This document discusses the potential for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) wearables to disrupt markets. It is currently in the new-market disruption phase, as the technology is still brand new and not very accessible to most users. However, change is coming rapidly. The document recommends that American Apparel and Campbell's Soup avoid investing in VR/AR now but monitor it closely in coming years, as it could enable new applications like product previews. Independence Blue Cross is recommended to invest in VR/AR as applications in health education could be vast. Overall, VR/AR wearables have potential to disrupt literally any market as the technology matures.
2. SCOPE: Virtual Reality (VR)
and Augmented Reality (AR)
What type of disruptive innovation (DI) and
where are we in the cycle?
New-Market Disruption
The market may be
defined as VR/AR and
should stand-alone from
the overall wearables
market however, given
the nature of VR/AR, it has
the ability to disrupt literally
any market
Still brand-new and not
very accessible
3. The RPV Theory and VR/AR
argues that organizations successfully tackle opportunities
when they have the resources to succeed, when their
processes facilitate what needs to get done, and their values
allow them to give adequate priority to that particular
opportunity in the face of all other demands that compete for
the companys resources
An example
They wanted to educate vehicle
consumers on vehicle safety
4. Returning to the impact on
Market applications are
seemingly infinite
Just to name a few
Gaming (*major)
Health (simulation)
General Art
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5. Recommendations to American Apparel
& Campbells Soup
Dont invest in VR/AR just yet, but keep a
close watch on it over the next few years.
Many overall business applications
Complex training sessions
Immersive meetings
AA & Campbells specific potential
Simulate/preview new products in virtual
space (potential cost savings)
Simulate/preview new store layouts in virtual
6. Recommendations to Independence Blue
Absolutely invest in VR/AR as soon
as financially feasible
Including the overall business
applications from the previous slide,
theres a vast amount of possible
health insurance applications, mostly
surrounding effective education.