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Margaret Cantrell
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
                Class of 2014
  Competition coordinator  Sophie Russell
Smokey Cantrell

12 October 2010

Smokey is an 8 YO spayed female domestic short hair feline weighing 3.86 kg. The owner reported that the pet
had not been eating well for about 2 weeks and has been lethargic for several days. The owner was unsure if the
pet had been drinking water, as the dish is shared between the pet and two dogs. The owner also reported that
to the best of his knowledge, the pet has had no vomiting or diarrhea. Upon presentation, the pet was
depressed, icterus was noted at the ears, nose, sclera, and mucous membranes, and the hair coat was unkempt.

The pet was presented for evaluation of anorexia and lethargy. Temperature was 100.5甬F and weight was noted
to be 3.86 kg. Smokey is not on any medications, including flea/tick/heartworm prevention. The only
abnormality noted on physical examination was icterus. Neurologic examination revealed that all cranial nerves
are intact, and no neurologic abnormalities were noted. In-house biochemistry revealed a slightly elevated
blood glucose (149 mg/dL, normal 70-130 mg/dL), elevated ALP (358 U/I, normal 0-90 U/I), and low BUN (9.8
mg/dL, normal 15.0-32.0 mg/dL). Values for creatinine, ALT, and total protein were within normal limits.

Based on clinical presentation and biochemical analysis, a differential list of hepatic lipidosis, hemolytic anemia,
and Haemobartonella felis was made. To help minimize the differential list, additional blood work was sent to an
outside lab for a complete blood count and smear. These tests revealed a stress leukogram, thrombocytosis, and
slightly decreased hemoglobin (9.3 g/dL, normal 9.5-15 g/dL). An increased RDW was also noted on CBC (27.4%,
normal 14.0-18.5%), but on microscopic examination, it was found that both WBC and RBC morphology were
normal. The blood smear did not demonstrate H. felis organisms, but because ALT is not significantly increased,
along with the presence of both icterus and anemia, H. felis is the primary differential for this case.

Due to poor condition on presentation, it was recommended that the pet remain at the clinic for observation for
2-3 days. Though the pet was not noted to be dehydrated, 200 mL of LRS was administered subcutaneously on
the day of presentation as a precautionary measure. Additionally, 0.75 mL of Baytril and 0.5 mL of prednisone
were given to control the suspected hematological disorders. When the pet was released to the owner 3 days
later (on 15 October 2010), prescriptions for doxycycline (25 mg/mL) and prednisone (8 mg/mL) were filled and
sent home, with 1 mL of each to be administered twice each day for one week, at which time the pet will need
to return for a recheck.

22 October 2010

Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet is still not eating well, and that it has been difficult to
administer medication to the pet, and as a result, there have been several missed doses over the past week. The
pet is still very icteric and coat is unkempt, though hydration status appears to be normal.

Physical examination revealed that icterus is still present and appears to have worsened. Weight was noted to
have decreased since the last visit, and is now 3.64 kg. Temperature was recorded at 101.7甬F. In-house
chemistry and PCV were done. ALP has increased since presentation (594 U/I, normal 0-90 U/I), and ALT is also
slightly elevated (101 U/I, normal 0-85 U/I), and BUN has further decreased (7.6 mg/dL, normal 15.0-32.0
mg/dL). PCV has dropped since the last visit (from 26.9% to 24.8%, normal 25.0-45.0%), though it is only slightly
below the range. Values for blood glucose, total protein, and creatinine were all within normal limits. CBC
revealed lymphocytopenia (1.0 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), monocytosis (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2-1.0 x
103/袖L), and mild granulocytosis (13.1 x 103/袖L, normal 2.8-13.0 x 103/袖L), in addition to an increased RDWa
(38.5 fl, normal 20.0-35.0 fl) and RDW% (26.0%, normal 14.0-18.5%). Platelet count is improved since last visit,
and is now within normal limits.

Clinical signs appear to have worsened since the last visit. Additionally, an insignificant increase in ALT alongside
continuing icterus and anemia continues to support a tentative diagnosis of H. felis. Hepatic lipidosis can be
ruled out due to the absence of a significant increase in ALT.

