This document provides guidance on navigating the workflow process in Core-CT for requisitions, purchase orders, and vouchers. It explains that requisitions must be approved by an amount approver, budget approver, and purchasing approver. The number of required approvers depends on the dollar amount. It also describes how to check the approval status of a transaction, how self-approval works, and how to use the manual approval process.
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Workflow Bulletin
1. Tips for Using Core- Core-CT Financials Bulletin
Number 01
CT Workflow 09/2508
Use this edition of the Core-CT Financials Bulletin as a quick reference guide for questions about
the workflow process in Core-CT for:
? Requisitions
? Purchase Orders
? Vouchers
1. Where does a requisition stand in the workflow process?
a. The easiest way to find out where a requisition is in the workflow process is to navigate
to: eProcurement ? Manage Requisitions.
b. Enter the name of the requester into the ¡°Requester¡± field and click the ¡°Go¡± button.
c. The search returns all requisitions that have been entered by this requester. Find the
desired requisition (usually by the description on the left) and click the ¡°Approval
Status¡± icon. This will show you what step in the approval process the transaction
is in and who has already approved it.
2. Who needs to approve a requisition?
a. There are anywhere from three to six steps in the workflow approval process,
depending on the dollar amount of the requisition. The requisition will always need at
least one person to do amount approval, one to do budget approval, and one to do
purchasing approval. Depending on the amount of the requisition, there could be up to
four amount approvers.
Dollar Value Amount Approval ChartField Approval
Amount Requisition Requisition
< or = $2,500 Approver Budget Purchasing
1 Approver Approver
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2. Tips for Using Core- Core-CT Financials Bulletin
Number 01
CT Workflow 09/2508
Dollar Value Amount Approval ChartField Approval
Amount Amount Requisition Requisition
$2,500.01 -
Approver Approver Budget Purchasing
1 2 Approver Approver
Amount Amount Amount Requisition Requisition
$10,000.01 -
Approver Approver Approver Budget Purchasing
1 2 3 Approver Approver
Amount Amount Amount Amount Requisition Requisition
> $1,000,000.01 Approver Approver Approver Approver Budget Purchasing
1 2 3 4 Approver Approver
Note: There should always be a budget approval step and a purchasing approval step.
To find out what step of the approval process a requisition is in, refer to Question 1
above. You will be able to see who has already approved the given transaction, but
not necessarily who has it on their worklist (due to pooled worklist functionality).
Pooled Worklists
Within Core-CT, a pooled worklist describes the scenario in which multiple individuals
are assigned the same role, Business Unit and route controls. When this occurs, the
transaction appears in the worklist of all approvers at the same time. As soon as one
of the ¡°pool¡± of potential approvers takes action on the item, the requisition is removed
from the worklists of the remaining approvers in the ¡°pool.¡±
3. What is ¡°Self Approval¡± and what roles are allowed to approve their own requisitions?
a. Self Approval occurs when a user who is assigned all the necessary approval roles,
creates a requisition and clicks the ¡°Save and Submit¡± button on the Req Entry. If a
and CT WF REQ PURCH APPROVER roles, and creates a requisition for $400, the
transaction will bypass workflow and become ¡°Self Approved.¡±
When creating a requisition, Core-CT looks at all of the roles that the user creating
the requisition has assigned to them. Once the roles of the requester are
assessed, Core-CT evaluates the dollar value of the requisition. Core-CT then
compares the value of the requisition to the approval authority (established by role)
of the requester. If the approval authority of the requester is greater than the value
of the requisition, the amount approval rule is satisfied (no additional amount
approvals are required). If the user also is assigned the budget and purchasing
approval roles, the transaction will satisfy the chartfield rule. When both the
amount approval rule and the Chartfield approval rule are satisfied, the requisition
is completely approved.
4. What is the manual approval process and how does this work?
a. Worklists should be used whenever possible in Core-CT. The manual approval
process, however, may be used to ¡°fast track¡± a transaction.
For requisitions, the manual approval process can be accessed from the following
menu path: eProcurement ? ePro Requisition Approval.
For amount approval on purchase orders, the path is: Purchasing ? Purchase Orders
? Approve Amounts
For chartfield approval on purchase orders, the path is: Purchasing ? Purchase
Orders ? Approve ChartFields
For vouchers, the manual approval process can be found at: Accounts Payable ?
Vouchers ? Approvals ? Voucher Approval
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3. Tips for Using Core- Core-CT Financials Bulletin
Number 01
CT Workflow 09/2508
1. On the search page, enter your business unit and click the ¡°Search¡± button.
The search will return all requisitions in Core-CT for your business unit.
