O documento descreve as especifica巽探es t辿cnicas de um coletor de dados port叩til da marca OPN2002, incluindo suas fun巽探es, mem坦ria, comunica巽達o, leitor de c坦digo de barras e bateria.
El documento habla sobre las variables en Scratch y c坦mo usarlas en programas. Explica que las variables pueden almacenar n炭meros o cadenas de texto y que Scratch soporta variables globales y espec鱈ficas de objetos. Tambi辿n menciona que se cre坦 un objeto llamado "dado" con un disfraz y una variable llamada "valor" para almacenar el n炭mero que salga al tirar el dado.
El documento presenta la misi坦n y visi坦n de Uniminuto, que consiste en ser una unidad integral basada en la calidad de la informaci坦n y sus recursos, y contar con tecnolog鱈as propias para contribuir a la formaci坦n social y educativa. La visi坦n es brindar recursos y servicios de informaci坦n avanzados que permitan el crecimiento de la comunidad acad辿mica. Tambi辿n presenta brevemente el reglamento estudiantil de la universidad y establece que se pierde una asignatura si se supera el 15% de inasistencias o el 25% a炭n
Este documento proporciona instrucciones b叩sicas para crear una p叩gina web, incluyendo etiquetas y c坦digos HTML para estructurar el contenido, agregar color de fondo, y espacios. Tambi辿n incluye un ejemplo corto de c坦digo HTML para una p叩gina web sobre reciclaje.
El documento presenta la misi坦n y visi坦n de Uniminuto, que se enfoca en proveer recursos de calidad e informaci坦n a trav辿s de tecnolog鱈a avanzada para apoyar el desarrollo acad辿mico y la investigaci坦n. Tambi辿n presenta partes del reglamento estudiantil de Uniminuto, el cual busca guiar a la comunidad universitaria bas叩ndose en valores como la justicia e igualdad. Por 炭ltimo, provee instrucciones sobre c坦mo acceder al sistema Genesis de Uniminuto y consultar el horario o notas.
The document outlines requirements for developing an assignment uploader application that allows students to register by providing their name, student ID, course, and year of study. After registering, students can log in and will be redirected to an upload page if credentials are validated, or shown an error message if invalid. The upload page uses multiple text boxes and browse buttons to select and preview multiple files from their computer before uploading all selected files with a single button.
Jawwy: How a Saudi Digital Venture is Rewriting the Telecom RulebookCapgemini
As Saudi millennials are so digital-savvy, they expect a completely new kind of experience that is very different from what todays telecom operators can provide. They expect an experience that is real time, on-demand, online, DIY and social. This is very much on par with the experience offered by the likes of Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon seamless, intuitive and very simple.
The answer to this was Jawwy, an independent digital venture from Saudi Telecom Company (STC). The entire customer care model at Jawwy is digitized from end-to-end, featuring self-help, online, social and peer-to-peer support via crowdsourcing. Jawwy are building a new digital mobile operator model with the organizational DNA and agility of an internet player by going Greenfield. Our interview with Subhra Das, Chief Executive Officer, explores how Jawwy has completely re-imagined the mobile experience for its consumers and transformed to the power of digital.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones b叩sicas para crear una p叩gina web, incluyendo etiquetas y c坦digos HTML para estructurar el contenido, agregar color de fondo, y espacios. Tambi辿n incluye un ejemplo corto de c坦digo HTML para una p叩gina web sobre reciclaje.
El documento presenta la misi坦n y visi坦n de Uniminuto, que se enfoca en proveer recursos de calidad e informaci坦n a trav辿s de tecnolog鱈a avanzada para apoyar el desarrollo acad辿mico y la investigaci坦n. Tambi辿n presenta partes del reglamento estudiantil de Uniminuto, el cual busca guiar a la comunidad universitaria bas叩ndose en valores como la justicia e igualdad. Por 炭ltimo, provee instrucciones sobre c坦mo acceder al sistema Genesis de Uniminuto y consultar el horario o notas.
The document outlines requirements for developing an assignment uploader application that allows students to register by providing their name, student ID, course, and year of study. After registering, students can log in and will be redirected to an upload page if credentials are validated, or shown an error message if invalid. The upload page uses multiple text boxes and browse buttons to select and preview multiple files from their computer before uploading all selected files with a single button.
Jawwy: How a Saudi Digital Venture is Rewriting the Telecom RulebookCapgemini
As Saudi millennials are so digital-savvy, they expect a completely new kind of experience that is very different from what todays telecom operators can provide. They expect an experience that is real time, on-demand, online, DIY and social. This is very much on par with the experience offered by the likes of Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon seamless, intuitive and very simple.
The answer to this was Jawwy, an independent digital venture from Saudi Telecom Company (STC). The entire customer care model at Jawwy is digitized from end-to-end, featuring self-help, online, social and peer-to-peer support via crowdsourcing. Jawwy are building a new digital mobile operator model with the organizational DNA and agility of an internet player by going Greenfield. Our interview with Subhra Das, Chief Executive Officer, explores how Jawwy has completely re-imagined the mobile experience for its consumers and transformed to the power of digital.