Product LED Tube Lights World Says Switch off We say switch on Features:- Shape Retrofit. Complete with adapter. Colour of the Light Cool White for Work / Writing Places & places to create mesmerizing effect. Electrical saving 80%. Lower electricity bills. No risk from power fluctuations 85 volts to 265 volts. Normal life of the lamp 5.5 to 11 yrs. Beam angle 180 degrees. Diffused light just like a normal tubelight. Maintenance extremely low. Almost nil replacement cost as it rarely requires changing. Savings - In electricity & replacement costs - recover the price within the first 3 to 6 months. Time saving - No headaches in running the entire procurement cycle to purchase replacement lights. Light deterioration around 10% after 3 years use. Regular lamp nearly 50% after 2 to 3 months use. Instant start Maintenance free. No flickering No adapters or additional wiring required. Environment friendly green energy. No UV or IR radiation, No mercury or lead. Low voltage shock proof. Solid state lighting or light emitting diodes are rugged, sustain power surges, shocks and vibrations, easy to install, lower power consumption.