Why Australia? Why Wollongong? originated more than 15 years ago when two Australia Day committee members attended an annual women's luncheon at Parliament House. Now each year at our Australia Day dinner "Why Australia? Why Wollongong?" captures brief stories of three to four residents' journeys to Australia and then their stay here in Wollongong. Some stories are presented with emotion, others with humour - but all share one passion of living in Wollongong.
10. Why Australia Why Wollongong
Our Special highlight - Why Australia Why
Wollongong captures brief stories of
residents journeys to Australia and then
their stay here in Wollongong
It has become an important part of our
Australia Day dinner as it captures the
essence of what Australia Day is all about
in a multicultural city
11. Population Base
Bureau of Statistics Census 2006 show a total of
72.1% people living in Wollongong were born in
Australia and 21.6% were born overseas.
Dominant non-English speaking countries were
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Italy
and China.
Other dominant countries were New Zealand,
Germany, Croatia, Portugal and Netherlands.
12. How do we get our Speakers
Local newspaper articles & local contacts
University of Wollongong
Multicultural Ethnics Council
SCARF (Strategic Community Assistance to
Refugee Families)
Living Library
Councils Community Services Division
13. Where have our Speakers
come from
Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Libya, Chile, Ghana, Kenya
Turkey, Macedonia, Afghanistan, Lebanon
England, United States of America
China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Iraq, Bosnia
French Canadian, Italy, Poland,
Netherlands, Belgium, Malta
14. Tshibanda Gracia
Why Australia Why
presentation in 2009
Young Citizen of the
Year 2010
Our guests leave on an emotional roller
coaster from the highs and lows as
presented by our speakers
It emphasizes the diversity of our city
and how important Australia and more
importantly Wollongong, is to them
Reinforces to us all what we take so
easily for granted our freedom and
our beautiful country and city