Designing an innovative and unusual campaign to prevent drunk driving. Presented by Parsons Design + Management students: James Burr, Aaron Bakalar, Min Jung Kim, and Daniel Gonzalez
Panorama et perspectives sur les outils de management de la performance dont disposent les banques Luxembourg, leur permettant de sadapter, et au premier rang desquels figure la Business Intelligence, avec un focus particulier sur les Open Source Software (OSS / BI)
On vous explique RESO, les groupements d'employeurs des CHR et du TourismePhilippe Cabon
A l'occasion du Reso Job Tour 2014, on explique RESO et ses actions aux candidats et aux professionnels des CHR et du Tourisme. Quel est l'int辿r棚t d'int辿grer un groupement d'employeurs ?
"Wie Schulen an den Holocaust erinnern"
(BREMER NACHRICHTEN am 28. Januar 2014, Seite 8)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
f端r lhre lnformationen danke ich lhnen, auch f端r die Bef端rchtung: ,,Der Gedenktag wirkt auf
die Sch端ler viel zu konstruiert und gekunstelt." Herr Bundestagspr辰sident Professor Dr. Norbert
Lammert erkl辰rte am 10. April 2008: ,,Der ausdr端ckliche Abschied von der unantastbaren
W端rde des Menschen f端hrte schlielich in den Holocaust..;'Zum 5. Anti-Mobbing-Tag am
2. Dezember 2008 in Bremen schrieb Herr Dr. Guido Westerwelle (s. Kehrseite): ,,Zu h辰ufig
wird Mobbing tot geschwiegen." - ,,Mobbing ist ein ernsthaftes gesellschaftliches Problem,
ob am Arbeitsplatz, im privaten Umfeld, im lnternet oder in der Schule." (s. Anlage: ,,Bremer
Erkl辰rung vom 8. Mai2013'). - Gestern erhielt der Pr辰ventionsrat Bremen West die BAKIAuszeichnung
,,Haus mit Herz". - Die Initiative,,Wegweiser ftr Menschlichkeit - unsere
Schulenl" ist ein B端rgerbeitrag aus unserem Land der ldeen zur laufenden ,,Olympiade f端r
das Kind - weltweit" (OLYKI), kuz: ,,Umwelt-Olympiade", die am 6. April 1992 auf dem Bremer
Marktplatz von einem Lehrer aus der Bremer Schule und einem Pastor der Bremer Evangelischen
Kirche er旦ffnet worden ist. Die ,,Bremer Bildungsidee f端r LUTHER2O17" (s. GOOGLE)
erm旦glicht allen Verantwortlichen weltweit Einbindung auf der,,Allee der UN-Ziele".
Folien eines Vortrags anl辰sslich des Workshops Kompetent pr端fen am PC des Testcenter Bremen.
Grassroots fundraising mit community building f端r ihr anliegen alexandra ripk...Alexandra Ripken
Die Folien zeigen, wie Grassroots Fundraising gerade dadurch eine hohe Dynamik entfaltet, dass die Anspr端che Freiwilliger im Vordergrund stehen.
Sky Cities - Nicolas Musset - Draft ConceptNicolas Musset
Space Racer - Nicolas Musset - Draft ConceptNicolas Musset
Projet de jeu (draft) Gamagora (Universit辿 de Lyon 2) pour la session 2010-2011.
Space Racer est un jeu de course et de shoot original se d辿roulant dans l'espace.
Chaque vaisseau est libre de tout mouvement (dans les trois axes) et est compos辿 de modules ind辿pendants librement assembl辿s.
Afin de promouvoir les destinations du r辿seau, SNCF met en place avec TBWA\Paris une s辿rie de plus de 100 visuels qui jouent de mani竪re l辿g竪re et plus ou moins loufoque avec les noms des villes desservies. Pendant la dur辿e du Festival du Cin辿ma Am辿ricain de Deauville, les 300 destinations INTERCITS font leur cin辿ma.
