This document provides instruction for a lesson on brazing materials and producing parts on a lathe. Students will recap brazing techniques and produce a spindle part using lathe processes like parting off, facing off, turning, and taper cutting. If no lathe is available, students should complete an alternative exercise explaining lathe processes like facing off, turning down, parting off, and turning a taper with diagrams, including quality checks and health and safety rules.
2. Learning Aims: To recap ‘brazing’ of materials and the techniques for making it work perfectly. To produce the spindle part on the centre lathes using parting off, facing off, turning and taper cutting If no lathe is free, to do the exercise listed on the next page:
3. If you have finished all your practical work and are waiting for a lathe…. Produce a sheet explaining, with clear diagrams: - HOW the following centre lathe processes work: Facing Off Turning Down Parting Off Turning a Taper: For extra marks, include ‘quality checks’ you can do and health and safety rules for each stage.