Though thrombocytosis has resolved, other abnormalities in blood work and worsening icterus indicate that the
pet still needs to continue treatment. Differential list still includes hepatic lipidosis, hemolytic anemia, and H.
felis, though hemobartonellosis is more strongly suspected. The pet was given 他 mL Depo-medrol IM and was
sent home with 22.7 mg Baytril, to be given SID for 7 days. The owner was instructed to keep a close eye on the
pet, and to encourage the pet to eat. Recheck in one week is recommended, at which time another CBC will be

29 October 2010

Recheck appointment. Owner reports some improvement since last visit, stating that the pet has been eating,
though only a few bites each day. Owner also stated that the pet has not been hiding as much, and no doses of
medication have been missed since the last visit.

On physical examination, icterus was noted to still be present, though it does appear to have improved since the
last visit. Weight has continued to decrease, and is now 3.30 kg. Temperature was recorded at 99.6甬F, and PCV
has increased since last visit (24.8% to 27.1%, normal 25.0-45.0%). In-house CBC was done, and noted a
continued mild lymphocytopenia (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), monocytosis (1.9 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2-
1.0 x 103/袖L), and increased RDW% (23.4%, normal 14.0-18.5%). All other values were within normal limits.

Continuing resolution of clinical signs suggest that the animal is recovering. Of concern, however, is continued
weight loss, which will need to be monitored closely in the coming weeks. Icterus, though still present, seems to
be resolving. This, in conjunction with an increased PCV since the last visit, strongly suggests that the patients
condition is improving.

Because icterus has not yet resolved, treatment will be continued. The pet was given 他 mL Depo-medrol IM, and
was sent home with instructions to be given 22.7 mg Baytril to be given SID for 14 days, at which time the pet
should return for a reassessment. Because weight has continued to decrease, the owner was instructed to
encourage the pet to eat, and to notify the clinic with any further concerns.

12 November 2010

Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet has been eating some since the last visit, and that there have
been no issues in administering medication. Additionally, icterus appears to be resolving.

Physical examination revealed that icterus is present, though appears to be less noticeable than at the previous
visit. The pets weight was recorded at 3.30 kg (same as last visit). In-house CBC revealed a continued mild
lymphocytopenia (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L) and monocytosis that has increased since the last visit
(from 1.9 x 103/袖L to 2.3 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2-1.0 x 103/袖L). Likewise, RDW% has increased since the last visit
(from 23.4% to 24.3%, normal 14.0-18.5%). Anemia is continuing to resolve, with PCV recorded at 27.5% at this
visit, compared to 27.1% at the prior visit (normal 25.0-45.0%).

Recovery appears to be progressing smoothly, as anemia and icterus are resolving, and weight has been
maintained over the past two weeks. Lymphocytopenia and monocytosis may be attributed to the suspected

Though resolving, the continued presence of icterus necessitates continuing treatment. As such, the owner was
instructed to continue giving 22.7 mg Baytril SID for 14 days, at which time the pet should return for a recheck.

29 November 2010

Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet appears to be feeling better, as evidenced by fractious
behavior, which owner states is normal for the pet. Owner also reports that the pet has been ravenously
hungry since the last visit.

Physical exam revealed that icterus is almost completely resolved. PCV was noted to have improved since the
last visit, increasing from 27.5% to 29.3% (normal 25.0-45.0%). CBC also revealed a continuing mild
lymphocytosis (1.4 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), increased RDW% (24.5%, normal 14.0-18.5%), as well as
thrombocytosis (570 x 103/袖L, normal 200-500 x 103/袖L) and slightly decreased MPV (7.7 fl, normal 8.0-12.0 fl).
Additionally, the pet has lost weight since the last visit, and was noted to be 3.18 kg.