Un dispositif digital participatif est 辿galement en ligne depuis le 17 ao短t et jusqu'au 30 septembre 2012. Il permet aux internautes de tenter de remporter 450 Pass Journ辿e pour le Festival et des billets de train pour Deauville. Ils sont invit辿s proposer leurs propres jeux de mots avec des villes de leur choix.
d辿couvrir sur
Ein Programm funktioniert nach einer Reihe von nderungen nicht mehr - wom旦glich wurden in einem Projektteam eine Vielzahl von nderungen durch verschiedene Personen durchgef端hrt. Was ist die Ursache f端r diesen Fehler? Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit ist ein Delta-Debugging-Framework entstanden, welches automatisch fehlerrelevante nderungen am Programmcode bestimmt. Das Framework erlaubt die schnelle und einfache Entwicklung von Werkzeugen, die Programmierer und Projektverantwortliche bei der langwierigen und teuren Fehlersuche unterst端tzen.
Zwei Instanzen dieses Frameworks erlauben es, diese nderungen w辰hrend Integrationstests oder lokal am Arbeitsplatz zu bestimmen. Die Fehler-Ursachen werden v旦llig transparent im Hintergrund ermittelt - st旦ren somit nicht den gewohnten Prozessablauf. DDchange Maven integriert den Debugging-Prozess nahtlos in die "Continuous Integration", DDchange Eclipse erlaubt die sofortige Ursachen-Suche durch den Entwickler.
Fokus des Vortrages ist ein berblick und kurze Einf端hrung in das Framwork sowie Demonstration von DDchange Maven und DDchange Eclipse. Abschlieend werden m旦gliche zuk端nftige Arbeiten zur Verbesserung des Frameworks vorgestellt.
Das Zeitalter der Physikaliserung (NewBusiness Magazin)Sebastian Brunner
Was passiert nach der Digitalisierung? berlegungen zum Verh辰ltnis zwischen der Digitalisierung physischer und der Physikalisierung digitaler Produkte: Beyond digital, post digital, das Internet der Dinge, das Ende des mooreschen Gesetzes und die Maker Kultur.
This document summarizes a presentation given by Steven Dean at the QS Berlin meetup on November 22, 2012 about the Quantified Self movement. It provides examples of how individuals have used self-tracking tools to collect data about aspects of their health, behaviors and experiences. The presentation highlighted the growth of the Quantified Self community from its founding in 2007 to having over 70 local meetups and 10,000 members globally. It also provided examples of insights and learning individuals have gained from visualizing and analyzing their self-tracked data.
QS: The Patient-Driven Health RevolutionSteven Dean
This document summarizes a presentation on "Living Well Through Data" given by Steven Dean at Rock Health in partnership with Mount Sinai School of Medicine on October 2, 2012. The presentation discussed how self-tracking of various health metrics can provide insights and help solve medical mysteries. It noted that the Quantified Self movement has grown to include over 70 meetup groups and 10,000 members who share how tracking things like food, exercise, sleep, mood and other factors helped them learn about their health and make improvements.
Presentation as part of panel at Stanford's Mobile Health 2011 titled, "What Really Works in Hacking Mobile Health" with Roni Zeiger, Google, Steven Dean from G51 Studio, Brian Krejcarek from GreenGoose, and Aza Raskin from Massive Health.
Folien eines Vortrags anl辰sslich des Workshops Kompetent pr端fen am PC des Testcenter Bremen.
Grassroots fundraising mit community building f端r ihr anliegen alexandra ripk...Alexandra Ripken
Die Folien zeigen, wie Grassroots Fundraising gerade dadurch eine hohe Dynamik entfaltet, dass die Anspr端che Freiwilliger im Vordergrund stehen.
Sky Cities - Nicolas Musset - Draft ConceptNicolas Musset
Space Racer - Nicolas Musset - Draft ConceptNicolas Musset
Projet de jeu (draft) Gamagora (Universit辿 de Lyon 2) pour la session 2010-2011.
