The document provides guidance on creating a strategic email marketing plan. It recommends clarifying your value proposition, defining your campaign goals and target audience. It also suggests developing a strategy focused on your core unique selling point to positively position your brand simply and reliably for prospects with limited time. The overall message is to design an email plan that generously shares your passion for helping others through superior value and service.
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1. How to Create Your Strategic Email Marketing PlanBy Sa¡¯dIskender
2. IntroductionEvery email that gets sent must be part of an overall marketing plan.Your email marketing strategy more like this: "Give everything with great passion and joy, and provide the opportunity for others to share."
3. Introduction (Cont¡)When you have a product or service, care deeply about it. Learn all you can about it, and find others who share your passion. Promote others as well as yourself, and create competition if none exists. Be generous in all that you do. The law of reciprocity says "what goes around, comes around."
4. Introduction (Cont¡)Consider your unique value proposition. Many marketers believe this means pitting yourself against your competition...sometimes against your friends. That, however, is a lie, or a mistaken perception. If you examine your product or service carefully, you can undoubtedly find something different about it.
5. Introduction (Cont¡)And, if you can't find something different about it...create it. Maybe it's your shortened delivery time (think Dominoes...30 minutes or less or its free); maybe it's your superior quality (think Whole Foods),or perhaps it's the image of poppin' fresh (think Pillsbury Doughboy); there is always a way to distinguish yourself from others. You have a unique value proposition.
6. Introduction (Cont¡)If you don't already know what it is, search until you discover it or create it.Develop your marketing plan around your unique value proposition. What passion...what joy...what relief from fear, need, or frustration will your end user get? How can you share it?
7. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan1. Clarify your intent a single sentence that communicates to the prospect or customer that your product or service has a certain value that he or she must have
8. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan ( Cont¡)2. Define Your PurposeWhat is the intent of your email campaign?What do you want it to accomplish? This is the goal that all e-mails will becentered around.
9. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan ( Cont¡)3. Identify Your Audience How big is your audience, how many different target markets are you writing for?
10. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan ( Cont¡)4. Develop Your Strategy: How can you position your company with every offer? While you may desire to provide tons ofdetail to support every aspect of yourunique value proposition, focus on the onecore concept that sets you apart.
11. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan ( Cont¡)4. Develop Your Strategy: (Cont¡) Even when you know your prospects andcustomers have more than sufficientcognitive ability to process and make afully considered decision about therelative value your product or service candeliver, most simply don't have time.?
12. Steps to create Your Strategic Email Marketing Plan ( Cont¡)4. Develop Your Strategy: (Cont¡) Therefore, they will normally focus on asingle, reliable feature. When your coreconcept is clearly set.your strategy is to positively exploit theirreliance and compliance. Without extrawords, without confusing or unnecessaryinformation, and without any fraudulentintent.
13. ConclusionThe expanded law of reciprocity begins and ends with giving. Design your strategic email marketing plan to share your passion and joy with your prospects to fill their needs, or relieve their fears and frustrations by giving the best value available anywhere. Period.