Icterus has almost completely resolved and PCV has risen to an acceptable level, and as a result, it would appear
that the haemobartonellosis has resolved. However, based on the new discovery of a ravenous appetite couple
with continued weight loss, it is possible that the pet has developed either steroid-induced appetite stimulation
(as a consequence of Depo-medrol administration) or has hyperthyroidism. A T4 panel was sent to an outside
laboratory to rule out hyperthyroidism. T4 was found to be within normal limits at 1.3 袖g/dL (normal 0.8-4.7

Because the haemobartonellosis appears to have resolved, Depo-medrol injections are no longer necessary, and
the owner was told to discontinue use of Baytril. Based on the normal T4 value, it may be said that the pet is not
a hyperthyroid patient, but it cannot be ruled out indefinitely. If the pet does, in fact, have hyperthyroidism, the
normal value could be due to euthyroid sick syndrome, or the pet could be in the early stages of the
hyperthyroidism. In order to confirm, further testing (i.e., evaluation of free T4 or a T3 suppression test) would
need to be performed in several weeks, once we can be fairly certain that there are no interfering factors
present. At this time, owner declined such tests. A recheck in 3-4 weeks, at which time a PCV should be obtained
to determine if all hematological values have returned to normal.
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
VPI-VBMA Case Study
                        NO COVER SHEET NECESSARY. Fax to: 714-989-5600                                                                      No.of pages:                 1

                        Take this form to your veterinarian to complete Section 2. Veterinarians signature not required.

   1          POLICYHOLDER INFORMATION                                             2      Fill in below. ONE CLAIM FORM PER PET. You must submit
                                                                                          itemized receipts. You must provide us with veterinary medical records
                                                                                          when we request them. Claims that are NOT COMPLETE or MISSING
POLICY NO:                                                                                itemized, legible receipts or invoices may be delayed.

                                                                                          WELLNESS                 TREATMENT                     HOSPITAL/
BREED:        DSH                                                                        TREATMENTS                   DATE                        CLINIC

                                                                                       Wellness Exam                   /       /
                                                                                       Annual Lab Tests                /       /

                                                                                       Vaccinations                    /       /
STATE: SC                                 ZIP: 29715                                   Dental                          /       /
PHONE (H): (803) 548-1133
                                                                                       Spay/Neuter                     /       /

                                                                                       Heartworm/Flea Medication       /       /

                                                                                                  TREATMENT                           HOSPITAL/
                    Please provide a diagnosis, or a tentative diagnosis,
                          not a description of services performed.                                   DATE                              CLINIC

 HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS)                                                                      10 / 12 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

 HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS)                                                                      10 / 22 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

 HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS)                                                                      10 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

 HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS)                                                                      11 / 12 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

 HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS)                                                                      11 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

 HYPERTHYROIDISM                                                                                      11 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC

                                                                                                        /    /

   3          TOTAL AMOUNT SUBMITTED                                               5                                                         MAIL:
                                                                                                FAX:             OR             VPI Claims Department

               $ 470.00                                                                     (Preferred Method)               PO Box 2344, Brea CA 92822
                                                                                                                       PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, PAPER CLIPS OR TAPE
                                                                                          714-989-5600                    to attach receipts or invoices to your claim form.

You must submit receipts for all veterinary service charges. All
submitted fees may not be eligible for coverage. Fees that exceed                               Visit the VPI Policyholder Portal at my.petinsurance.com
benefit schedule limits are your responsibility.
                                                                                                 to download claim forms, view claims status and more.
By signing this Claim Form, I confirm that to the best of my
knowledge the information I have provided is true and correct. I
                                                                                       VPI DOCUMENT CENTER                    CLAIMS NOTES (VPI use only)
authorize the release of my pet's medical records to Veterinary Pet                          USE ONLY
Insurance Company/DVM Insurance Agency.


              X                                                 /   /

CF-1(08-09)            息2009 Veterinary Pet Insurance Company           10RET928

      CLAIM FORM CHECKLIST                                                                 
          I entered in my policy number, pet information and my contact information.

          This claim form includes only one pet.

          My veterinarian helped me complete Section 2 with the diagnosis(es),
           treatment date and the name of the hospital/clinic.

          I included all of my itemized and legible receipts/invoices.

          My pet's name and policy number are clearly identified on each

          I added up all my eligible receipts and entered the Total Amount Submitted.

          I signed and dated this claim form. (My veterinarian is not required to
           sign this form.)

