Introduce Jupo - the private network for teamSliDesigner
This is the slide deck I've created at Jupo in 2013. The slides are for Press and Startup Events to introduce about Jupo, startup for team communication.
Though the information in slides are outdated now. But the way we make a explanation slidedeck may be useful for other startup.
Just to keep up the startup spirit!
The document discusses using Facebook and Twitter as part of a social media series. It provides an overview of both platforms, including statistics on usage and tips for setting up profiles, privacy settings, adding friends and groups, sharing photos and videos, and using features like status updates and hashtags. The presentation encourages real estate professionals to use social media to connect with others and share information in a personal way.
Engaging Your Community Through Social Media (originally presented at the Jus...Monique Hartl
A Review of the Basics for Farmers, Community Gardeners and CSA Organizers - Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and the Green Guru Network (hyperlocal to Westchester and the Hudson Valley
Okay, you've convinced me to Tweet: What do I do now?David Tyler
際際滷 deck from a session on how to use Twitter effectively, created for staff at The College at Brockport.
El periodista de tribunales ante la justicia espa単olaMarga hern?dez
Este documento analiza los problemas y desaf鱈os que enfrentan los periodistas de tribunales en Espa単a, incluyendo tener acceso a informaci坦n confidencial, respetar la presunci坦n de inocencia, y equilibrar el derecho de informaci坦n con los derechos de las personas involucradas en los procesos penales. El autor examina estas cuestiones a trav辿s de entrevistas con periodistas y una revisi坦n de la literatura relevante.
Este documento apresenta um teste de 100 perguntas sobre diversos assuntos, com o objetivo de avaliar e enriquecer os conhecimentos do leitor. As perguntas possuem 4 alternativas de resposta cada, sendo metade delas f叩ceis de responder. O leitor deve anotar os acertos para verificar o progresso.
"Falsos positivos" en Colombia y el papel de asistencia militar de Estados Un...Cr坦nicas del despojo
Este estudio documenta un intento por evaluar el impacto sobre los derechos humanos que pudiera haber tenido la asistencia en seguridad de EE.UU., al observar en profundidad el fen坦meno de violaciones de derechos humanos cometidas por las Fuerzas Armadas colombianas. Se trata de comprender qu辿 papel jug坦 (si lo
tuvo), la asistencia en seguridad de los EE.UU. en el aumento y disminuci坦n de la comisi坦n de las ejecuciones extrajudiciales cometidas bajo la modalidad de falsos
positivos por parte del Ej辿rcito colombiano en el periodo 2000-2010.
Bolet鱈n n炭mero 27 de diciembre 2014 del Observatorio G辿nero Equidad y Justic...Luis Felipe Mena
El documento resume las discusiones de una mesa redonda sobre la organizaci坦n social del cuidado de la infancia en Am辿rica Latina. Se analizaron temas como la institucionalizaci坦n de ni単os y adolescentes, los desaf鱈os que enfrentan los pa鱈ses para atender amplias problem叩ticas sociales que afectan a los ni単os, y experiencias de programas en Ecuador para promover la inclusi坦n de ni単os con discapacidad. Tambi辿n se debati坦 sobre qui辿nes son considerados cuidadores y c坦mo las categor鱈as sobre el cuidado de la infancia deben ser reexaminadas.
El documento describe varias especies de animales en peligro de extinci坦n en Per炭, incluyendo el gato marino, el oso de anteojos, el lobo de crin y la chinchilla real. Proporciona detalles sobre su apariencia, dieta, h叩bitat y otros nombres comunes. Tambi辿n incluye fuentes citadas.
Este documento revisa el uso de la cirug鱈a robot asistida en otorrinolaringolog鱈a. La introducci坦n de sistemas quir炭rgicos robotizados como el Da Vinci ha permitido realizar procedimientos complejos de forma m鱈nimamente invasiva a trav辿s de peque単as incisiones, ofreciendo ventajas como visi坦n estereosc坦pica, precisi坦n de movimientos y filtrado de temblor. Aunque inicialmente hubo limitaciones para su uso en cirug鱈a de cabeza y cuello debido al espacio reducido, reportes recientes demue
This document appears to be from a website called "Do The Green Thing" that aims to inspire people to lead a greener lifestyle through creative content and initiatives. It provides statistics on the site's impact and reach, examples of green actions taken by users, and testimonials praising the site's approach. It also includes links to videos, articles, and interactive tools on the site focused on motivating sustainable behaviors like reducing meat consumption, unplugging electronics, and choosing low-carbon transportation.
