using "" to ask about personality and "What...look like?" to ask about appearance.
- Answering these questions using adjectives to describe people. Adjectives usually follow verbs like "be" or come before nouns.
- The order of adjectives is usually size, age, shape, color when describing appearances.
- It provides examples of questions and responses using these structures and lists adjectives for describing personalities and appearances.
The document appears to be pages from an English language textbook for students. It contains exercises, questions and answers related to a lesson on the weather and activities like "Rain or shine". The teacher's name is listed as Eder Meza Herazo and it involves student book 2, unit 3. Clicking on various parts of the pages would provide answers or access additional content for the lesson.
Este art鱈culo ofrece recomendaciones para mejorar la planeaci坦n, organizaci坦n y redacci坦n de textos escritos. Describe etapas clave como la selecci坦n del tema y la planeaci坦n, y se単ala actitudes inadecuadas observadas en estudiantes como elegir un tema sin analizarlo o por conveniencia. Tambi辿n menciona factores que dificultan la escritura y da lineamientos para delimitar el tema, documentarse y organizar la informaci坦n. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar buenas habilidades de expresi坦n es
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el texto argumentativo y el ensayo, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas y estructura. Explica que el texto argumentativo busca defender una opini坦n o tesis para persuadir al lector, y que el ensayo defiende una tesis con argumentos. Adem叩s, describe la estructura t鱈pica de un texto argumentativo, la cual incluye t鱈tulo, introducci坦n, cuerpo argumentativo y conclusi坦n.
El documento presenta una unidad did叩ctica sobre mapas conceptuales. Explica que los mapas conceptuales son herramientas para organizar y representar el conocimiento basadas en las teor鱈as de aprendizaje de Ausubel. Luego define los elementos de los mapas conceptuales, como conceptos, palabras de enlace y proposiciones, y explica c坦mo crearlos correctamente. Finalmente, incluye ejemplos de mapas conceptuales bien hechos.
This document discusses the differences between physical and digital businesses across several areas:
- Demand and supply flows are near real-time for digital but take days for physical businesses.
- Digital products like eBooks have much smaller file sizes than physical books, reducing storage and transportation needs.
- Digital searches have negligible costs while physical searches require warehouses and distribution.
- A terabyte of digital storage can hold millions of eBooks, compared to needing over 60,000 square kilometers to store the same number of physical books.
- Digital logistics are much faster than physical, with an eBook transferring in seconds over the internet instead of hours or days for physical shipping.
The document describes Sri Lanka as a tropical island paradise that offers a variety of natural and cultural attractions for tourists. It highlights Sri Lanka's beautiful scenery including beaches, waterfalls, botanical gardens and wildlife reserves where visitors can see elephants, leopards and many birds. The document also summarizes Sri Lanka's rich cultural history seen in ancient ruins, temples and forts dating back thousands of years. Sri Lanka is portrayed as a top tourist destination that can fulfill any traveler's desires through its natural beauty, activities and unique culture.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for both physical and mental health. It notes that regular exercise can reduce the risk of diseases like heart disease and diabetes, improve mood, and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. The document recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week to experience these benefits.
Nouns can be either countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted and have both a singular and plural form, while uncountable nouns cannot be counted and only have a singular form. Examples of countable nouns include book, apple, dog, and table, while uncountable nouns include substances, concepts, and things viewed as a whole like water, advice, furniture, and money.
The document introduces people from different countries and provides their name, country of origin, nationality, and language spoken. It includes representatives from China, Japan, Korea, France, Italy, Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It also notes some differences in how British and American nationalities and languages are described.
This document summarizes information about Adtoma, a digital advertising company founded in 2004 and based in Stockholm, Sweden. It has 60+ customers, 25+ employees, and offices in multiple European countries and New York. The management team has over 50 years of combined experience in online advertising. Adtoma's product, called Adtoma Fusion, aims to simplify, speed up, and smarten the processes of customer relationship management, order booking, and ad trafficking. It consolidates these functions into a single database to eliminate multiple data entry and increase efficiency.
The 48 Laws of Power document outlines strategies for gaining and maintaining power through manipulation and deception. It discusses 43 "laws" or strategies, including never outshining your master, making enemies seem loyal through proving themselves, concealing your intentions, saying less than necessary to appear more powerful, guarding your reputation, courting attention at all costs, getting others to do work for you while taking credit, making others come to you, winning through actions not arguments, associating with successful people, and more. The document provides advice on how to use deception and psychological tactics to control others and rise to positions of power.