          I submitted this claim form and all supporting receipts/invoices to the VPI
           Claims Department. I understand that claim forms that are incomplete or
           missing itemized and legible supporting receipts/invoices may be delayed.

          I kept a back-up copy of all documentation submitted for my records.

          If medical records are requested to process this claim, I understand that it is
           my responsibility to provide them to VPI.

           Two ways to submit your claim:
                 Fax 714-989-5600
        VPI Claims Department, PO Box 2344, Brea, CA 92822
   If FAXING your claim, DO NOT MAIL IT IN. Duplicate claims submission may delay processing.

Fraud Warning: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other
person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information
or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a
fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and may subject such person to criminal and civil penalties.
Not applicable in Nebraska, Oregon and Vermont.

                                                                    A         B
                                                                 Primary Secondary
Code Diagnosis                                                  Allowance Allowance

INFECTIOUS (Virus, Bacteria, & Fungus)
2008   Haemobartonella (Mycoplasmosis)                              $350 | $140

2921   Hyperthyroidism                                              $720 | $290

   2921 A
   2008 A

   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A

   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A

   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A

   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A
   2008 A

                       Invoice total:   $470.00
                                     BASED ON INVOICE AND BENEFIT ALLOWANCES

                                                                                               VPI速 Major
                                                                      Eligible veterinary                          Eligible
      Conditions         Veterinary Fees      Annual deductible                                Medical Plan
                                                                             fees1                                 Amount
                                                                                             Benefit Allowance
                        $42000                      -$10000                  $31700                $35000           $31700
    Hyperthyroidism     $5000                                                $5000                 $72000           $5000
         Invoice total: $47000                                                           Total reimbursement:       $36700

Reimbursed fees: $367 00

Fees paid out-of-pocket: $10300

Fees incurred without insurance: $470 00

  $300 boarding fees are ineligible for coverage; $42000 veterinary fees - $10000 deductible - $300 ineligible fees = $31700
eligible veterinary fees