Space Racer est un jeu de course et de shoot original se d辿roulant dans l'espace.
Chaque vaisseau est libre de tout mouvement (dans les trois axes) et est compos辿 de modules ind辿pendants librement assembl辿s.
Afin de promouvoir les destinations du r辿seau, SNCF met en place avec TBWA\Paris une s辿rie de plus de 100 visuels qui jouent de mani竪re l辿g竪re et plus ou moins loufoque avec les noms des villes desservies. Pendant la dur辿e du Festival du Cin辿ma Am辿ricain de Deauville, les 300 destinations INTERCITS font leur cin辿ma.
Un dispositif digital participatif est 辿galement en ligne depuis le 17 ao短t et jusqu'au 30 septembre 2012. Il permet aux internautes de tenter de remporter 450 Pass Journ辿e pour le Festival et des billets de train pour Deauville. Ils sont invit辿s proposer leurs propres jeux de mots avec des villes de leur choix.
d辿couvrir sur
Ein Programm funktioniert nach einer Reihe von nderungen nicht mehr - wom旦glich wurden in einem Projektteam eine Vielzahl von nderungen durch verschiedene Personen durchgef端hrt. Was ist die Ursache f端r diesen Fehler? Im Rahmen meiner Diplomarbeit ist ein Delta-Debugging-Framework entstanden, welches automatisch fehlerrelevante nderungen am Programmcode bestimmt. Das Framework erlaubt die schnelle und einfache Entwicklung von Werkzeugen, die Programmierer und Projektverantwortliche bei der langwierigen und teuren Fehlersuche unterst端tzen.
Zwei Instanzen dieses Frameworks erlauben es, diese nderungen w辰hrend Integrationstests oder lokal am Arbeitsplatz zu bestimmen. Die Fehler-Ursachen werden v旦llig transparent im Hintergrund ermittelt - st旦ren somit nicht den gewohnten Prozessablauf. DDchange Maven integriert den Debugging-Prozess nahtlos in die "Continuous Integration", DDchange Eclipse erlaubt die sofortige Ursachen-Suche durch den Entwickler.
Fokus des Vortrages ist ein berblick und kurze Einf端hrung in das Framwork sowie Demonstration von DDchange Maven und DDchange Eclipse. Abschlieend werden m旦gliche zuk端nftige Arbeiten zur Verbesserung des Frameworks vorgestellt.
Das Zeitalter der Physikaliserung (NewBusiness Magazin)Sebastian Brunner
Was passiert nach der Digitalisierung? berlegungen zum Verh辰ltnis zwischen der Digitalisierung physischer und der Physikalisierung digitaler Produkte: Beyond digital, post digital, das Internet der Dinge, das Ende des mooreschen Gesetzes und die Maker Kultur.
This document summarizes a presentation given by Steven Dean at the QS Berlin meetup on November 22, 2012 about the Quantified Self movement. It provides examples of how individuals have used self-tracking tools to collect data about aspects of their health, behaviors and experiences. The presentation highlighted the growth of the Quantified Self community from its founding in 2007 to having over 70 local meetups and 10,000 members globally. It also provided examples of insights and learning individuals have gained from visualizing and analyzing their self-tracked data.
QS: The Patient-Driven Health RevolutionSteven Dean
This document summarizes a presentation on "Living Well Through Data" given by Steven Dean at Rock Health in partnership with Mount Sinai School of Medicine on October 2, 2012. The presentation discussed how self-tracking of various health metrics can provide insights and help solve medical mysteries. It noted that the Quantified Self movement has grown to include over 70 meetup groups and 10,000 members who share how tracking things like food, exercise, sleep, mood and other factors helped them learn about their health and make improvements.