This document provides information about using "" and "What...look like?" questions. It discusses:
- Using "" to ask about personality and "What...look like?" to ask about appearance.
- Answering these questions using adjectives to describe people. Adjectives usually follow verbs like "be" or come before nouns.
- The order of adjectives is usually size, age, shape, color when describing appearances.
- It provides examples of questions and responses using these structures and lists adjectives for describing personalities and appearances.
The document appears to be pages from an English language textbook for students. It contains exercises, questions and answers related to a lesson on the weather and activities like "Rain or shine". The teacher's name is listed as Eder Meza Herazo and it involves student book 2, unit 3. Clicking on various parts of the pages would provide answers or access additional content for the lesson.
Este art鱈culo ofrece recomendaciones para mejorar la planeaci坦n, organizaci坦n y redacci坦n de textos escritos. Describe etapas clave como la selecci坦n del tema y la planeaci坦n, y se単ala actitudes inadecuadas observadas en estudiantes como elegir un tema sin analizarlo o por conveniencia. Tambi辿n menciona factores que dificultan la escritura y da lineamientos para delimitar el tema, documentarse y organizar la informaci坦n. El objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a desarrollar buenas habilidades de expresi坦n es
El documento presenta informaci坦n sobre el texto argumentativo y el ensayo, incluyendo sus caracter鱈sticas y estructura. Explica que el texto argumentativo busca defender una opini坦n o tesis para persuadir al lector, y que el ensayo defiende una tesis con argumentos. Adem叩s, describe la estructura t鱈pica de un texto argumentativo, la cual incluye t鱈tulo, introducci坦n, cuerpo argumentativo y conclusi坦n.
El documento presenta una unidad did叩ctica sobre mapas conceptuales. Explica que los mapas conceptuales son herramientas para organizar y representar el conocimiento basadas en las teor鱈as de aprendizaje de Ausubel. Luego define los elementos de los mapas conceptuales, como conceptos, palabras de enlace y proposiciones, y explica c坦mo crearlos correctamente. Finalmente, incluye ejemplos de mapas conceptuales bien hechos.
Este poema describe c坦mo las personas se acostumbran a vivir rutinas apresuradas y estresantes que las alejan de disfrutar plenamente de la vida. Se acostumbran a no mirar hacia afuera, a comer y dormir r叩pido sin haber vivido realmente el d鱈a. Se acostumbran a esperar el fin de semana para descansar en lugar de aprovechar cada momento. Al ahorrar vida de esta forma, en realidad se pierde la oportunidad de vivir. En lugar de eso, debemos cambiar nuestros h叩bitos para tener una mejor calidad
El documento contiene una serie de reflexiones sobre las lecciones que se aprenden con el tiempo sobre las relaciones interpersonales y la vida. Se enfatiza que con el tiempo uno aprende a valorar las verdaderas amistades y relaciones, a no depender de otros para la felicidad, y a vivir el momento presente.
Este documento describe los principales elementos del 糸庄壊艶単看 gr叩fico para interfaces de usuario como la importancia del color, las formas, el tama単o y la composici坦n. Explica c坦mo estos elementos pueden usarse para crear una interfaz intuitiva y de f叩cil uso centrada en el usuario.
Este documento describe los principios b叩sicos del 糸庄壊艶単看 de interfaces gr叩ficas de usuario, incluyendo los elementos del 糸庄壊艶単看 gr叩fico como el color, la forma y la composici坦n, y t辿cnicas como el 辿nfasis visual y el uso efectivo de iconos. Tambi辿n discute la importancia de considerar la psicolog鱈a y fisiolog鱈a humanas al dise単ar interfaces intuitivas que faciliten la experiencia del usuario.
La socioling端鱈stica estudia la variaci坦n ling端鱈stica y c坦mo factores sociales como la edad, el sexo, la educaci坦n y el grupo 辿tnico influyen en el lenguaje. Examina por qu辿 diferentes personas usan variaciones ling端鱈sticas y trata de identificar procesos de cambio en el lenguaje y las fronteras sociales de los usos ling端鱈sticos. Tambi辿n analiza conceptos como las actitudes ling端鱈sticas, las variables socioling端鱈sticas, los lenguajes en contacto y la diglosia.