3. 15 February 1942
Translated version:
This day, we, the Japanese proved ourselves powerful. Singapore is
now under our hands and we will continue to show the world that the
Japanese would always be powerful. The British surrendered
unconditionally to us today and that is why Singapore is now under our
hands. Actually, it was all a bluff. All. The British didn¨t know at
first, but now do, they now know my bluff that my men were outnumbered
to theirs more than three to one. My food and water supplies were also
much lesser than theirs. I was very frightened all the time from the start
that the British would now our weakness and I knew that I would be
punished and hanged. So I needed the surrender to be fast. And now
that Singapore is under our hands, I would not need to be that much
frightened but however, I would still need to work hard and never give up
until the day I die.