Langkah-langkah georegistrasi data raster meliputi penyimpanan data raster dan titik ikat, penambahan data raster dan titik ikat ke dalam view ArcGIS, menggabungkan data raster dan titik ikat dengan menghubungkan pin ke titik sesuai, lalu menyimpan hasil georegistrasi dalam format TIFF.
Konstructa energy saver mobile welfare unitrsterry
The document describes the Konstructa Energy-Saver Mobile Welfare Unit, a self-contained mobile unit that provides canteen and toilet facilities for construction sites. It incorporates features like a low-voltage generator, LED lighting, and diesel heating to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Using the unit can save over 贈240 per week in costs and reduce diesel usage by over 260 litres per week compared to a standard generator. The all-in-one unit is easy to transport and set up, providing hygienic toilet and eating facilities for workers in an eco-friendly package.
V2 Cigs are ranked as the top electronic cigarette brand by They evaluated several e-cigarette brands and determined that V2 Cigs had a narrow margin over other brands to take the top spot as their highest rated electronic cigarette.
Un SSD o unidad de estado s坦lido es un disco duro basado en chips de memoria flash en lugar de partes mec叩nicas, lo que permite un almacenamiento y borrado m叩s r叩pido y seguro de la memoria. Los SSD tienen ventajas como mayor velocidad, resistencia a golpes, bajo consumo de energ鱈a y calor, pero tambi辿n desventajas como un precio m叩s alto y p辿rdida de datos si el chip falla.
El documento describe los valores que se ense単ar鱈an a estudiantes de 3 a単os de edad, incluyendo el compa単erismo, la solidaridad, el respeto y la autonom鱈a. Se dedicar鱈a todo el curso escolar a ense単ar el compa単erismo y el respeto, mientras que la solidaridad ser鱈a durante el primer trimestre. Los valores se ense単ar鱈an a trav辿s de canciones, pel鱈culas, cuentos y juegos, particularmente en el comedor, asambleas y recreos.
Bab 2 dokumen tersebut menjelaskan pengertian ArcView sebagai perangkat lunak GIS yang populer untuk melakukan analisis spasial dan atribut data, menampilkan peta dan data, serta menyimpan hasil proyek. Dibahas pula cara instalasi, pengenalan antarmuka ArcView, penambahan data vektor dan raster, pengelolaan legenda, dan penyimpanan proyek.
Este documento trata sobre la din叩mica de los ecosistemas y los cambios que ocurren en ellos a trav辿s del tiempo, incluyendo la sucesi坦n ecol坦gica y las fluctuaciones de las poblaciones. Tambi辿n discute el crecimiento poblacional y las curvas de crecimiento, as鱈 como el impacto de la acci坦n humana en el medio ambiente a trav辿s de la contaminaci坦n y otros problemas globales como la deforestaci坦n y el cambio clim叩tico.
This document provides an overview of applying for a Partner visa to Australia. It outlines that applicants must be married to or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. A Partner temporary (subclass 309) visa allows the holder to live in Australia until a decision is made on the permanent (subclass 100) visa application, which allows indefinite residence. The document defines key terms and outlines eligibility requirements and visa validity periods. It recommends generally applying offshore.
This document is a catalog from Webert Srl showcasing their bathroom and kitchen product lines. It features over 30 product lines organized into categories of living, bathroom, and kitchen. Each product line spans 2-4 pages with images and descriptions of the items. The catalog aims to display Webert's full portfolio of accessories and fixtures.
The document discusses using Elasticsearch, D3.js, Angular.js, and Google Refine to create a full stack data visualization of open data from Bordeaux, France. It focuses on data from the CAPC contemporary art museum, importing the data into Elasticsearch for scalable search and then using D3.js, Angular.js, and Yeoman to build the front-end visualization with JavaScript. The goal is to make the data more accessible and understandable through interactive visualization.
Social business a new private sector contribution to development?Linda Kleemann
1) The document discusses social business as a potential new model for private sector contribution to development. It summarizes two case studies of social business ventures - Grameen Danone Foods Ltd in Bangladesh and the Green Belt Movement in Kenya.
2) The case of Grameen Danone Foods Ltd highlights challenges in rural distribution and sales in developing markets. Despite difficulties, the venture has positively impacted incomes and nutrition. The Green Belt Movement case shows how assessing existing non-profit assets can identify social business opportunities, such as expanding eco-tourism.