Atento needed to connect call centers in Spain with customer service representatives in South America to reduce costs. RAD's Vmux voice compression gateways were deployed to compress voice traffic over data links at a rate of 5.3 kbps, about half the rate of VoIP. This allowed Atento to eliminate expensive international E1 lines and reduce operating expenses. The modular RAD solution was simple to install and deploy new services and desktops quickly.
Bases te嘆riques i mecanisme d'execuci坦
Este documento resume los principios rectores de la revocaci坦n de actos administrativos en el derecho administrativo argentino y latinoamericano. Explica que la revocaci坦n puede darse por razones de conveniencia u oportunidad o por cambio de criterio, sin que el acto sea irregular. Distingue entre actos reglamentarios, que son revocables por derogaci坦n o modificaci坦n, e individuales, que pueden ser nulos o anulables. Los actos individuales reglados de ejecuci坦n 炭nica o sucesiva son generalmente irrevocables, mientras que
Daudzdz朝vok勅u mju renovcija inovcijas un jaunkie siltumizolcijas materili (Innovative and new solutions for renovation of multistory houses)
Andrius Buska, Tehnisko zintu doktors, Latvijas Minerlvates ra転otju asocicija, ROCKWOOL tehniskais vad朝tjs Baltijas valst朝s
2014.gada 7.maijs, R朝ga
Este documento habla sobre la secci坦n 叩urea y el n炭mero Phi. Explica que la secci坦n 叩urea es una proporci坦n est辿tica encontrada en la naturaleza y el arte. Luego describe c坦mo el n炭mero Phi (1.618...) surge de la secuencia num辿rica de Fibonacci y c坦mo esta proporci坦n se encuentra en la geometr鱈a, la naturaleza, el cuerpo humano, la arquitectura y el arte. Finalmente, analiza ejemplos hist坦ricos como el Hombre de Vitruvio de Da Vinci y el Modulor de Le Corbusier que utiliz
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear grupos, agregar miembros a grupos, designar administradores, publicar en el muro del grupo y crear temas de discusi坦n dentro de la plataforma de formaci坦n. Explica los pasos para completar cada una de estas tareas como hacer clic en pesta単as y opciones espec鱈ficas, completar campos requeridos e ingresar contenido.
The BCG Growth/Share Portfolio Matrix is a tool that analyzes a company's portfolio of business units based on their relative market share and market growth rate. It plots units on a 2x2 grid to identify "stars", "cash cows", "question marks", and "dogs". Stars have high share and growth and should receive investment, while dogs have low share and growth and should be divested. The tool helps allocate scarce resources but oversimplifies by only considering two factors and doesn't address shrinking markets. It works best as part of a broader analysis.
El documento describe diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje, incluyendo estrategias cognitivas, de ensayo, elaboraci坦n, organizacionales y de monitoreo. Tambi辿n discute el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje ante las nuevas tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n como el trabajo aut坦nomo, en grupo e interactividad a trav辿s de herramientas como correo electr坦nico y sitios web.
El documento presenta res炭menes de varios de los museos m叩s importantes del mundo, incluyendo El Louvre en Par鱈s, conocido por sus colecciones de arte egipcio, griego y romano antiguo, as鱈 como pinturas italianas de los siglos XIII-XVII; El Museo de Orsay en Par鱈s, que alberga obras impresionistas y postimpresionistas; el Museo Guggenheim en Nueva York, dedicado al arte moderno; el Museo de Israel en Jerusal辿n, con su techo en forma de cebolla; el Museo Metrop
El documento describe la importancia de realizar pron坦sticos de ventas precisos para la planificaci坦n empresarial. Un pron坦stico de ventas estima las ventas futuras de una empresa y es fundamental para la toma de decisiones en 叩reas como mercadotecnia, producci坦n, inventarios y flujo de caja. Se recomienda elaborar pron坦sticos para cada producto, l鱈nea de productos y la empresa en su totalidad, revis叩ndolos peri坦dicamente para mantenerlos actualizados.
Este documento describe la importancia de los ecosistemas y los servicios que proveen. Explica que los ecosistemas albergan una gran diversidad de especies y proveen bienes y servicios valiosos como alimentos, agua limpia, y regulaci坦n del clima. Sin embargo, los ecosistemas se han perdido y alterado debido al crecimiento de la poblaci坦n humana y la expansi坦n de la agricultura y las ciudades.