Presentation as part of panel at Stanford's Mobile Health 2011 titled, "What Really Works in Hacking Mobile Health" with Roni Zeiger, Google, Steven Dean from G51 Studio, Brian Krejcarek from GreenGoose, and Aza Raskin from Massive Health.
The Motivated Consumer and The Quantified SelfSteven Dean
A talk on the current phenomenon of individuals tracking their own personal information, especially as related to health. Several factors that are driving the adoption of self-tracking devices, apps and methods including: the shrinking size and cost of sensors, increased availability and use of mobile phones, the growing culture of sharing, the rise of cloud computing and the emergence of improved design.
The Quantified Self at Health | Tech | FoodSteven Dean
The document discusses the quantified self movement and tracking personal metrics like food, exercise, mood, sleep, and other daily activities using sensors, mobile devices, and data sharing through cloud-based tools. It poses the question of how these quantified self methods and tools could be used to solve issues like improving access to fresh produce, getting people to exercise more, helping people quit smoking, eating healthier, preventing distracted driving from texting, finding healthy food options, understanding calorie counts, and helping people relax, in order to improve the health of New Yorkers through social technology approaches.
The Quantified Self at PSFK Salon on HappinessSteven Dean
際際滷s from PSFK's Salon on Happiness about the Quantified Self movement and the people involved. Who they are. Why they track and experiment on themselves. Tools and methods they use. And how this all leads to potential happy endings.
Miki Aso, Molly Oberholtzer, Athina Santaguida
Inspired by the outdoor community gardens and flower shops near the new MSK facility, this team chose to develop an herb garden system that would create a nourishing and supportive community. The community garden includes selecting and growing herbs, drying herbs, and making herbal sachets and teas while the support network of the service includes partners, volunteers and how to disseminate appropriate information about herbs to patients.
Jane Lien, Amalia Goutaki, Payal Patel
After speaking with local businesses, this team identified an underlying network of business-neighbors, where local businesses build relationships through promoting and collaborating one another. The Sweet Trolley is one way MSK can become an engaged neighbor and a part of this network. Through carrying items from local businesses, MSK can provide a virtual and mobile gift shop and recreation service to patients.
1. Nurses at MSK Brooklyn write welcome letters to new patients.
2. A patient named Helen receives a "Life Essentials" welcome kit upon her first visit.
3. The kit contains items to help Helen through her treatment like aromatherapy samples, snacks, a gift card for flowers, and a pass for a dance class to meet other patients.
A system to provide healthy competition, friendship, and a guidance system to members of Project Start. By Parsons Design + Management students: Monique Connelly, Ayse Cueto, and Julian Lee
A user-friendly, interactive game to aid in the rehabilitation and healing process for children with cerebral palsey. By Parsons Design + Management students: Maxwell Abbott, Connie Chung, and Jason Bailey
How can we influence and provide positive examples for troubled inner-city youth? By designing a voluntary weekend retreat for selected 9th graders within the New York City public system, we provide a framework to instill positive values and behaviors. By Parsons Design + Management students: Jamie Rowley, Tia Martin, Sheridan Stavac
Addressing starvation and poor productivity in Sierra Leone through an innovative Food Aid Program that relies on a food stand as a place to impart knowledge on agricultural practices. By Parsons Design + Management students: Alissara Jayaphorn, Monica Mayorga, and Zi Wang.
SWOT Analysis: Boutique Consulting Firms in 2025 Alexander Simon
In an era defined by Consulting 5.0, boutique consulting firmspositioned in the Blue Oceanface both unprecedented opportunities and critical challenges.
Their strengths lie in specialization, agility, and client-centricity, making them key players in delivering high-value, tailored insights. However, limited scale, regulatory constraints, and rising AI-driven competition present significant barriers to growth.
This SWOT analysis explores the internal and external forces shaping the future of boutique consultancies. Unlike Black Ocean firms, which grapple with the innovators dilemma, boutiques have the advantage of flexibility and speedbut to fully harness Consulting 5.0, they must form strategic alliances with tech firms, PE-backed networks, and expert collectives.