3) Reflections on social business note opportunities like mobilizing private expertise, but also limitations such as not reaching extreme poor and risks like unintended negative
(Un)gl端cklich unkooperativ? Ignorieren Entwicklungsforschung und-praxis sich ...Linda Kleemann
Business model development in Social BusinessLinda Kleemann
This document provides an overview of business models for social entrepreneurship and social business. It begins with an agenda for topics to be covered, including an introduction to business models, options for social business models, legal forms, and the social business model canvas. It then defines what a business model is and discusses how the traditional business model process has evolved to incorporate social and environmental impacts. Several stylized examples of social business models are presented, focusing on earned income, impact investors, cross-subsidization, and more. Key success factors and examples are also provided for different categories of social business models. The document concludes by discussing the social business model canvas as a tool for developing social enterprise models and encourages the reader to develop their own business
Financing change projects discusses various financing options for projects seeking to create change. It outlines selling products/services, fundraising through donations and grants, and hybrid models. Fundraising involves donations from individuals and organizations as well as allowances and grants from governments and foundations. Membership fees and revenues from events, sponsorships, and merchandise sales can also provide funding. Convincing customers, donors, and financiers of a project's impact, solutions to important problems, and team capabilities is crucial for obtaining financing. Financial plans must account for costs, funding sources, and cash flow to ensure solvency throughout a project's timeline.
Social Business in developing countries - a new solution to eradicate poverty?Linda Kleemann
The document discusses social business models in developing countries that aim to eradicate poverty. It provides examples of social businesses like the Grameen Bank and Grameen-Danone joint venture that either generate profits for target groups or reinvest profits into social goals. The document also discusses challenges like lack of infrastructure but argues social businesses can have long term impact through continuity. It analyzes concepts like inclusive business, shared value, and corporate social responsibility that are related to social business.
Von der Idee zur Wirklichkeit - creating your own social business Linda Kleemann
Eine 10 Minuten Mini-Einf端hrung zum selbst probieren
Social Business in Entwicklungsl辰ndern - Ein neuer L旦sungsansatz f端r gesellsc...Linda Kleemann
Organic Certification, Agro-Ecological Practices and Return on Investment: F...Linda Kleemann
This study examines the impact of organic certification on the adoption of agro-ecological practices and the return on investment (ROI) for organic smallholder pineapple farmers in Ghana. Survey data from 185 organic and 201 conventional farmers show that organic farmers use more agro-ecological practices. Estimates indicate that organic certification has a positive and significant impact on the use of agro-ecological practices. Additionally, the results suggest there is a positive and nonlinear relationship between ROI and intensity of agro-ecological practice use.
El documento describe los valores que se ense単ar鱈an a estudiantes de 3 a単os de edad, incluyendo el compa単erismo, la solidaridad, el respeto y la autonom鱈a. Se dedicar鱈a todo el curso escolar a ense単ar el compa単erismo y el respeto, mientras que la solidaridad ser鱈a durante el primer trimestre. Los valores se ense単ar鱈an a trav辿s de canciones, pel鱈culas, cuentos y juegos, particularmente en el comedor, asambleas y recreos.
Bab 2 dokumen tersebut menjelaskan pengertian ArcView sebagai perangkat lunak GIS yang populer untuk melakukan analisis spasial dan atribut data, menampilkan peta dan data, serta menyimpan hasil proyek. Dibahas pula cara instalasi, pengenalan antarmuka ArcView, penambahan data vektor dan raster, pengelolaan legenda, dan penyimpanan proyek.
Este documento trata sobre la din叩mica de los ecosistemas y los cambios que ocurren en ellos a trav辿s del tiempo, incluyendo la sucesi坦n ecol坦gica y las fluctuaciones de las poblaciones. Tambi辿n discute el crecimiento poblacional y las curvas de crecimiento, as鱈 como el impacto de la acci坦n humana en el medio ambiente a trav辿s de la contaminaci坦n y otros problemas globales como la deforestaci坦n y el cambio clim叩tico.
This document provides an overview of applying for a Partner visa to Australia. It outlines that applicants must be married to or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen. A Partner temporary (subclass 309) visa allows the holder to live in Australia until a decision is made on the permanent (subclass 100) visa application, which allows indefinite residence. The document defines key terms and outlines eligibility requirements and visa validity periods. It recommends generally applying offshore.
This document is a catalog from Webert Srl showcasing their bathroom and kitchen product lines. It features over 30 product lines organized into categories of living, bathroom, and kitchen. Each product line spans 2-4 pages with images and descriptions of the items. The catalog aims to display Webert's full portfolio of accessories and fixtures.
The document discusses using Elasticsearch, D3.js, Angular.js, and Google Refine to create a full stack data visualization of open data from Bordeaux, France. It focuses on data from the CAPC contemporary art museum, importing the data into Elasticsearch for scalable search and then using D3.js, Angular.js, and Yeoman to build the front-end visualization with JavaScript. The goal is to make the data more accessible and understandable through interactive visualization.