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VPI-VBMA Case Study

  • 1. Margaret Cantrell Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2014 margaretcantrell@students.rossu.edu Competition coordinator Sophie Russell
  • 2. Smokey Cantrell 12 October 2010 SUBJECTIVE Smokey is an 8 YO spayed female domestic short hair feline weighing 3.86 kg. The owner reported that the pet had not been eating well for about 2 weeks and has been lethargic for several days. The owner was unsure if the pet had been drinking water, as the dish is shared between the pet and two dogs. The owner also reported that to the best of his knowledge, the pet has had no vomiting or diarrhea. Upon presentation, the pet was depressed, icterus was noted at the ears, nose, sclera, and mucous membranes, and the hair coat was unkempt. OBJECTIVE The pet was presented for evaluation of anorexia and lethargy. Temperature was 100.5甬F and weight was noted to be 3.86 kg. Smokey is not on any medications, including flea/tick/heartworm prevention. The only abnormality noted on physical examination was icterus. Neurologic examination revealed that all cranial nerves are intact, and no neurologic abnormalities were noted. In-house biochemistry revealed a slightly elevated blood glucose (149 mg/dL, normal 70-130 mg/dL), elevated ALP (358 U/I, normal 0-90 U/I), and low BUN (9.8 mg/dL, normal 15.0-32.0 mg/dL). Values for creatinine, ALT, and total protein were within normal limits. ASSESSMENT Based on clinical presentation and biochemical analysis, a differential list of hepatic lipidosis, hemolytic anemia, and Haemobartonella felis was made. To help minimize the differential list, additional blood work was sent to an outside lab for a complete blood count and smear. These tests revealed a stress leukogram, thrombocytosis, and slightly decreased hemoglobin (9.3 g/dL, normal 9.5-15 g/dL). An increased RDW was also noted on CBC (27.4%, normal 14.0-18.5%), but on microscopic examination, it was found that both WBC and RBC morphology were normal. The blood smear did not demonstrate H. felis organisms, but because ALT is not significantly increased, along with the presence of both icterus and anemia, H. felis is the primary differential for this case. PLAN Due to poor condition on presentation, it was recommended that the pet remain at the clinic for observation for 2-3 days. Though the pet was not noted to be dehydrated, 200 mL of LRS was administered subcutaneously on the day of presentation as a precautionary measure. Additionally, 0.75 mL of Baytril and 0.5 mL of prednisone were given to control the suspected hematological disorders. When the pet was released to the owner 3 days later (on 15 October 2010), prescriptions for doxycycline (25 mg/mL) and prednisone (8 mg/mL) were filled and sent home, with 1 mL of each to be administered twice each day for one week, at which time the pet will need to return for a recheck. 22 October 2010 SUBJECTIVE Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet is still not eating well, and that it has been difficult to
  • 3. administer medication to the pet, and as a result, there have been several missed doses over the past week. The pet is still very icteric and coat is unkempt, though hydration status appears to be normal. OBJECTIVE Physical examination revealed that icterus is still present and appears to have worsened. Weight was noted to have decreased since the last visit, and is now 3.64 kg. Temperature was recorded at 101.7甬F. In-house chemistry and PCV were done. ALP has increased since presentation (594 U/I, normal 0-90 U/I), and ALT is also slightly elevated (101 U/I, normal 0-85 U/I), and BUN has further decreased (7.6 mg/dL, normal 15.0-32.0 mg/dL). PCV has dropped since the last visit (from 26.9% to 24.8%, normal 25.0-45.0%), though it is only slightly below the range. Values for blood glucose, total protein, and creatinine were all within normal limits. CBC revealed lymphocytopenia (1.0 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), monocytosis (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2-1.0 x 103/袖L), and mild granulocytosis (13.1 x 103/袖L, normal 2.8-13.0 x 103/袖L), in addition to an increased RDWa (38.5 fl, normal 20.0-35.0 fl) and RDW% (26.0%, normal 14.0-18.5%). Platelet count is improved since last visit, and is now within normal limits. ASSESSMENT Clinical signs appear to have worsened since the last visit. Additionally, an insignificant increase in ALT alongside continuing icterus and anemia continues to support a tentative diagnosis of H. felis. Hepatic lipidosis can be ruled out due to the absence of a significant increase in ALT. PLAN Though thrombocytosis has resolved, other abnormalities in blood work and worsening icterus indicate that the pet still needs to continue treatment. Differential list still includes hepatic lipidosis, hemolytic anemia, and H. felis, though hemobartonellosis is more strongly suspected. The pet was given 他 mL Depo-medrol IM and was sent home with 22.7 mg Baytril, to be given SID for 7 days. The owner was instructed