Keynote at EclipseCon 2023: We have made it through a couple of intense years, with physical and mental health challenges. We know that we embed the values we hold into the systems we design, and these systems happen to run our world. Consequently, as software engineers and researchers we carry a special impact on society and the world at large.
Under stress we tend to disconnect from our values - e.g., when I am really stressed, I may have a harder time being kind.
That means taking care of our wellbeing and resilience not only ensures that we dont burn out or bug out, but also that we develop better and more adequate systems to support a sustainable lifestyle.
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Wellbeing and Resilience: Walking the Talk
1. Well-being & Resilience In
Software Engineering: Walking
the Talk Changes the View
Dr. Birgit Penzenstadler
Chalmers Univ. of Tech.
Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech. @twinkleflip
2. Birgit Penzenstadler
Associate Prof, Software Engineering for Sustainability
CV: UP -> TUM -> UCI -> LB State (& LUT) -> Chalmers
Sustainability Design (
Wellbeing studies (
Education Projects:
4. Parasympathetic nervous system
Stressful situation epinephrine
amygdala, hippocampus (memory).
Identified threat/stress?
fight, flight or freeze response.
Prolonged stress
engrain neuronal pathways.
unhealthy hormone levels.
loss of memory, sleep, performance,
risk of diseases, premature aging.
Do you have your best ideas under stress?
Do you make less mistakes under stress?
Do you make better decisions under stress?
5. You can actively influence
and tone the vagal nerve to
reduce the fight or flight
If you have a high vagal nerve
tone, you are able to recover
more quickly.
The good news: live wiring (aka neuroplasticity)
6. Vagus nerve training benefits
Increases concentration and cognition,
Increases creativity and productivity.
Enhances connection and communication.
Better mood and greater resilience.
Detailed medical benefits:
Gut Increases stomach acidity, digestive juices and gut flow.
Anti-inflammatory Overcome thyroid conditions, arthritis, fatigue.
Heart Controls heart rate variability, and blood pressure. Lower risk for heart disease and stroke.
The vagus nerve inhibits the fight or flight response.
Liver & Pancreas Controls blood glucose levels,
increasing tone can lower chance of diabetes.
Gallbladder Reduces toxins and breaks down fat
due to its ability to influence release of bile.
7. How to train the vagus
nerve? Breathe.
We usually breathe too shallow.
We dont breathe out all the way.
We are in our heads and not in our
Solution: Respiratory techniques.
8. Experiment
We are researchers,
we love self-experiments.
Lets try out one breathing
May I have your permission
to guide you?
Lean back, close your eyes
Quickest proven way to relax
nervous system
10. Tool 1: Gratitude
Why it works:
Energy flows where focus goes
Gratitude practice puts focus on good
Retrains attention for appreciation
Neuroplasticity helps to wire those paths
How it works:
1. Take a few minutes every evening
2. Write down 10 to 25 unique things
you are grateful for on that day specific
3. Keep this practice for at least 66 days
11. Tool 2: Calendar blocks
Why it works:
Email inbox organizes other peoples priorities
Your calendar (paper or digital) is yours.
Blocking that time and sticking to these commitments to
yourself gets things done.
Increases sense of agency & confidence
How it works:
Create blocks for your most important activity that you
currently dont find time for
Writing, reflecting on new ideas, you pick
Own your morning, own your day (morning ppl)
12. Tool 3: Values & intention
Why it works:
We choose the energy we bring to a situation.
That energy can show our intention and values.
We often forget the choice because we dont transition
consciously and drag stuff with us.
How it works:
When you wrap up a task, take one minute to breathe,
move your body, shake or bounce, to release what was.
Then transition to the next.
Before you enter a meeting, or meet someone, decide
how you want the interaction with them to feel, e.g.,
confident and appreciative. Visualize. Breathe. Enter.
13. Resources & Invitation
TEDx talk:
EMSE Article:
Birgit Penzenstadler
Chalmers Univ. of Tech.
Lappeenranta Univ. of Tech.
Special thx
Cristy Montes
Richard Torkar
Juliet Norton
Leticia Duboc
Francisco Gomes
Consistent Support
and Showing up
Asking all
Qualitative data
#5: Stressful upsetting situation adrenal glands release epinephrine.
Vagus nerve transports it to brain via vagus nervefibres.
Release norepinephrine into memory centres of the brain (amygdala and hippocampus) storing emotional experiences.
If threat to our wellbeing, brain protects our survival fight,flight or freeze response.
Prolonged stress strengthens negative neural pathways unhealthy level of stress hormones (instead of rest).
Optimal healthy functioning compromised lowering immunity, susceptible to disease, impairing functioning of our DNA, and aging us.
A low vagal nerve tone means you will be hypervigilant low thresholdfor stress.
Epinephrine cannot pass blood brain barrier, vagus nerve that decides how well it will deliver theepinephrine to the brain to search the memory bank for possiblethreat so it can stimulate the fight or flight response.
Who of you thinks more often this is too much instead of wish I had more to do?
#6: Even though allof this is a subconscious process,
because of the live-wiring ofthe brain, you can
actively influence and tone the vagal nerve to inhibit
the fight or flight response yourself.
If you have a high vagalnerve tone,
you are able to recover quickly from stressful, upsettingsituations.