Notes from a Bass Guitar Masterclass presented by Andy Chamberlain in Autumn 2016.
Sections include:
- Ideas for going beyond the root note
- Notes on the next
- Major scale for transposing
- Octave slides
- Passing notes
- Using low 5ths
- Ghost notes
- Tips on riffs
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Worship Bass Masterclass: 10000 Reasons
1. Bass Seminar
Ideas for TASTEFULLY going beyond the root
Based around 10,000 Reasons
All material taken from the Musicademy DVD
video lessons also available via our streaming
2. Bass Seminar
All material taken from the Musicademy DVD
video lessons
3. 10,000 Reasons: Verse 2
Beyond marking chords
Use 8th notes to add tension and release
Divide the bar length half low half high
4. 10,000 Reasons: Chorus 3
Kick Drum
Clap the kick drum with track then in isolation
with drums
Clap the groove - which beats are the bass
groove on?
1 e & a 2 e & a 3 e & a 4 e & a
6. 10,000 Reasons: Chorus chords
|A E |B/D# C#m |A E |B riff |
|A C#m |A B C#m |A B |E |
Tasteful Additions
Ghost Notes
Passing Notes
step wise (7ths and 2nds)
chromatic between 4th and 5th
Using the 5th v important!
7. 10,000 Reasons: Riffs - Note choice
Riffs should be based around chords not
recommended riff notes
- 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 7th 8th (octave)
Major chords - note choice order =
5th below, 5th above, octave, 7th 2nd p3rd in that
8. 10,000 Reasons: Chorus 3 Riffs
Riff 1 (B chord)
5th and octave power chord shape
Use 2nd (9th to add colour)
Riff 2 (B chord)
- pull riff using 6th 2nd 1st (then passing note
to new A chord)
9. 10,000 Reasons: Chorus 4
8th notes in from verse 3
Ghost and passing notes
Riff 1 (B chord) as per chorus 3
Riff 2 (E chord) chord tones = 3 4 3 2 1 5 1
Riff 3 (B chord) chord tones = 3 4 3 2 1 6 5
Which sounds better - Riff 2 or 3?
11. E scale for understanding notes to use
Scale 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Notes E F# G# A B C# D#
Chord maj min min maj maj min dim
7th maj min min min dom min 遜 dim (b7)
basic chord (triad) makeup
1 E F# G# A B C# D#
3 G# A B C# D# E F#
5 B C# D# E F# G# A
7th D# E F# G# A B C#
name maj7 min7 min7 maj7 dom7 min7 遜 dim (b7)
12. 10,000 Reasons: Outro
Playing in a higher register
Works with a more delicate dynamic
Gives room for more melodic phrasing
Still always focus on chord tones
Works well when the drums have stopped
13. For Further Bass Lessons
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