Key Insights:
Strengths: Agility, deep expertise, and productized offerings
鏝 Weaknesses: Brand visibility, reliance on key personnel
Opportunities: AI, Web3, and strategic partnerships
Threats: Automation, price competition, regulatory challenges
Strategic Imperatives for Boutique Firms:
Leverage AI & emerging tech to augment consulting services
Build strategic alliances to access resources & scale solutions
Strengthen regulatory & compliance expertise to compete in high-value markets
Shift from transactional to long-term partnerships for client retention
As Consulting 5.0 reshapes the industry, boutique consultancies must act now to differentiate themselves and secure their future in a rapidly evolving landscape.
What do you think? Can boutique firms unlock Consulting 5.0 before Black Ocean giants do?
Businesses must optimize their supply chain to remain competitive. Seamlessly integrating freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing services can significantly improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. A well-coordinated logistics strategy is essential for businesses dealing with large shipments, furniture storage, and distribution operations.
The Importance of an Integrated Logistics Approach
A logistics service provider in Singapore must ensure a seamless flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end customer. This process involves multiple stages, including freight forwarding, trucking, and warehousing. When these elements operate in isolation, inefficiencies arise, leading to delays and increased costs. However, integrating them into a cohesive system offers several benefits:
Cost Efficiency: Reduced handling, storage, and transportation costs through streamlined operations.
Faster Delivery: Optimized transit times due to better coordination between different logistics components.
Improved Inventory Management: Centralized storage and real-time tracking enhance stock control.
Better Resource Utilization: Trucks and warehouses are used efficiently, reducing idle time and wastage.
Enhanced Scalability: Businesses can scale operations more effectively by utilizing integrated logistics services.
Customer Satisfaction: Faster deliveries and accurate order fulfillment enhance the overall customer experience.
Freight Forwarding: The First Step in Logistics Optimization Freight forwarding is the backbone of global supply chains. It involves managing the transportation of goods across international borders using various modes, including air, sea, and land. A logistics service provider specializing in freight forwarding plays a crucial role in:
Customs Clearance: Handling documentation and compliance requirements to ensure smooth international trade.
Carrier Selection: Choosing the most cost-effective and reliable transportation options.
Cargo Consolidation: Combining smaller shipments to optimize container space and reduce costs.
Route Optimization: Selecting the best routes to minimize transit time and costs.
Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating potential risks such as delays, damage, and unforeseen expenses.
By partnering with a reliable freight forwarder, businesses can streamline their global shipping processes and reduce the risks associated with international logistics.
Trucking: Bridging the Gap Between Freight and Warehousing
Once goods arrive at ports or distribution centers, trucking services become essential for last-mile delivery. Efficient trucking operations ensure timely deliveries and minimize disruptions. Key strategies for optimizing trucking include:
Fleet Management: Using GPS tracking and route optimization software to reduce delays and fuel consumption.
Load Optimization: Maximizing truck capacity to lower transportation costs per unit.
Timely Scheduling: Coordinating truc
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TablePlus is a cross-platform database management GUI tool designed to make managing databases easy and efficient. It supports a wide range of relational databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and more.
BusinessGPT - Privacy first AI Platform.pptxAGATSoftware
Empower users with responsible and secure AI for generating insights from your companys data. Usage control and data protection concerns limit companies from leveraging Generative AI. For customers that dont want to take any risk of using Public AI services. For customers that are willing to use Public AI services but want to manage the risks.
Ross Chayka: AI in Business: Quo Vadis? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Advancing North America's Next Major Silver & Critical Minerals District
Western Alaska Minerals is unveiling a prolific 8-km mineral corridor with its two stand-alone deposits. Anchored by the high-grade silver deposit at Waterpump Creek and the historic Illinois Creek mine, our 100% owned carbonate replacement deposit reveals untapped potential across an expansive exploration landscape.
