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I began by going outside at my grandmothers house
and taking in the yard. My uncle and I went out with a
100 tape measure and measured what we could on
the property. The back of the property is thickly
wooded, so we werent able to go all the way back, so
Google Earth was used for the 鍖gures on that. I was
pretty familiar with the yard because this is where I
spent a lot of time growing up.
Week 2 pdf
From the measurements I wrote down
and the con鍖gurations from Google Earth
I sketched the rough draft of the plot of
Sorry its hard to see- measurements are in pencil
Next I began adding in the details. What is
apparent is this plot is a blank slate. There
is a very moveable picnic table in the back
yard, but the shed was recently demolished
and the house is on the forward part of the
plot of land.
I used Google maps
because a lot of the area
wasnt easily accessible
by foot. My grandmother
knew where the property
line was when I showed
her this image. When they
were designing this
neighborhood it was cut
into rectangles- shown
more on the next slide
Week 2 pdf
The biggest trouble I encountered is trying to do this
work on my own, it was dif鍖cult to get the tape
measure down with a rock. My uncle was able to help
me, but that interrupted
Week 2 pdf
There are some sectors on my grandmothers
Wooded area
Most of my grandmothers property is thickly
wooded, if this were to actually be used as a
backyard homestead, that would have to be
taken into account.
Most of the property does not receive direct
sunlight because of the abundance of trees
The property slowly slopes down to the back of
the property. I see this as an advantage for
manipulating water
What I learned
I watch HGTV (a lot) and I always think to myself, I
need to have a large property, where I can grow food
and have lay hens, and it has to be PERFECT! and in
reality, looking at my grandparents property, this
would be any homesteaders 鍖rst choice of property,
but I could make it work. The 鍖rst week we were
asked to list the things we would want in a
homestead and as I look around, it is possible. It is
also easier to clear out undergrowth and take down a
few tree than it is to plant trees for things like a zip
line and tire swing and hammocks.

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Week 2 pdf

  • 2. I began by going outside at my grandmothers house and taking in the yard. My uncle and I went out with a 100 tape measure and measured what we could on the property. The back of the property is thickly wooded, so we werent able to go all the way back, so Google Earth was used for the 鍖gures on that. I was pretty familiar with the yard because this is where I spent a lot of time growing up.
  • 4. From the measurements I wrote down and the con鍖gurations from Google Earth I sketched the rough draft of the plot of land
  • 5. Sorry its hard to see- measurements are in pencil
  • 6. Next I began adding in the details. What is apparent is this plot is a blank slate. There is a very moveable picnic table in the back yard, but the shed was recently demolished and the house is on the forward part of the plot of land.
  • 7. I used Google maps because a lot of the area wasnt easily accessible by foot. My grandmother knew where the property line was when I showed her this image. When they were designing this neighborhood it was cut into rectangles- shown more on the next slide
  • 9. The biggest trouble I encountered is trying to do this work on my own, it was dif鍖cult to get the tape measure down with a rock. My uncle was able to help me, but that interrupted
  • 11. Sectors There are some sectors on my grandmothers property Wooded area Most of my grandmothers property is thickly wooded, if this were to actually be used as a backyard homestead, that would have to be taken into account. Sunlight Most of the property does not receive direct sunlight because of the abundance of trees Slope The property slowly slopes down to the back of the property. I see this as an advantage for manipulating water
  • 12. What I learned I watch HGTV (a lot) and I always think to myself, I need to have a large property, where I can grow food and have lay hens, and it has to be PERFECT! and in reality, looking at my grandparents property, this would be any homesteaders 鍖rst choice of property, but I could make it work. The 鍖rst week we were asked to list the things we would want in a homestead and as I look around, it is possible. It is also easier to clear out undergrowth and take down a few tree than it is to plant trees for things like a zip line and tire swing and hammocks.