Tejaswi Drushti Bestseller For Super Eyesight Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
This document provides a 15-step routine for eye exercises and relaxation techniques. Each step provides instructions for specific eye movements or visualizations exercises to be repeated 10 times. The routines include instructions to shift gaze between close and distant focal points, rotate the eyes in clockwise and counterclockwise patterns, and move the eyes between different positions on an imaginary clock face. The overall document promotes the 15-step routine as a method for eye health and relaxation.
The document discusses the wide-ranging effects of stress on secretion leads to insomnia.
all aspects of individual life including the mind, body, c) Stressors can act on the hypothalamus which is
intelligence, education, career, relationships, family, and responsible for regulation of autonomic nervous system
social behavior. It outlines how stress can manifest physically and endocrine system. Disturbance in hypothalamic
through appearances, the nervous system, cardiovascular
Ankur (Bestseller Marathi Poetry) Dr. Shriiwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document contains contact information for Dr. Shrinivas Kashalikar over 19 pages, including his email address drsuperliving@gmail.com and website www.superliving.net, which are listed at the top of each page.
Yoga The Connection Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Yoga is conceived in many ways and is a connection between one's global perspective, thoughts, emotions, and actions in every sphere of life. It also connects metabolic, endocrine, autonomic, and central nervous system activities as well as the right and left cerebral cortex. This yoga can be achieved through NAMASMARAN, as one can verify.
Yoga Karma And Namasmaran Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
1) Nishkama karma in the Bhagavad Gita refers to action without attachment to the results or expectations of outcomes.
2) It is difficult but important to focus on the action itself without getting distracted by or obsessed with desires for particular outcomes.
3) The most evolved actions, like namasmaran (remembering God), become so subtle that the distinction between action and result merges, eliminating attachment and ownership over outcomes.
Yoga And Superliving Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document discusses the principles of yoga. It states that there are three components to human response - cognition, affect, and conation. The final stage of yoga is the union of these three components, where one senses beyond normal capacity, feels on a deep emotional level, and responds in a way that transcends typical action. This culmination represents the accurate perception, personal satisfaction, and benevolence towards others that marks both individual and universal progress. Remembering God's name, as inspired by a guru, can help achieve this stage of yoga.
World Famous Prayer Interpretation By Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
[1] This prayer seeks happiness, health, and well-being for all, with no grief.
[2] While some object to prayer seeing it as weakness, the author explains prayers help connect to infinite cosmic powers and remove "blocks" like ego that develop in humans.
[3] Prayers and chanting help reconnect us to the empowering source of consciousness and remove feelings of isolation, reestablishing our link to the greater whole, like leaves reconnecting to the roots of the tree.
1) Prayer is meant to catalyze the culmination of any work in complete satisfaction and global welfare.
2) The essence of worshipping Lord Ganesha is that he represents the experience of enlightenment and cosmic oneness with one's inner and outer environment.
3) It is customary to pray to Lord Ganesha before starting any work because realizing truth is important for accurate vision, decision making, and successful action. These prayers provide holistic health or self-realization.
Why Holistic Medicine Dr Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document discusses why holistic medicine is important. It notes that people have experienced the benefits of treatments like yoga, Ayurveda, and allopathy. More importantly, it is realized that different modalities of treatment, even those not considered formal treatments like music and clothing, work together in complementary and synergistic ways. Since the overall purpose of medicine is to promote holistic health, eradicate disease, and reduce misery, all skills and knowledge from various fields must be combined to achieve this goal.
What Is Wellbeing Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Physical health is indicated by attributes like strength, coordination, posture, and endurance. In aging populations, good memory, senses, sleep, mood, and skin are also indicators. However, the most important sign of wellbeing is being connected to one's true or cosmic self through a process called anusandhan. This state appears to have a benevolent, enlightening effect on the universe. Whether the practice of namasmaran can help achieve this mental state of objective wellbeing is for readers to experience.
