This document provides tips for encouraging a local government organization to engage more with the digital world through their website and social media presence. It recommends starting social media monitoring to raise awareness of digital opportunities. Staff should be trained to contribute online content and monitor platforms. All online content should be integrated together. Website engagement should be regularly measured and reported to prove its value in growing services and traffic. A shared digital strategy with goals and timeline is needed to guide the organization's journey to becoming more webactive.
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Webstatic to webactive
1. Webstatic to Webactive Or.How to encourage your LG organisation to engage with the digital world in under 4 months
4. How did this happen? At the end of the day you need Council/management to make that first leap (of faith?) 1. Social Media monitoring also known as the digital wake up call ( )
5. How did this happen? Start a blog, facebook etc. Train staff as content producers and monitors Integrate it all together 2. Your content owners are producers
6. How did this happen? 3. Measure everything Weekly/Monthly reports to team/managers on web activity including social media Prove the worth of this engagement with real data (traffic/service growth)
7. How did this happen? 4. Have a Digital Strategy! Know where you are going Have a shared strategy for the journey to that destination
#3: Webstatic? Single site, content that never changes. If it does, tends to be by a single person who doesnt own part of the business. Lack of engagement, one way etc
#4: Webactive? Organisation with digital assets which are engaging, timely, accurate, conversational, multiple content contributors. Target towards communities of interest related to your business.
#5: Social media monitoring is a great way to point out that conversation are happening right now, with or without your LG organisations engagement. Show evidence suggesting investment in engaging this online world. LMG has been very smart to positively take on spaces where people have conversations and engage them.
#6: Blogs, twitter, facebook pages all easy to setup (and free!). We know conversations are happening in these spaces, so we go out to meet them. Empower your staff to produce and MANAGE content. Provide the training, support and policy to make this happen. Link it all together by technically and from a consumers perspective.
#7: Measure it. Use the data to make smarter decisions (i.e we own childrens story time in google, so why not put them online to capitalise?)
#8: Have people thinking about online when they are offline. It will change the way you deliver your services for the better. More than digital marketing and communication