The document provides an overview of PresCare's activities and operations in 2013. Some key points:
- PresCare took steps to implement its Property Development Strategy, including developing affordable housing units in Rockhampton and Maryborough under the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
- Construction began on Kingsford Terrace, a $100 million retirement village in Corinda to replace the former Hopetoun facility.
- PresCare continued working to improve safety, launching a new Safety 101 program and a quit smoking program for employees.
- The chaplaincy program was expanded with increased funding, providing spiritual support across PresCare's residential facilities and community services.
El documento presenta un análisis DAFO de un proyecto educativo sobre la construcción de un semáforo utilizando software y hardware. El análisis identifica las fortalezas como la formación técnica del profesor y los recursos disponibles, y las debilidades como la falta de experiencia. Entre las oportunidades se encuentra el fomento de la robótica educativa, y entre las amenazas los recortes en educación. El documento concluye recomendando estrategias como la formación continua del profesor, convencer a los estudiantes
The document provides an overview of PresCare's activities and operations in 2013. Some key points:
- PresCare took steps to implement its Property Development Strategy, including developing affordable housing units in Rockhampton and Maryborough under the National Rental Affordability Scheme.
- Construction began on Kingsford Terrace, a $100 million retirement village in Corinda to replace the former Hopetoun facility.
- PresCare continued working to improve safety, launching a new Safety 101 program and a quit smoking program for employees.
- The chaplaincy program was expanded with increased funding, providing spiritual support across PresCare's residential facilities and community services.
El documento presenta un análisis DAFO de un proyecto educativo sobre la construcción de un semáforo utilizando software y hardware. El análisis identifica las fortalezas como la formación técnica del profesor y los recursos disponibles, y las debilidades como la falta de experiencia. Entre las oportunidades se encuentra el fomento de la robótica educativa, y entre las amenazas los recortes en educación. El documento concluye recomendando estrategias como la formación continua del profesor, convencer a los estudiantes
Este documento trata sobre los animales y los bosques. Explica que los animales forman parte del reino Animalia y se dividen en varios subgrupos como esponjas, cnidarios, anélidos, artrópodos, moluscos y vertebrados. También describe que los animales se han adaptado de diversas formas para alimentarse, como herbívoros, carnívoros, detritívoros y otros. Por último, menciona que los bosques de monta?a se encuentran bajo la influencia del clima de monta?a debido a su altitud y pueden
The document is a collection of short summaries about various ocean animals written by students in Mrs. Neering's first grade class. It includes summaries about dolphins, sea turtles, seahorses, octopuses, jellyfish, giant squid, great white sharks, whales, and starfish. Each summary provides a few key facts about the animal's appearance, habitat, diet, behaviors, or other distinguishing characteristics.
European legal issues for US enterpriseRob Blamires
This document summarizes a webinar on European legal issues for US businesses. It provides an overview of European Union law and institutions, including the 27 member states and objectives to promote economic and social progress. It also discusses entering the European market and legal compliance areas like contracting, consumer protection, privacy, and regulators. Contracting in Europe requires understanding unfair contract terms regulations and their different treatment of business-to-business and business-to-consumer agreements. Liability cannot be excluded or limited in certain ways without a test of reasonableness.
El documento describe los aspectos jurídicos relacionados con el derecho a la vivienda en Argentina. En particular, explica que la Constitución Nacional y tratados internacionales reconocen el derecho a una vivienda digna. Asimismo, analiza la protección de la vivienda familiar en el Código Civil y Comercial de Argentina.
CliqTags - Access Methods for Mobile MarketingCliqTags
CliqTags is a content management system that supports various mobile-friendly access methods for context-based marketing content. It allows creating mobile sites that can be accessed through QR codes, Snapcodes, SMS requests, bulk SMS, emails, NFC tags, beacons, geofencing, wrapper apps, or combinations of these. The system aims to ensure timely and relevant content reaches users regardless of how they access it.
This document provides a material safety data sheet for SSS Sanotracin RTUTM. Section I lists product information and the manufacturer. Section II describes health hazards, including that the product can cause eye injury and is harmful if swallowed. Section III lists ingredients including hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid. Section IV provides first aid measures for eye contact and ingestion. Section V notes the product will not sustain a flame and lists suitable extinguishing methods.