to keep a close eye on the pet, and to encourage the pet to eat. Recheck in one week is recommended, at which time another CBC will be done. 29 October 2010 SUBJECTIVE Recheck appointment. Owner reports some improvement since last visit, stating that the pet has been eating, though only a few bites each day. Owner also stated that the pet has not been hiding as much, and no doses of medication have been missed since the last visit. OBJECTIVE On physical examination, icterus was noted to still be present, though it does appear to have improved since the last visit. Weight has continued to decrease, and is now 3.30 kg. Temperature was recorded at 99.6甬F, and PCV has increased since last visit (24.8% to 27.1%, normal 25.0-45.0%). In-house CBC was done, and noted a continued mild lymphocytopenia (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), monocytosis (1.9 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2- 1.0 x 103/袖L), and increased RDW% (23.4%, normal 14.0-18.5%). All other values were within normal limits. ASSESSMENT Continuing resolution of clinical signs suggest that the animal is recovering. Of concern, however, is continued
  • 4. weight loss, which will need to be monitored closely in the coming weeks. Icterus, though still present, seems to be resolving. This, in conjunction with an increased PCV since the last visit, strongly suggests that the patients condition is improving. PLAN Because icterus has not yet resolved, treatment will be continued. The pet was given 他 mL Depo-medrol IM, and was sent home with instructions to be given 22.7 mg Baytril to be given SID for 14 days, at which time the pet should return for a reassessment. Because weight has continued to decrease, the owner was instructed to encourage the pet to eat, and to notify the clinic with any further concerns. 12 November 2010 SUBJECTIVE Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet has been eating some since the last visit, and that there have been no issues in administering medication. Additionally, icterus appears to be resolving. OBJECTIVE Physical examination revealed that icterus is present, though appears to be less noticeable than at the previous visit. The pets weight was recorded at 3.30 kg (same as last visit). In-house CBC revealed a continued mild lymphocytopenia (1.7 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L) and monocytosis that has increased since the last visit (from 1.9 x 103/袖L to 2.3 x 103/袖L, normal 0.2-1.0 x 103/袖L). Likewise, RDW% has increased since the last visit (from 23.4% to 24.3%, normal 14.0-18.5%). Anemia is continuing to resolve, with PCV recorded at 27.5% at this visit, compared to 27.1% at the prior visit (normal 25.0-45.0%). ASSESSMENT Recovery appears to be progressing smoothly, as anemia and icterus are resolving, and weight has been maintained over the past two weeks. Lymphocytopenia and monocytosis may be attributed to the suspected haemobartonellosis. PLAN Though resolving, the continued presence of icterus necessitates continuing treatment. As such, the owner was instructed to continue giving 22.7 mg Baytril SID for 14 days, at which time the pet should return for a recheck. 29 November 2010 SUBJECTIVE Recheck appointment. Owner reports that the pet appears to be feeling better, as evidenced by fractious behavior, which owner states is normal for the pet. Owner also reports that the pet has been ravenously hungry since the last visit. OBJECTIVE Physical exam revealed that icterus is almost completely resolved. PCV was noted to have improved since the last visit, increasing from 27.5% to 29.3% (normal 25.0-45.0%). CBC also revealed a continuing mild lymphocytosis (1.4 x 103/袖L, normal 1.8-7.0 x 103/袖L), increased RDW% (24.5%, normal 14.0-18.5%), as well as
  • 5. thrombocytosis (570 x 103/袖L, normal 200-500 x 103/袖L) and slightly decreased MPV (7.7 fl, normal 8.0-12.0 fl). Additionally, the pet has lost weight since the last visit, and was noted to be 3.18 kg. ASSESSMENT Icterus has almost completely resolved and PCV has risen to an acceptable level, and as a result, it would appear that the haemobartonellosis has resolved. However, based on the new discovery of a ravenous appetite couple with continued weight loss, it is possible that the pet has developed either steroid-induced appetite stimulation (as a consequence of Depo-medrol administration) or has hyperthyroidism. A T4 panel was sent to an outside laboratory to rule out hyperthyroidism. T4 was found to be within normal limits at 1.3 袖g/dL (normal 0.8-4.7 袖g/dL). PLAN Because the haemobartonellosis appears to have resolved, Depo-medrol injections are no longer necessary, and the owner was told to discontinue use of Baytril. Based on the normal T4 value, it may be said that the pet is not a hyperthyroid patient, but it cannot be ruled out indefinitely. If the pet does, in fact, have hyperthyroidism, the normal value could be due to euthyroid sick syndrome, or the pet could be in the early stages of the hyperthyroidism. In order to confirm, further testing (i.e., evaluation of free T4 or a T3 suppression test) would need to be performed in several weeks, once we can be fairly certain that there are no interfering factors present. At this time, owner declined such tests. A recheck in 3-4 weeks, at which time a PCV should be obtained to determine if all hematological values have returned to normal.
