Microsoft owns several social networking sites like Xbox Live and Outlook that they maintain through advertisements. They aim to attract people of all ages by providing a safe, family-friendly platform that is easy for anyone to use. The school uses Edmodo as its main social networking site, which every student has an account for. Edmodo allows sharing of text, audio, photos, and videos. A resume is a list of one's skills, education, achievements and interests that is provided to potential employers to help obtain a job.
El documento presenta tres registros relacionados con las actividades de una feria anual: 1) un registro de las actividades programadas con los vecinos responsables de organizarlas, 2) un registro de objetos perdidos entregados en la caja con la descripción y datos de quien los recoge, y 3) un registro de quejas y sugerencias de vecinos y visitantes con las acciones a tomar.
El documento resume la información sobre el cáncer de páncreas, incluyendo su definición, epidemiologÃa, factores de riesgo, patologÃa, sÃntomas, diagnóstico y otros detalles. El cáncer de páncreas se caracteriza por su rápido crecimiento, afecta más a personas entre 60-80 años, y tiene una alta tasa de mortalidad a pesar de avances en detección y tratamiento.
Kaiser Permanente created a colorful investment education workbook for employees featuring illustrations by their children. The workbook was designed to engage employees in planning for retirement. It explained saving and investment strategies using drawings, paintings, and collages by kids ages 3-12 submitted in a contest. The personal artwork approach made the workbook stand out and helped Kaiser communicate important messages about financial planning. The workbook won an award for its novel use of children's art to educate employees.
Kaiser Permanente created a colorful investment education workbook for employees featuring illustrations by their children. The workbook was designed to engage employees in planning for retirement. It explained saving and investment strategies using drawings, paintings, and collages by kids ages 3-12 submitted in a contest. The personal artwork approach made the workbook stand out and helped Kaiser communicate important messages about financial planning. The workbook won an award for its novel use of children's art to educate employees.