El documento describe los principales tipos de estructuras, incluyendo pilares, vigas, muros, arcos y puentes. Explica que las estructuras pueden clasificarse seg炭n su funci坦n, movilidad o utilidad. Tambi辿n describe los diferentes tipos de esfuerzos que soportan las estructuras como compresi坦n, flexi坦n y tracci坦n. Al final incluye enlaces a recursos adicionales sobre estructuras.
Lindsay calls her mother Suze to catch up. Suze reveals she is pregnant, but the father is not Lindsay's father - it is someone new named Parker. Lindsay is surprised by this news but ultimately supportive of her mother's happiness. At college, Lindsay attends some classes and works on her art, while Adam studies hard and bakes in their kitchen. Life continues on for the siblings as the semester progresses.
Base fisiologia y diagnostico del sobreentrenamientoCristian Salazar
tema general: bases fisiol坦gicas del sobre entrenamiento.
tema especifico: Evitar y tratar el sobre entrenamiento
Severino Di Giovanni, el idealista de la violencia - Osvaldo.bayerN SinApellido
Este documento describe un incidente en el Teatro Col坦n de Buenos Aires en 1925 durante un evento para celebrar el aniversario del rey de Italia. Un grupo de 10 anarquistas interrumpi坦 el evento lanzando volantes y gritando consignas anticapitalistas y antifascistas. Esto provoc坦 una pelea con miembros fascistas italianos presentes. La polic鱈a detuvo a los 10 anarquistas, uno de los cuales se identific坦 como Severino Di Giovanni, un militante anarquista de 24 a単os que se opon鱈a al gobierno fascista
Este documento presenta un acuerdo de licencia de software para el sistema SGS Digitize de Scanvec Garment Systems. El acuerdo otorga una licencia personal e intransferible para usar el software, gu鱈as de usuario y llave de protecci坦n de copia para fines comerciales ordinarios. El acuerdo tambi辿n establece que Scanvec retiene el copyright y la propiedad sobre estos materiales licenciados. El usuario no puede copiar, modificar o transferir los materiales a terceros y Scanvec niega todas las garant鱈as m叩s all叩 de reemplazar cualquier CD defectuoso dentro de los primeros
The document discusses the characteristics of online communication such as texting, emailing, and posting on social media. Some key points made are:
- Online communication lacks nonverbal cues like tone of voice that help convey feelings and can lead to misunderstandings.
- It allows people to communicate briefly and conveniently but messages may lack depth or context compared to in-person discussions where people can talk about various topics.
- While asynchronous, online communication can be shared widely and lasts permanently.
Research Trends 2013: Evolving Networks of ExpertiseWilliam Gunn
William Gunn discusses how online communities have evolved from early internet forums and networks to modern social networks. He explains that early networks like Usenet and mailing lists allowed sharing of information before the web. Modern social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Mendeley grew as platforms that made sharing content like photos, links, and research easy. This led to online communities forming around shared interests in the content people discovered through these networks. Gunn argues that communities thrive when networks remain open to the web and allow aggregation of user data in the cloud.
ESIP FED Spring 2012: Evolving Networks of ExpertiseWilliam Gunn
William Gunn discusses how online communities have evolved from early networks like ARPANET that were designed for sharing data and resources. He explains that true online communities form when people share content like photos, links, or research papers through a centralized platform, which allows for easier discovery and interaction among users with shared interests. Gunn provides examples like Flickr, Delicious, and Mendeley to show how specialized interest groups naturally develop when people share specific types of content through a single online service.
El documento describe varias especies de animales en peligro de extinci坦n en Per炭, incluyendo el gato marino, el oso de anteojos, el lobo de crin y la chinchilla real. Proporciona detalles sobre su apariencia, dieta, h叩bitat y otros nombres comunes. Tambi辿n incluye fuentes citadas.
Este documento revisa el uso de la cirug鱈a robot asistida en otorrinolaringolog鱈a. La introducci坦n de sistemas quir炭rgicos robotizados como el Da Vinci ha permitido realizar procedimientos complejos de forma m鱈nimamente invasiva a trav辿s de peque単as incisiones, ofreciendo ventajas como visi坦n estereosc坦pica, precisi坦n de movimientos y filtrado de temblor. Aunque inicialmente hubo limitaciones para su uso en cirug鱈a de cabeza y cuello debido al espacio reducido, reportes recientes demue
This document appears to be from a website called "Do The Green Thing" that aims to inspire people to lead a greener lifestyle through creative content and initiatives. It provides statistics on the site's impact and reach, examples of green actions taken by users, and testimonials praising the site's approach. It also includes links to videos, articles, and interactive tools on the site focused on motivating sustainable behaviors like reducing meat consumption, unplugging electronics, and choosing low-carbon transportation.