What Is Anusandhan Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Anusandhan is a state of being connected to one's true self, which traditions identify as God as inspired by the Guru. This state has surpassed subjective prejudices and is associated solely with global welfare. It has no petty pursuits or mean considerations, and is an objective state that has a benevolent effect of facilitating freedom for the entire universe. Anusandhan can also be considered the state of ultimate freedom in the truest sense.
Ankur (Bestseller Marathi Poetry) Dr. Shriiwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document contains contact information for Dr. Shrinivas Kashalikar over 19 pages, including his email address drsuperliving@gmail.com and website www.superliving.net, which are listed at the top of each page.
Yoga The Connection Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Yoga is conceived in many ways and is a connection between one's global perspective, thoughts, emotions, and actions in every sphere of life. It also connects metabolic, endocrine, autonomic, and central nervous system activities as well as the right and left cerebral cortex. This yoga can be achieved through NAMASMARAN, as one can verify.
Yoga Karma And Namasmaran Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
1) Nishkama karma in the Bhagavad Gita refers to action without attachment to the results or expectations of outcomes.
2) It is difficult but important to focus on the action itself without getting distracted by or obsessed with desires for particular outcomes.
3) The most evolved actions, like namasmaran (remembering God), become so subtle that the distinction between action and result merges, eliminating attachment and ownership over outcomes.
Yoga And Superliving Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document discusses the principles of yoga. It states that there are three components to human response - cognition, affect, and conation. The final stage of yoga is the union of these three components, where one senses beyond normal capacity, feels on a deep emotional level, and responds in a way that transcends typical action. This culmination represents the accurate perception, personal satisfaction, and benevolence towards others that marks both individual and universal progress. Remembering God's name, as inspired by a guru, can help achieve this stage of yoga.
World Famous Prayer Interpretation By Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
[1] This prayer seeks happiness, health, and well-being for all, with no grief.
[2] While some object to prayer seeing it as weakness, the author explains prayers help connect to infinite cosmic powers and remove "blocks" like ego that develop in humans.
[3] Prayers and chanting help reconnect us to the empowering source of consciousness and remove feelings of isolation, reestablishing our link to the greater whole, like leaves reconnecting to the roots of the tree.
1) Prayer is meant to catalyze the culmination of any work in complete satisfaction and global welfare.
2) The essence of worshipping Lord Ganesha is that he represents the experience of enlightenment and cosmic oneness with one's inner and outer environment.
3) It is customary to pray to Lord Ganesha before starting any work because realizing truth is important for accurate vision, decision making, and successful action. These prayers provide holistic health or self-realization.
Why Holistic Medicine Dr Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
The document discusses why holistic medicine is important. It notes that people have experienced the benefits of treatments like yoga, Ayurveda, and allopathy. More importantly, it is realized that different modalities of treatment, even those not considered formal treatments like music and clothing, work together in complementary and synergistic ways. Since the overall purpose of medicine is to promote holistic health, eradicate disease, and reduce misery, all skills and knowledge from various fields must be combined to achieve this goal.
What Is Wellbeing Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Physical health is indicated by attributes like strength, coordination, posture, and endurance. In aging populations, good memory, senses, sleep, mood, and skin are also indicators. However, the most important sign of wellbeing is being connected to one's true or cosmic self through a process called anusandhan. This state appears to have a benevolent, enlightening effect on the universe. Whether the practice of namasmaran can help achieve this mental state of objective wellbeing is for readers to experience.
What Is Anusandhan Dr. Shriniwas KashalikarAmeet Fadia
Anusandhan is a state of being connected to one's true self, which traditions identify as God as inspired by the Guru. This state has surpassed subjective prejudices and is associated solely with global welfare. It has no petty pursuits or mean considerations, and is an objective state that has a benevolent effect of facilitating freedom for the entire universe. Anusandhan can also be considered the state of ultimate freedom in the truest sense.