Social business a new private sector contribution to development?Linda Kleemann
1) The document discusses social business as a potential new model for private sector contribution to development. It summarizes two case studies of social business ventures - Grameen Danone Foods Ltd in Bangladesh and the Green Belt Movement in Kenya.
2) The case of Grameen Danone Foods Ltd highlights challenges in rural distribution and sales in developing markets. Despite difficulties, the venture has positively impacted incomes and nutrition. The Green Belt Movement case shows how assessing existing non-profit assets can identify social business opportunities, such as expanding eco-tourism.
3) Reflections on social business note opportunities like mobilizing private expertise, but also limitations such as not reaching extreme poor and risks like unintended negative
(Un)gl端cklich unkooperativ? Ignorieren Entwicklungsforschung und-praxis sich ...Linda Kleemann
Business model development in Social BusinessLinda Kleemann
This document provides an overview of business models for social entrepreneurship and social business. It begins with an agenda for topics to be covered, including an introduction to business models, options for social business models, legal forms, and the social business model canvas. It then defines what a business model is and discusses how the traditional business model process has evolved to incorporate social and environmental impacts. Several stylized examples of social business models are presented, focusing on earned income, impact investors, cross-subsidization, and more. Key success factors and examples are also provided for different categories of social business models. The document concludes by discussing the social business model canvas as a tool for developing social enterprise models and encourages the reader to develop their own business
Financing change projects discusses various financing options for projects seeking to create change. It outlines selling products/services, fundraising through donations and grants, and hybrid models. Fundraising involves donations from individuals and organizations as well as allowances and grants from governments and foundations. Membership fees and revenues from events, sponsorships, and merchandise sales can also provide funding. Convincing customers, donors, and financiers of a project's impact, solutions to important problems, and team capabilities is crucial for obtaining financing. Financial plans must account for costs, funding sources, and cash flow to ensure solvency throughout a project's timeline.
Social Business in developing countries - a new solution to eradicate poverty?Linda Kleemann
The document discusses social business models in developing countries that aim to eradicate poverty. It provides examples of social businesses like the Grameen Bank and Grameen-Danone joint venture that either generate profits for target groups or reinvest profits into social goals. The document also discusses challenges like lack of infrastructure but argues social businesses can have long term impact through continuity. It analyzes concepts like inclusive business, shared value, and corporate social responsibility that are related to social business.
Von der Idee zur Wirklichkeit - creating your own social business Linda Kleemann
Eine 10 Minuten Mini-Einf端hrung zum selbst probieren
Social Business in Entwicklungsl辰ndern - Ein neuer L旦sungsansatz f端r gesellsc...Linda Kleemann
Organic Certification, Agro-Ecological Practices and Return on Investment: F...Linda Kleemann
This study examines the impact of organic certification on the adoption of agro-ecological practices and the return on investment (ROI) for organic smallholder pineapple farmers in Ghana. Survey data from 185 organic and 201 conventional farmers show that organic farmers use more agro-ecological practices. Estimates indicate that organic certification has a positive and significant impact on the use of agro-ecological practices. Additionally, the results suggest there is a positive and nonlinear relationship between ROI and intensity of agro-ecological practice use.
Social Entrepreneurship, Social Business, CSR, Shared Value, Inclusive Busine...Linda Kleemann
Vorlesung im Rahmen des Changemaker Curriculums an der Universit辰t Kiel
Fairtrade Presentation Preetz September 2012Linda Kleemann
Hochpreism辰rkte in Industriel辰ndern Fairtrade und Bio N端tzen Zertifizierung...Linda Kleemann
Certification and AgroEcological Practice Use Linkages and Investment ImpactLinda Kleemann
This document discusses a study on the link between organic certification, adoption of agro-ecological practices, and return on investment for smallholder farmers in Ghana. The study finds that (1) organic certification significantly increases the use of agro-ecological practices, and (2) higher intensity of agro-ecological practice use has a positive influence on return on investment, though economic barriers to intensification increase with higher levels of practice use. The conclusion is that certification or involved market linkages could help address the low levels of adoption by supporting farmers and requiring certain agro-ecological practices.
Is Organic Farming Worth its Investment? The Adoption and Impact of Certified...Linda Kleemann
This document discusses a thesis examining the adoption and impact of organic pineapple farming certification in Ghana. It provides an overview of the thesis topics, including sustainable agriculture, organic farming in Ghana, price transmission analysis of pineapple markets, and the costs and benefits of organic certification for pineapple farmers. The presentation also outlines the motivation, literature review, pineapple sector context in Ghana, theoretical framework, data collection and empirical strategy used in the research.
K旦nnen unternehmerische Ans辰tze Armutsprobleme in Entwicklungsl辰ndern l旦sen? ...Linda Kleemann