Atento needed to connect call centers in Spain with customer service representatives in South America to reduce costs. RAD's Vmux voice compression gateways were deployed to compress voice traffic over data links at a rate of 5.3 kbps, about half the rate of VoIP. This allowed Atento to eliminate expensive international E1 lines and reduce operating expenses. The modular RAD solution was simple to install and deploy new services and desktops quickly.
Bases te嘆riques i mecanisme d'execuci坦
Este documento resume los principios rectores de la revocaci坦n de actos administrativos en el derecho administrativo argentino y latinoamericano. Explica que la revocaci坦n puede darse por razones de conveniencia u oportunidad o por cambio de criterio, sin que el acto sea irregular. Distingue entre actos reglamentarios, que son revocables por derogaci坦n o modificaci坦n, e individuales, que pueden ser nulos o anulables. Los actos individuales reglados de ejecuci坦n 炭nica o sucesiva son generalmente irrevocables, mientras que
Daudzdz朝vok勅u mju renovcija inovcijas un jaunkie siltumizolcijas materili (Innovative and new solutions for renovation of multistory houses)
Andrius Buska, Tehnisko zintu doktors, Latvijas Minerlvates ra転otju asocicija, ROCKWOOL tehniskais vad朝tjs Baltijas valst朝s
2014.gada 7.maijs, R朝ga
Este documento habla sobre la secci坦n 叩urea y el n炭mero Phi. Explica que la secci坦n 叩urea es una proporci坦n est辿tica encontrada en la naturaleza y el arte. Luego describe c坦mo el n炭mero Phi (1.618...) surge de la secuencia num辿rica de Fibonacci y c坦mo esta proporci坦n se encuentra en la geometr鱈a, la naturaleza, el cuerpo humano, la arquitectura y el arte. Finalmente, analiza ejemplos hist坦ricos como el Hombre de Vitruvio de Da Vinci y el Modulor de Le Corbusier que utiliz
El documento proporciona instrucciones para crear grupos, agregar miembros a grupos, designar administradores, publicar en el muro del grupo y crear temas de discusi坦n dentro de la plataforma de formaci坦n. Explica los pasos para completar cada una de estas tareas como hacer clic en pesta単as y opciones espec鱈ficas, completar campos requeridos e ingresar contenido.
The BCG Growth/Share Portfolio Matrix is a tool that analyzes a company's portfolio of business units based on their relative market share and market growth rate. It plots units on a 2x2 grid to identify "stars", "cash cows", "question marks", and "dogs". Stars have high share and growth and should receive investment, while dogs have low share and growth and should be divested. The tool helps allocate scarce resources but oversimplifies by only considering two factors and doesn't address shrinking markets. It works best as part of a broader analysis.
El documento describe diferentes estrategias de aprendizaje, incluyendo estrategias cognitivas, de ensayo, elaboraci坦n, organizacionales y de monitoreo. Tambi辿n discute el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje ante las nuevas tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n como el trabajo aut坦nomo, en grupo e interactividad a trav辿s de herramientas como correo electr坦nico y sitios web.
El documento presenta res炭menes de varios de los museos m叩s importantes del mundo, incluyendo El Louvre en Par鱈s, conocido por sus colecciones de arte egipcio, griego y romano antiguo, as鱈 como pinturas italianas de los siglos XIII-XVII; El Museo de Orsay en Par鱈s, que alberga obras impresionistas y postimpresionistas; el Museo Guggenheim en Nueva York, dedicado al arte moderno; el Museo de Israel en Jerusal辿n, con su techo en forma de cebolla; el Museo Metrop
El documento describe la importancia de realizar pron坦sticos de ventas precisos para la planificaci坦n empresarial. Un pron坦stico de ventas estima las ventas futuras de una empresa y es fundamental para la toma de decisiones en 叩reas como mercadotecnia, producci坦n, inventarios y flujo de caja. Se recomienda elaborar pron坦sticos para cada producto, l鱈nea de productos y la empresa en su totalidad, revis叩ndolos peri坦dicamente para mantenerlos actualizados.
Este documento describe la importancia de los ecosistemas y los servicios que proveen. Explica que los ecosistemas albergan una gran diversidad de especies y proveen bienes y servicios valiosos como alimentos, agua limpia, y regulaci坦n del clima. Sin embargo, los ecosistemas se han perdido y alterado debido al crecimiento de la poblaci坦n humana y la expansi坦n de la agricultura y las ciudades.
