A high school social studies teacher asked a rude student named LaKeitha and her mother to meet with them the next morning before school. The following morning, LaKeitha arrived crying and shared her story with the teacher. The teacher is now left wondering how to proceed after hearing LaKeitha's perspective.
Nation branding in nation building bolaji okusagaBolaji Okusaga
This document provides a summary of a longer article about nation branding and nation building in Nigeria as it celebrates 100 years as a nation. It discusses two schools of thought on the meaning of the anniversary celebrations - those who see it as a time for reflection on accomplishments and failures, and those who see it more as a ritualistic enactment. It argues that for progress, nations need collective agreement among constituent societies on building a united future, and that under the current globalized world, nation building requires competitive national brands that promote prosperity and progress. The document examines Nigeria's path over the past 100 years and lack of understanding of modern realities needed to leverage national brands and resources for global competitiveness and accelerated development.
Calificaciones finales para los alumnos del curso de Interacción Humano-Computadora 1 de la MaestrÃa en Medios Interactivos de la Universidad Tecnológica de la Mixteca.
While some may have condemned "The Change Begins With Me" campaign recently launched by President Buhari, truth be told, beyond leadership, Nigeria needs to rediscover its soul. If leadership won't do it, then maybe the bottom-up approach will work after all, our leadership merely expresses who we are as a people. We cannot continue to do the wrong things while hoping for right leadership. It won't work.
Managing the President’s Communication - Bolaji OkusagaBolaji Okusaga
Communication is central to good governance. Under the Presidential system, all executive powers devolve from the President, hence, there really should not be a Minister of Information. Information and Communication on policy and actions of government should be owned and managed from the Presidency while Ministers are merely designated as Spokespersons primed and prepared to reflect the policy and actions of the Presidency as regards their Ministry.
The document provides an overview of advanced features in the SMART Board software, including Notebook Express, the floating toolbar, camera capture, page recording, attaching sounds, importing movies, printing options, using the attachments tab, exporting and importing lessons, embedding YouTube videos and flash files, downloading flash files from websites, tutorials, print capture, extracting audio from YouTube, converting files using Zamzar, and adding PDF picture files.