WineAmore is an iPad application that allows restaurants to create and manage digital wine lists. It provides value to restaurants, wine producers, importers and customers. For restaurants it saves money on printing and allows customization and stock management. Producers can provide detailed information about their wines. Importers can use it as a marketing tool. Customers have an interactive way to choose wine with many details in different languages. It has customers in Italy and abroad and plans to expand worldwide.
2. What WineAmore is
It is an iPad application to create and
manage a Digital Wine List
The New Way To Choose Wine
3. The whole chain is involved
Final customers Restaurant owners
Importers Producers
The New Way To Choose Wine
4. Value for the Final customers
Easy and interactive choice of
Awared choice of the wine
thanks to rich information &
All information written in
different languages
The New Way To Choose Wine
5. Value for the Restaurant owner
Saving of & as it is so easy
to update the list, without printing
Better service given to final customer
Possibility to highlight specific to promote
Better image for the Restaurants, thanks also to
complete customization
Better management of the stock and rotation
The New Way To Choose Wine
6. Value for the Producers
Possibility to be present exactly
during the choice, with relevat
information about each wine
Maximization of all investments done in the label &
design of the bottle
Collecting important marketing analytics and data
about wine distribution and wines-appeal
Give to the sales force a strong and easy-to-update
digital cathalog
The New Way To Choose Wine
7. Value for the Importers
WineAmore is a completly new tool
of Trade Marketing for Importers:
•Importers make an agreement with
WineAmore to upload wines-details and
info of all imported wines
•Importers give the WineAmore-application to Best Clients
(restuarants or wineries), and can see increasing wine sales
•Best Clients receive a new and useful tool to better work
Give to the sales force a strong and easy-to-update
digital cathalog
The New Way To Choose Wine
8. Easy to install and use
No informatic competence needed to have and manage
the customized wine list
WineAmore team will prepare the customization and the
restaurant owner will only have to keep the list updated
The New Way To Choose Wine
9. Business Model
Yearly Fee + Setup Fee
Restaurant Data Service Reputation
Yearly Fee WineAmore
Data Service Exposure
Consumer User Experience
The New Way To Choose Wine
10. Actual Customers and Market size
We already have clients both in Italy
and abroad (see map), and are
planning to expand worldwide
The New Way To Choose Wine
11. WineAmore seen on Media
Newspapers, magazines, web-sites, blogs published
informations & news about WineAmore, confirming great
attention about this new marketing tool
The New Way To Choose Wine
12. Awards
WineAmore has been selected Our client De Lindeboom
among the 6 Best New New Style Restaurant, has
Company for Expo 2015, that been awarded as BEST
will take place in Milan - Italy WINE-LIST in The
Neteherland 2013; the
jury mentioned the
“superbe interface” of
the list in the motivation
of the award
WineAmore won the Business Plan Competition Start
Cup 2011 in Bergamo area
The New Way To Choose Wine
13. «The change from atoms to bits is irrevocable
and unstoppable»
(N. Negroponte, “Bits and Atoms” - 1995)
«When you will enter a restaurant in 2020, you’ll
hardly see any paper wine-list around!»
(WineAmore Team - 2011)
Free DEMO on iTunes
Sergio Cocco @wineamore
CEO & Founder
The New Way To Choose Wine
Editor's Notes
#3: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#4: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#5: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#6: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#7: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#8: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#9: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#10: Restaurants iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage New and fashionable image = more customers Solid tool to manage the more profitable revenue stream of their business Delivering better experience to customers Wine Producers Exposure of products during the wine choice Statistics about final price and competitive positioning End users (customers of the restaurants) New interactive experience Opportunity to take an aware choice (due to more info)
#12: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage
#13: iPad is a fashion marketing icon, more and more popular both for personal and business usage