El documento describe los principales tipos de estructuras, incluyendo pilares, vigas, muros, arcos y puentes. Explica que las estructuras pueden clasificarse seg炭n su funci坦n, movilidad o utilidad. Tambi辿n describe los diferentes tipos de esfuerzos que soportan las estructuras como compresi坦n, flexi坦n y tracci坦n. Al final incluye enlaces a recursos adicionales sobre estructuras.
Lindsay calls her mother Suze to catch up. Suze reveals she is pregnant, but the father is not Lindsay's father - it is someone new named Parker. Lindsay is surprised by this news but ultimately supportive of her mother's happiness. At college, Lindsay attends some classes and works on her art, while Adam studies hard and bakes in their kitchen. Life continues on for the siblings as the semester progresses.
Base fisiologia y diagnostico del sobreentrenamientoCristian Salazar
tema general: bases fisiol坦gicas del sobre entrenamiento.
tema especifico: Evitar y tratar el sobre entrenamiento
Severino Di Giovanni, el idealista de la violencia - Osvaldo.bayerN SinApellido
Este documento describe un incidente en el Teatro Col坦n de Buenos Aires en 1925 durante un evento para celebrar el aniversario del rey de Italia. Un grupo de 10 anarquistas interrumpi坦 el evento lanzando volantes y gritando consignas anticapitalistas y antifascistas. Esto provoc坦 una pelea con miembros fascistas italianos presentes. La polic鱈a detuvo a los 10 anarquistas, uno de los cuales se identific坦 como Severino Di Giovanni, un militante anarquista de 24 a単os que se opon鱈a al gobierno fascista
Este documento presenta un acuerdo de licencia de software para el sistema SGS Digitize de Scanvec Garment Systems. El acuerdo otorga una licencia personal e intransferible para usar el software, gu鱈as de usuario y llave de protecci坦n de copia para fines comerciales ordinarios. El acuerdo tambi辿n establece que Scanvec retiene el copyright y la propiedad sobre estos materiales licenciados. El usuario no puede copiar, modificar o transferir los materiales a terceros y Scanvec niega todas las garant鱈as m叩s all叩 de reemplazar cualquier CD defectuoso dentro de los primeros
The document discusses the characteristics of online communication such as texting, emailing, and posting on social media. Some key points made are:
- Online communication lacks nonverbal cues like tone of voice that help convey feelings and can lead to misunderstandings.
- It allows people to communicate briefly and conveniently but messages may lack depth or context compared to in-person discussions where people can talk about various topics.
- While asynchronous, online communication can be shared widely and lasts permanently.
Research Trends 2013: Evolving Networks of ExpertiseWilliam Gunn
William Gunn discusses how online communities have evolved from early internet forums and networks to modern social networks. He explains that early networks like Usenet and mailing lists allowed sharing of information before the web. Modern social networks like Twitter, Facebook, and Mendeley grew as platforms that made sharing content like photos, links, and research easy. This led to online communities forming around shared interests in the content people discovered through these networks. Gunn argues that communities thrive when networks remain open to the web and allow aggregation of user data in the cloud.
ESIP FED Spring 2012: Evolving Networks of ExpertiseWilliam Gunn
William Gunn discusses how online communities have evolved from early networks like ARPANET that were designed for sharing data and resources. He explains that true online communities form when people share content like photos, links, or research papers through a centralized platform, which allows for easier discovery and interaction among users with shared interests. Gunn provides examples like Flickr, Delicious, and Mendeley to show how specialized interest groups naturally develop when people share specific types of content through a single online service.
This document provides an overview of an English 106 course on Introduction to Literary Forms and Critical Writing I taught by Dr. Daniel Feldman. It includes sections on writing blurbs, sample assignments on analyzing essays about social media and friendship, and a discussion of constructing thesis statements. Key points covered include the benefits of writing for learning, analyzing short stories by James Joyce, editing exercises, and examples of effective and ineffective thesis statements.
It would be presumptuous to call for the end of email, but it would be wise to suggest we could use email more wisely. This presentation reviews when to use old-fashioned email and when to use social web channels. Your comments are welcome and so are embeds, likes, clips and shares.
Planeta Wiki
This document provides information about an English course at BIU and includes sample assignment prompts and readings. It discusses using writing to improve learning and comprehension across disciplines. It also includes sample thesis statements and introduction to framing an argument, as well as excerpts from readings on friendship and social media. Students are assigned to write a brief essay agreeing or disagreeing whether Facebook corrupts friendship, using one of the provided essays as support.
