Sass is used to create grid frameworks because it allows for nesting, variables, mixins and other features that make writing CSS more efficient. Sass code is compiled to CSS, so it can provide all the benefits of a framework like reducing repetitive code and making layouts easier, while adding powerful features like variables and mixins that aren't available in regular CSS. Frameworks built with Sass like Compass provide pre-built tools that make styling and layouts even quicker and easier.
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Why are we using Sass to create Grid Frameworks?
1. Why Are We Using Sass To Create
Grid Frameworks ?
TeamSplus H
2. People used to write CSS for their web
design in the past days.
This had various issues, specifically:
To reduce bandwidth, CSS needs to be minified.
Browser compatibility causes duplication.
TeamSplus H
3. First of all, What is SASS?
SASSis anewframeworkforthedesigners. Andeverydesignerwants
Sass :
Syntactically AwesomeStylesheets.
designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Nathan Weizenbaum.
an extension of CSS3.
adding nested rules
variables, mixinsand selector inheritance.
4. SASS is translated to well-formatted CSS utilizing the command
line tool. It is utilized to depict the style of a document cleanly
and structurally with more powerthan flat CSS allows.
The transition from CSS to SASS is easy - you dont have to change any
old files you already have in your system. Just rename your files from
.css to .scss include a compiler (Compass) from then on simply begin
using Sasss capabilities whenever you require them. This is a true
smooth transition and most likely the reason why the .scss syntax beat
the old indented syntax. With Sass you can effectively manage a system
of plugins and shared library "code" between different parts of your site
and even between sites in a manner which plain css can never do.
5. With Sass & Compass you can have better Cross browser support especially if
youre planning on using all the new "CSS3" properties.
Also thegreater part of all, Sassgivesyou achanceto treat your stylesheetsaspart
of your codebase, with therespect they deserveand with thepower that you need.
So go begin using Sassand enjoy thepower!
Sass has two syntaxes:
Most commonly used syntax is known as SCSS (superset of CSS3).SCSS files use
the extension .scss.
Second syntax is known as the .sass.
SASS is a Cascading Style Sheets or CSS metalanguage.
SASS is intended for people who prefer conciseness over similarity to CSS.
It uses the space of lines to specify blocks instead of brackets and semicolons.
6. Why do we use SASS Grid Frameworks?
SASS, the ideal fit for creating CSS frameworks
Frameworks like Blueprint, 960 Grid System, Grid Coordinates and
Susy have created ways for designers to skip the repetitive, everyday
and generally importantly the math.
With a CSS framework, front-end devs and designers can get a site laid
out generally quick with a minimal number of bugs, on highest point of
an intensely tested code base.
Chris Eppstein has also created Compass, essentially a collection of
awesome mixins that supplement SASS - meaning that you can dive
straight in to a new world where CSS is fun again.
7. Why do we use SASS Grid Frameworks?
SASS, the ideal fit for creating CSS frameworks
Frameworks like Blueprint, 960 Grid System, Grid Coordinates and
Susy have created ways for designers to skip the repetitive, everyday
and generally importantly the math.
With a CSS framework, front-end devs and designers can get a site laid
out generally quick with a minimal number of bugs, on highest point of
an intensely tested code base.
Chris Eppstein has also created Compass, essentially a collection of
awesome mixins that supplement SASS - meaning that you can dive
straight in to a new world where CSS is fun again.