  • 16. VPI PET INSURANCE CLAIM FORM NO COVER SHEET NECESSARY. Fax to: 714-989-5600 No.of pages: 1 Take this form to your veterinarian to complete Section 2. Veterinarians signature not required. 1 POLICYHOLDER INFORMATION 2 Fill in below. ONE CLAIM FORM PER PET. You must submit itemized receipts. You must provide us with veterinary medical records when we request them. Claims that are NOT COMPLETE or MISSING POLICY NO: itemized, legible receipts or invoices may be delayed. PET NAME: "SMOKEY" CANTRELL WELLNESS TREATMENT HOSPITAL/ BREED: DSH TREATMENTS DATE CLINIC AGE: 8YO Wellness Exam / / NAME: JOE CANTRELL Annual Lab Tests / / ADDRESS: 114 SHARONVIEW ST. CITY: FORT MILL Vaccinations / / STATE: SC ZIP: 29715 Dental / / PHONE (H): (803) 548-1133 Spay/Neuter / / PHONE (B): EMAIL: Heartworm/Flea Medication / / DIAGNOSIS(ES) TREATMENT HOSPITAL/ Please provide a diagnosis, or a tentative diagnosis, not a description of services performed. DATE CLINIC HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS) 10 / 12 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS) 10 / 22 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS) 10 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS) 11 / 12 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC HAEMOBARTONELLA (MYCOPLASMOSIS) 11 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC HYPERTHYROIDISM 11 / 29 / 10 FORT MILL ANIMAL CLINIC / / 3 TOTAL AMOUNT SUBMITTED 5 MAIL: FAX: OR VPI Claims Department $ 470.00 (Preferred Method) PO Box 2344, Brea CA 92822 PLEASE DO NOT USE STAPLES, PAPER CLIPS OR TAPE 714-989-5600 to attach receipts or invoices to your claim form. You must submit receipts for all veterinary service charges. All submitted fees may not be eligible for coverage. Fees that exceed Visit the VPI Policyholder Portal at my.petinsurance.com benefit schedule limits are your responsibility. to download claim forms, view claims status and more. By signing this Claim Form, I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided is true and correct. I VPI DOCUMENT CENTER CLAIMS NOTES (VPI use only) authorize the release of my pet's medical records to Veterinary Pet USE ONLY Insurance Company/DVM Insurance Agency. 4 POLICYHOLDER SIGNATURE and DATE X / / CF-1(08-09) 息2009 Veterinary Pet Insurance Company 10RET928
  • 17. FAX ONLY THE FRONT OF THIS CLAIM FORM. NO COVER SHEET REQUIRED. CLAIM FORM CHECKLIST I entered in my policy number, pet information and my contact information. This claim form includes only one pet. My veterinarian helped me complete Section 2 with the diagnosis(es), treatment date and the name of the hospital/clinic. I included all of my itemized and legible receipts/invoices. My pet's name and policy number are clearly identified on each receipt/invoice. I added up all my eligible receipts and entered the Total Amount Submitted. I signed and dated this claim form. (My veterinarian is not required to sign this form.) I submitted this claim form and all supporting receipts/invoices to the VPI Claims Department. I understand that claim forms that are incomplete or missing itemized and legible supporting receipts/invoices may be delayed. I kept a back-up copy of all documentation submitted for my records. If medical records are requested to process this claim, I understand that it is my responsibility to provide them to VPI. Two ways to submit your claim: Fax 714-989-5600 OR VPI Claims Department, PO Box 2344, Brea, CA 92822 If FAXING your claim, DO NOT MAIL IT IN. Duplicate claims submission may delay processing. Fraud Warning: Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and may subject such person to criminal and civil penalties. Not applicable in Nebraska, Oregon and Vermont.
  • 18. VPI速 MAJOR MEDICAL PLAN BENEFIT SCHEDULE SECTIONS USED FOR CALCULATION OF CLAIM REIMBURSEMENT A B Primary Secondary Code Diagnosis Allowance Allowance INFECTIOUS (Virus, Bacteria, & Fungus) Conditions 2008 Haemobartonella (Mycoplasmosis) $350 | $140 ENDOCRINOLOGY Conditions 2921 Hyperthyroidism $720 | $290
  • 19. INVOICE 2921 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A 2008 A INELIGIBLE Invoice total: $470.00
  • 20. CLAIM CALCULATION BASED ON INVOICE AND BENEFIT ALLOWANCES VPI速 Major Eligible veterinary Eligible Conditions Veterinary Fees Annual deductible Medical Plan fees1 Amount Benefit Allowance Haemobartonella $42000 -$10000 $31700 $35000 $31700 (Mycoplasmosis) Hyperthyroidism $5000 $5000 $72000 $5000 Invoice total: $47000 Total reimbursement: $36700 Reimbursed fees: $367 00 Fees paid out-of-pocket: $10300 Fees incurred without insurance: $470 00 1 $300 boarding fees are ineligible for coverage; $42000 veterinary fees - $10000 deductible - $300 ineligible fees = $31700 eligible veterinary fees