3. Seth Godin
You have to be the person that says I
am going to do this, not this is my
The future of marketing is to connect
and interact with customers. You
want to throw them the ball and the
goal is for them to throw it back.
I am not sure what the question is,
but the answer is yes.
4. Brene Brown
There is immense power that comes from being vulnerable with
your peers in the work place, with your friends with your
customers in your marketing
The story you tell yourself is totally made up and shapes all your
So, the story I am telling myself about this is is that right?
5. Rapid Prototyping Agile applied to marketing. Make small
experiments in content creation, test,
measure and tweak over and over again.
6. PR is responsible for getting people through media outreach and
even though they dont control what happens on the website after
that its good to measure common business objectives to
understand what is getting the kind of coverage that will translate
to sales through Google Analytics.
7. Neuroscience of memorable content
Brain goes into habitualization if it sees what it
knows, it is forgettable
Recognizable + surprising = memorable
9. Amy Schumer
Most of her jokes are inappropriate for the workplace but were pretty
She knows the secret to why actresses in Hollywood are thin, they are
10. How Google Drives a Culture of Innovation
User first
There is no substitute for watching and listening to your real customers
They look at the whole problem. If the people cant spell, thats their
problem. If the internet is slow, thats their problem.
20% projects
Yes and instead of no but
The freedom to work on what they want, where they wan
10x thinking
Set big audacious goals rather than incremental ones. 300% growth in 2
years not 10% growth in one
The ideas are bigger because the challenge is bigger keeps company
alive rather than dieing a slow death
11. Twitter
Your followers are your advocates
There are deeper insights about your followers in the Advertising UI
under Audience (FREE)
12. Aziz Ansari
iPhones make us worse people. We hide behind the technology, become
meaner, we flake easier on our friends and care less about their feelings.
Choice is not always a good thing. When people are overwhelmed with
choices they are less likely to make a choice or a purchase and they are
ultimately less satisfied with their choice.
13. Humor breaks through the
clutter and engages your
Take the audience in one
direction and then hit them the
other way with the punchline.
Juxtaposition. Set up two
situations, make a word cloud of
what you know about those
situation and see if there is a
funny situation you can create to
tie them together. Ex. dogs and
Write about what happened
before/after the picture
Write the opposite of what you
would think it would say
Use hyperbole