This document discusses why investing in Silicon Valley startups is a good opportunity. It notes that Silicon Valley receives 1/3 of worldwide venture capital funding and 77% of US venture capital. Investment in Silicon Valley grew from $9.1 billion in 2010 to $11.6 billion in 2011, primarily in software and biotech startups. The US leads globally in investment, innovation, and mergers and acquisitions activity, driven largely by Silicon Valley. Mobile apps, online retail, and social gaming are highlighted as growing tech sectors presenting investment opportunities. The presentation concludes that now is a good time to invest in Silicon Valley startups.
2. Why Silicon Valley?
1/3 of the
world's total VC
funding is located
in Silicon Valley.
77% of the US
VC fund is in
Silicon Valley
The total
amount invested
in Silicon Valley
was $9.1B in
2010 up $11.6B in
The two most
popular ventures
are software
($6.7B) and
biotech ($4.7B).
4. US Leads the World in Investment, Innovation, M&A (Acquiers & Acquirees)
2008 US financial
1999 & 2000 dot-
com crashes
The 2011 VC
market in the US
is recovering to
the levels seen
before the 2008
The US maintains
a strong lead, with
about 70% of
global investment
in any given year,
driven by Silicon
6. Why Tech, IT & Mobile App?
Mobile apps:
$10B in 2010 ->
$100B by 2015,
Online retail
$200B in 2011 -
> $327B by
Social gaming
$1.84B in 2009
-> $8.64B in
*Online Retail Forecast
*Industry Gamers