This document discusses schemas, which are general knowledge structures that help individuals organize and interpret information. Schemas impact cognition in four main ways: selection, abstraction, interpretation, and integration. Schemas can both help recall by providing context but can also distort memory by leading individuals to remember details that were not actually present based on their expectations. The best way to minimize potential distortions is to provide context before presenting new information.
19. If the balloons popped the sound wouldn't be
able to carry since everything would be too far
away from the correct floor. A closed window
would also prevent the sound from carrying,
since most buildings tend to be well insulated.
Since the whole operation depends upon a
steady flow of electricity, a break in the middle
of the wire would also cause problems.
20. Of course, the fellow could shout, but the
human voice is not loud enough to carry that
far. An additional problem is that a string could
break on the instrument. Then there could be
no accompaniment to the message. It is clear
that the best situation would involve less
distance. Then there would be fewer potential
problems. With face to face contact, the least
number of things could go wrong.