Social mediabreadcrumbsbuildingblocks exconf2012Karen Jeannette
The document describes two case studies of using social media to connect with and support different professional groups:
1) Military child care professionals. Connections were initially made through LinkedIn, Twitter, and webinars. These connections led to further opportunities like conference participation, collaborations, and sharing expertise.
2) Extension Master Gardeners. Various social media platforms like blogs, Facebook, and email updates were used to engage this group. Personal stories and sharing content from other groups helped attract interactions. Tracking monthly interactions built awareness and ideas for new content.
The examples show how small initial connections or "breadcrumbs" through social media can develop into more substantial "building blocks" like relationships, content contributions, and program
This document summarizes a social media seminar about cultivating an online presence. It discusses defining one's online identity, choosing appropriate social media platforms to share content, and how to engage with others online. The seminar covers best practices for using tools like blogs, social networks, and sharing content. Participants are encouraged to start participating on sites like Twitter and to make their online identities easy for others to find.
This document summarizes a seminar on developing an online social media presence. It discusses choosing a consistent online identity, platforms like blogs, social networks, and tools for sharing content. Specific advice includes figuring out what you want to share, your target audience, finding people in your field on networks, and making it easy for others to find your work online through consistent use of hashtags and profiles.
This document discusses how social networks and online interactions have developed over the past ten years and how the author has personally used social media. It notes that early websites focused on linking documents, then allowed more interaction, and are now rebuilt around people with social behavior as the key feature. The author shares how they initially just browsed the web but over time joined online groups, took online courses, started a blog and joined Twitter and YouTube. It explores how online identities can differ from real identities and questions if our online interactions provide "ambient intimacy" that we become addicted to.
Professional networking for people who HATE Networking [General Assembly Event]Lisa Cohen
Keep your New Years resolutions alive and find ways to connect with others, even in the current work-from-home environment. Debunk the myths of networking challenges and gain new perspective on how easy and helpful this activity can be.
1. 5 Misconceptions about Networking
2. Who is in your Network?
3. Networking Opportunities, and Tips & Tricks
4. Networking for Introverts
1. The document is a reflection by Cynda Tate and Ella Wilkie on their semester project about the effects of parental deployment in the military on children.
2. They explored how parental absence due to war drastically changes all aspects of children's lives, especially interactions with parents and feelings of losing both parents.
3. By using a Glogster with links to other media like VoiceThread and PowerPoint, Cynda and Ella felt they created an impactful project that showed the difficulties faced by children with deployed parents.
Cynda Tate wrote a reflective essay about a semester-long project where she researched the effects of parental deployment in the military on children. She found that children experience emotional, behavioral, anxiety and stress-related issues when a parent is away at war. Working with her friend Ella, Cynda created a Glogster website with links to additional multimedia elements like VoiceThread and PowerPoint to convey their findings. Through this process, Cynda learned the importance of effectively communicating new understandings and using creative formats to express personal learning.
The document discusses how technology can be used to create online communities. It provides examples of how the Webheads community has survived for over 10 years using various online tools for communication, collaboration and sharing resources. While online connections are different than physical communities, technology enables people to connect globally with others who share similar interests and values when they may otherwise be isolated.
The document reviews several microblogging tools that can be used for language learning, including Twitter, Plurk, and Edmodo. It discusses the key features of microblogging like brevity, mobility, and real-time sharing. Benefits of using microblogging in the classroom include practicing language skills, continuing discussions inside and outside of class, and increasing interaction and fluency. Tips are provided on how to use tools like Twitter and Plurk for classroom activities and language exercises.
Assembling university learning technologies for an open world: connecting ins...John Hannon
This document discusses the relationship between social networking and institutional learning. It notes there can be tensions when social media practices overflow the institutional framing of learning. Students may use tools like Facebook and QQ for both social and educational purposes like communicating in groups. However, there appears to be disconnects between students' digital networks and official institutional systems. Students do underground work to replicate course content and discussions onto social media platforms that is largely unseen by the institution. While students engage in scholarly use of social media, there is little overlap between this and the technology used for educational purposes within their courses.
This document provides guidance on becoming digitally active and utilizing digital tools and networks. It discusses microblogging, collaborative working, information management, social bookmarking, and developing one's digital profile and networks. Examples of tools are provided like Twitter, Google Docs, Evernote, blogs, and LinkedIn. Benefits mentioned include research advancing more quickly through sharing, gaining knowledge from others, and opportunities for fame and reputation.