2. Click on any of the transactions and you will be brought into the approval
page. This page displays where you are in the approval process.
3. For requisitions, make your approval decision by clicking on the ¡°Approve¡±
button. The field ¡°Approver Action¡± will change to ¡°Approved¡±. If you are the
final approver, the Req. Status field will change to ¡°Approved.¡±
4. For purchase orders, make your approval decision by setting the Approver
Action to ¡°Approve, then click the ¡°Save¡± button. The Approval Status field will
either stay as ¡°In Progress¡± (if you are the 1st amount approver and the
transaction is for more than $10,000) or change to ¡°Complete¡±.
5. For vouchers, select the radio button ¡°Approve¡± and click the ¡°Save¡± button.
The radio button will stay at ¡°Approve¡± and the voucher will be approved.
The manual approval process will only work if you have the correct role/route control
combination. Example: if a user from DEPM1 with route controls of ¡°PO Business Unit
DEPM1¡± and ¡°Origin H08¡± for role ¡°CT WF REQ BUDGET APPROVER¡± tries to
approve a transaction for MHAM1, the ¡°Approver Action¡± field updates to show the
action the incorrect approver was attempting to make (¡°Approved¡±) but the approval is
not valid. As such, the transaction still requires the budget approval of someone with
the appropriate role and route controls for MHA.
Purchase Orders
5. Why is my purchase order not going to ¡°Approved¡± status?
a. Both the amount and chartfield approval rules may not have not been satisfied. All
amount approvals must occur before the chartfield approval process begins. Core-CT
does not constrain the order in which POs are approved. As such, purchase orders
(POs) can have either rule approved first.
To find out where a purchase is in the approval process:
1. Navigate to the following menu path: Purchasing ? Purchase Orders ? Maintain
Purchase Orders.
2. When the search page appears, type in your business unit and click the ¡°Search¡±
A list of purchase orders will appear with their PO Statuses displayed in the 7th
column from the left.
Status Indication
Open PO has not been submitted for approval
Pending Approval PO has been submitted for approval, however, all
approvals have not been obtained
Approved All required approvals have been obtained
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4. Tips for Using Core- Core-CT Financials Bulletin
Number 01
CT Workflow 09/2508
b. Once you understand the status of your PO, your next step is to verify which approval
rules have been satisfied. To verify if the PO has been approved by the amount
approver(s), click on the ¡°Approve Amounts¡± hyperlink (if it is available), enter your
business unit into the page and click ¡°Search.¡± If your PO appears here, it still requires
amount approval. If your PO is not displayed, then all amount approvals have been
obtained. Verifying that the status of Chartfield approval can be obtained by using the
¡°Approve ChartFields¡± hyperlink and repeating the process above.
c. There are 3 potential approval steps in the PO approval process (one or two amount
approvers and one budget approver). The first amount approver and the PO budget
approver are always included in the PO workflow. According to State purchasing
policy, the PO Budget Approver should always be the final approver of all POs. Within
Core-CT, the ¡°name¡± of the final approver appears on the printed PO.
Dollar Value Amount Approval ChartField Approval
< or = $10,00 Amount Approver 1 PO Budget Approver
> $10,000 Amount Approver 1 Amount Approver 2 PO Budget Approver
6. Why can I not approve a voucher if I have the necessary role and route controls?
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5. Tips for Using Core- Core-CT Financials Bulletin
Number 01
CT Workflow 09/2508
a. To ensure that voucher creation and approval cannot be accomplished by a single
user, Core-CT does not allow a user to approve a voucher that they have entered or
modified. Consequently, even if a user has the necessary route controls, they cannot
approve the voucher.
7. Why are transactions not showing up in my worklist ?
a. You may not have the necessary role/route control combination to receive this worklist.
b. Another user from your pooled worklist group may have already made an approval
decision on this transaction. Once an approval decision has been made on a
transaction, the transaction is removed from the worklist of all users in that pooled
worklist group. If you think that you should have received a worklist item, check where
the voucher is in the workflow process ¨C it may have already been approved. Within
Core-CT, vouchers require a single approval.
c. Purchase orders and vouchers both run on batch processes. These batch processes
run at the top of every hour. Because of this, if a user makes an approval decision on
a purchase order at 9:15 A.M., a worklist item will not be sent to the next user until
after the 10:00 batch process runs. This holds true for approving, denying, and
Additional information about Core-CT workflow can be found through the following resources:
Job Aids
Requisition Workflow: http://www.core-
Purchase Order Workflow: http://www.core-
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