Waterpump Creek: 75 Moz @ 980 g/t AgEq (Inferred), open to the north and south.
Illinois Creek: 525 Koz AuEq - 373 Koz @ 1.3 g/t AuEq (Indicated), 152 Koz @ 1.44 g/t AuEq (Inferred).
2024 New Discovery at Warm Springs: First copper, gold, and Waterpump Creek-grade silver intercepts located 0.8 miles from Illinois Creek.
2025 plans: Drilling for more high-grade silver discoveries at the Waterpump Creek South target. Our 114.25m2 claim package located on mining-friendly state land also includes the promising Round Top copper and TG North CRD prospects, located 15 miles northeast of Illinois Creek.
21 Best Crypto Wallet in UAE The complete 2025.pdfDubiz
The cryptocurrency sector worldwide has undergone significant transformation with increasing adoption and acceptance. It is one of the emerging sectors converting cash treasuries into digital currencies. In UAE too, people are heavily being drawn towards investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In fact, it is among the top investment opportunities in Dubai in 2025. You can find some of the best crypto wallet in UAE, offering safe and efficient platforms for storing, managing, and even trading digital assets.
However, with such digital transformation comes an increased risk of cyberattacks and scams. This is why, to ensure your investments are completely safe, you must choose a secure and highly reliable crypto wallet in the UAE.
Siddhartha Bank Navigating_Nepals_Financial_Challenges.pptxSiddhartha Bank
This PowerPoint presentation provides an overview of Nepals current financial challenges and highlights how Siddhartha Bank supports individuals and businesses. It covers key issues such as inflation and limited credit access while showcasing the banks solutions, including loan options, savings plans, digital banking services, and customer support. The slides are designed with concise points for clear and effective communication.
Vitaly Bondar: Are GANs dead or alive? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
In 2024, I found myself a victim of a cryptocurrency scam, losing $345,000. The sense of loss and frustration was overwhelming, and I was told by many experts that it was highly unlikely to recover such a significant amount. With cryptocurrencys irreversible transactions and anonymity, I felt like my chances were slim. However, after hearing about CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN from a trusted contact, I decided to give it a try, and Im so glad I did. I'll admit, I was initially cautious. The internet is filled with horror stories of recovery services that end up being scams themselves, so I did my due diligence. After speaking with the team at CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN, I was impressed by their transparency and professionalism. They assured me that, while recovery was difficult, it was not impossible. They explained their approach clearly, detailing how they use advanced tracking tools and legal channels to attempt recovery, and I felt confident moving forward. From the start, the process was smooth. The team kept me updated regularly, explaining each step they were taking. They were upfront about the challenges of recovering cryptocurrency, but never made any unrealistic promises. They set proper expectations from the beginning while assuring me they would do everything possible to recover my assets. Their honest and patient approach gave me the trust I needed. After several months of diligent work on their part, I started seeing results. They managed to trace some of the funds to specific wallets and identified potential points of contact that were crucial in the recovery process. While the process was slow, their persistence paid off, and eventually, a significant portion of my funds was recovered. I can say with confidence that CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN delivered on their promise. While they could not guarantee success at the outset, they showed a level of commitment and expertise that made me believe recovery was possible. Their customer support was top-notch, always available to answer questions and provide updates. There were no unexpected charges beyond the initial fee, and they remained transparent throughout the process. While recovering cryptocurrency is not easy, it is absolutely possible with the right team. If youve found yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend CRANIX ETHICAL SOLUTIONS HAVEN. They are a legitimate, reliable service that genuinely works to help you recover lost assets. Just remember that patience and realistic expectations are key, but with their help, recovery is indeed油achievable.
TELEGRAM: @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
EMAIL: cranixethicalsolutionshaven @ post . com 油OR 油info @ cranixethicalsolutionshaven
WHATSAPP: +44 (7460) (622730)