You have the potential for success even if you cannot see evidence of it yet. While the path may be uncertain and challenging, if you believe deep down that your success is inevitable, you will find a way to overcome obstacles. View challenges as tests of your resolve rather than determinants of your destiny. With an unshakeable conviction in your future triumph, you will emerge victorious from each challenge and continue progressing toward your goals.
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What if success was inevitable for you?
1. What if,your success was inevitable?
What couldyoube capable of,if youknew deepdownthatyoursuccesswas inevitable?
For mostpeople,evenforme,we forgettothinkthatway.AS yougo downthe dark windyroadyouask
yourself,howcanyoube sure,what evidencedoIhave that I will be successful.Youmaynothave tales
of victorythatyou bringfromyour lastbattle, notreasure youhave takenfromyour opponent.You
don't,not yet.
But like most,are youjudgingyourlife basedonwhere youare now.You are sittingat the bottomof the
mountainlookingatgaggedcoldcliffsthatmake itswayup to the cold frigidpeakwonderinghowwill
youeverreach the top.
What youare not lookingatisthe firm,strongarm that has pulledbackandheldthe arrow in itsplace.
You are notlookingatthe seedthatbringsaboutthe roots that turnsintoa massive oaktree or the
formidable boatthatjourneystothe destination.Yetyouare those things.
You won'tfindcertaintyinlife andyoucannotpredictwhat will happennextyear,nextmonthoreven
tomorrow.But if convince yourself youwill succeed,if youbelieve inyourheartthatno matterwhat,
your successif inevitable thenintime,the challengesinlife will laydowntheirswordsatyourfeetand
bowto you.
Successfor me isinevitable.becausethose peaksandvalleys,theydont'determine orshape mylife.
Theysimplytestmywill tomove forward.