ISSN Coaches Global Collaboration SimulationHonor Moorman
The document describes a simulation for a global collaboration project between students in different countries. It outlines the process for students to work asynchronously via a shared document and synchronously via chat to synthesize ideas from readings on digital learning and flatten classrooms. Students will then collaboratively write an email to educators encouraging participation in a book club on these topics. The simulation aims to give students experience communicating and collaborating across borders to understand different perspectives and take action on global issues.
1. The document discusses the 3 Rules of Epidemics: The Law of the Few, The Stickiness Factor, and The Power of Context.
2. The Law of the Few states that the success of any social epidemic depends heavily on a small number of influential people known as Connectors, Mavens, and Salespeople.
3. It also discusses how the context of ideas and behaviors spreading through mobile devices versus desktop computers can impact their transmission and engagement.
Shared Spaces - Using all kinds of technology to connect communitiesKirklees Council
Presentation about the 'Shared Spaces' approach we've developed by working with local communities, using all kinds of technology. Created for the LocalDirectgov Really Useful Day about Social Media at Northallerton on Friday 22nd March 2013.
GDG Cloud Southlake #40: Brandon Stokes: How to Build a Great ProductJames Anderson
How to Build a Great Product
Being a tech entrepreneur is about providing a remarkable product or service that serves the needs of its customers better, faster, and cheaper than anything else. The goal is to "make something people want" which we call, product market fit.
But how do we get there? We'll explore the process of taking an idea to product market fit (PMF), how you know you have true PMF, and how your product strategies differ pre-PMF from post-PMF.
Brandon is a 3x founder, 1x exit, ex-banker & corporate strategist, car dealership owner, and alumnus of Techstars & Y Combinator. He enjoys building products and services that impact people for the better.
Brandon has had 3 different careers (banking, corporate finance & strategy, technology) in 7 different industries; Investment Banking, CPG, Media & Entertainment, Telecommunications, Consumer application, Automotive, & Fintech/Insuretech.
He's an idea to revenue leader and entrepreneur that helps organizations build products and processes, hire talent, test & iterate quickly, collect feedback, and grow in unregulated and heavily regulated industries.
5 Must-Use AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity!
AI is changing the game! From research to creativity and coding, here are 5 powerful AI tools you should try.
NotebookLM Your AI Research Assistant
Organizes & summarizes notes
Generates insights from multiple sources
Ideal for students, researchers & writers
Boost your productivity with smarter note-taking!
ィ The Creativity Booster
Connects and organizes ideas
Perfect for writers, designers & entrepreneurs
Acts as your AI-powered brainstorming partner
Unleash your creativity effortlessly!
DeepSeek Smarter AI Search
Delivers deeper & more precise search results
Analyzes large datasets for better insights
Ideal for professionals & researchers
Find what you needfaster & smarter!
ChatGPT Your AI Chat Assistant
Answers questions, writes content & assists in coding
Helps businesses with customer support
Boosts learning & productivity
From content to codingChatGPT does it all!
Devin AI
Devin AI AI for Coders
Writes, debugs & optimizes code
Assists developers at all skill levels
Makes coding faster & more efficient
Let AI be your coding partner!
AI is transforming the way we work!
Benchmark Testing Demystified: Your Roadmap to Peak PerformanceShubham Joshi
Benchmark testing is the cornerstone of understanding your systems performance, and this guide breaks it down step-by-step. Learn how to design tests that simulate real-world conditions, measure key performance metrics, and interpret results effectively. This comprehensive roadmap covers everything from selecting the right tools to creating repeatable tests that help identify bottlenecks and optimize resource usage. Whether you're dealing with web applications, mobile apps, or enterprise software, this guide offers practical tips and real-life examples to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency.
This business intelligence report, "The Big Ten Biopharmaceutical MNCs: Global Capability Centers in India", provides an in-depth analysis of the operations and contributions of the Global Capability Centers (GCCs) of ten leading biopharmaceutical multinational corporations in India. The report covers AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol Myers Squibb, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Novartis, Sanofi, Roche, Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, and Eli Lilly. In this report each company's GCC is profiled with details on location, workforce size, investment, and the strategic roles these centers play in global business operations, research and development, and information technology and digital innovation.
SB7 Mobile Ltd: Simplified & Secure ServicesReuben Jasper
SB7 Mobile Ltd is enhancing customer experience by improving support accessibility, billing transparency, and security. The company has strengthened payment authorization, simplified unsubscription, and expanded customer service channels to address common concerns.