This document discusses the benefits of writing down financial information and goals. It recommends writing down your current financial situation with an accurate cash flow statement. This provides clarity and organization. It also recommends writing down specific financial objectives, which helps resist marketing pressures and focus on what's important. Getting financial details and goals in writing increases the chances of achieving them by focusing thought, creating accountability, and leaving a reference point for the past and future. While not a magic solution, writing things down is a simple step anyone can take to improve their financial success.
GSPOA World Health Summit Workshop, UsmanUsman Mushtaq
This document summarizes a presentation given by Usman A. Mushtaq on global strategies for public health innovation and intellectual property. The presentation argues that current IP rights do not do enough to empower low and middle income countries to address their disease burdens and health inequities. It provides the rationale that restricted sharing of biotechnology and IP in LMICs violates human rights and ethics. The strategy proposes over 100 action points led by WHO to build LMIC capacity, utilize flexibilities in IP laws, and promote needs-based innovation. However, challenges remain in implementation across governing bodies and reconciling trade and health interests. Student advocacy groups are working to address these issues and promote curriculum on global health needs.
El documento describe las principales bandas del rock alternativo, incluyendo Jet, My Chemical Romance, The Rasmus, Nirvana, H.I.M y Radiohead. Detalla el periodo de actividad de cada banda, los álbumes más importantes lanzados y las ventas aproximadas por álbum, que van desde 2.5 millones para The Rasmus hasta más de 50 millones para Nirvana.
J groll ignite the culture cocktail party 0613jgroll06
1) The document discusses creating an optimal IT culture by combining elements from different frameworks like DevOps, Agile, and ITSM.
2) It proposes taking the "get it done" aspect of Scrum, pairing it with Kanban boards, and combining it with the process focus of ITSM and tool automation from DevOps.
3) Culture is emphasized as the most important ingredient, advocating for common vocabulary and embracing differences between approaches to create a collaborative environment.
Poverty is defined as not having enough money to meet basic needs like food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. It also means children cannot afford to go to school and families cannot access safe and nutritious food and water. Living in poverty often forces children into unsafe work and exposes families to diseases from poor housing and unsanitary conditions. Two proposed solutions are cancelling debts of impoverished countries to help them become financially stable and increasing taxes on the wealthy while lowering taxes for the poor to account for their income disparity.
Blink is a creative agency that provides branding, design, marketing, and technology services on a national level. It specializes in creating engaging media through various channels to connect brands to customers. Blink defines clients' unique brand voices and develops branded messaging, multimedia content, and sales cycles. It promises 100% satisfaction through transparency and accountability. Blink's goal is to help clients look good and make money through compelling content and powerful brand experiences across different media.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para configurar una topología de red utilizando un router Cisco 1941, un switch Cisco 2960 y dos PC. Las instrucciones incluyen conectar los dispositivos según la topología, reiniciar el router y el switch para eliminar cualquier configuración anterior, y omitir los diálogos de configuración inicial para dejar los dispositivos sin configurar.
16. JavaScript 语法
var lennon = Object(); = "John";
lennon.year = 1940; = false;
var year = 2005;
var message = "The year is " + year;
25. DOM
? ID 获取元素
typeof 报告所选择的对象类型
在 index.html 中选择 ID 为 purchases 的元素
P.S. 把上面的语句加入到代码中
26. DOM
? tag 获取元素
typeof 报告所选择的对象类型
var items =
for (var i=0; i < items.length; i++) {
alert(typeof items[i]);
在 index.html 中选择 ID 为 purchases 的元素
27. DOM
? class 获取元素
var shopping =
var sales =
29. DOM
var paras = document.getElementsByTagName("p");
for (var i=0; i< paras.length; i++) {
var title_text = paras[i].getAttribute("title");
if (title_text != null) {
如果获得的 title 属性非空,则弹出 alert 对话框
30. DOM
var shopping = document.getElementById("purchases");
shopping.setAttribute("title","a list of goods");
P.S. 把上面的语句加入到示例 2 代码中