Munster Technology has identified a business opportunity to develop and manufacture an alternative to ladders and scaffolding. They plan to create a mobile platform prototype that can be set up in under 10 minutes and easily moved. This product would be marketed to industries like construction and facilities maintenance as a safer and more efficient option than traditional equipment. Munster Technology will leverage partnerships with engineering students to help design and build the prototype.
4. Agenda
Munster Technology is has identified a
business opportunity to develop and
manufacture an alternative to Ladders
and scaffolding..
AOL Broadband - Confidential
6. Agenda What
How many price
of these could I
can I sell? get for
What What
products / percentage
services are of my target
the market market are
looking for? interested?
What does
the market
think of
this idea?
AOL Broadband - Confidential
8. I am looking at modeling a mobile
platform prototype that will be
marketed and used by Munster
Technology commercially.
AOL Broadband - Confidential
9. My focus would be Church Cathedrals,
Shopping Malls, Airport Terminals and any
other residential / commercial area that
requires suited light work at height on a
regular basis or one off basis.
AOL Broadband - Confidential
10. This prototype should beset up in
under 10 minutes and then move as
required in seconds.
This product will have the production
value of a typical camera jib in less
space, with less weight and a much
faster set up time.
AOL Broadband - Confidential
12. Utilise my knowledge provider to
encorage innovative design from the
engineering students within Waterford
Institute of Technology ..?
Utilise my knowledge provider to ……
Munster Technology will ….
AOL Broadband - Confidential