Combining Lexical and Semantic Search with Milvus 2.5Zilliz
In short, lexical search is a way to search your documents based on the keywords they contain, in contrast to semantic search, which compares the similarity of embeddings. Well be covering:
Why, when, and how should you use lexical search
What is the BM25 distance metric
How exactly does Milvus 2.5 implement lexical search
How to build an improved hybrid lexical + semantic search with Milvus 2.5
William Maclyn Murphy McRae, a logistics expert with 9+ years of experience, is known for optimizing supply chain operations and consistently exceeding industry standards. His strategic approach, combined with hands-on execution, has streamlined distribution processes, reduced lead times, and consistently delivered exceptional results.
Caching for Performance Masterclass: Caching StrategiesScyllaDB
Exploring the tradeoffs of common caching strategies and a look at the architectural differences.
- Which strategies exist
- When to apply different strategies
- ScyllaDB cache design
Artificial Intelligence Quick Research Guide by Arthur MorganArthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
Supercharge Your Career with UiPath CertificationsDianaGray10
Join us on February 25th as we discuss how you can supercharge your career with the updated 2025 UiPath Certifications.
Diana Gray, UiPath Senior Community Marketing Manager, Americas, will walk us through:
-- Workforce Trends
-- Value of UiPath Certifications
-- Certification Program
-- Steps to Earning a Certificate
FinTech is reshaping the way businesses handle payments, risk management, and financial operations. From AI-driven fraud detection to blockchain-powered security, the right FinTech solutions can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. This guide explores 10 essential FinTech tools that help businesses stay ahead in an increasingly digital economy.
Discover how digital payments, credit risk management, treasury solutions, AI, blockchain, and RegTech can enhance efficiency, security, and profitability.
Read now to learn how businesses are leveraging FinTech for smarter financial management!
This is a comprehensive guide explaining how blockchain technology works, its key features, and real-world applications in industries like finance, supply chain, and retail. Learn about different blockchain networks (public, private, and consortium) and the challenges businesses face in adopting blockchain. Discover how blockchain consulting can help businesses implement secure, transparent, and efficient solutions, reducing risks and optimizing operations. This guide is ideal for businesses exploring blockchain adoption and seeking expert guidance.
Getting Started with AWS - Enterprise Landing Zone for Terraform Learning & D...Chris Wahl
Welcome innovators! In this comprehensive tutorial, you will learn how to get started with AWS Cloud and Terraform to build an enterprise-like landing zone for a secure, low-cost environment to develop with Terraform. We'll guide you through setting up AWS Control Tower, Identity and Access Management, and creating a sandbox account, ensuring you have a safe and controlled area for learning and development. You'll also learn about budget management, single sign-on setup, and using AWS organizations for policy management. Plus, dive deep into Terraform basics, including setting up state management, migrating local state to remote state, and making resource modifications using your new infrastructure as code skills. Perfect for beginners looking to master AWS and Terraform essentials!
AI Trends and Fun Demos Sothebys Rehoboth PresentationEthan Holland
Ethan B. Holland explores the impact of artificial intelligence on real estate and digital transformation. Covering key AI trends such as multimodal AI, agency, co-pilots, and AI-powered computer usage, the document highlights how emerging technologies are reshaping industries. It includes real-world demonstrations of AI in action, from automated real estate insights to AI-generated voice and video applications. With expertise in digital transformation, Ethan shares insights from his work optimizing workflows with AI tools, automation, and large language models. This presentation is essential for professionals seeking to understand AIs role in business, automation, and real estate.
Big Data Analytics Quick Research Guide by Arthur Morgan (PREVIEW)Arthur Morgan
This is a Quick Research Guide (QRG).
QRGs include the following:
- A brief, high-level overview of the QRG topic.
- A milestone timeline for the QRG topic.
- Links to various free online resource materials to provide a deeper dive into the QRG topic.
- Conclusion and a recommendation for at least two books available in the SJPL system on the QRG topic.
QRGs planned for the series:
- Artificial Intelligence QRG
- Quantum Computing QRG
- Big Data Analytics QRG (coming 2025)
- Spacecraft Guidance, Navigation & Control QRG (coming 2026)
- UK Home Computing & The Birth of ARM QRG (coming 2027)
Any questions or comments?
- Please contact Arthur Morgan at
100% human made.
3. The problem
Whos in charge of that thing?
Wheres the design file?
How do you feel about the new concept?
What took you so long to answer my email?
4. Email is obsolete
Your inbox is overload.
You cant do anything, while stumbling
upon your own junk box.
Youre LOST.
Cant find the design files. Dont have the
feedbacks. Cant deliver things.