These are scary facts and figures that we need to take notice of, that affect of us if we don't take responsibility for our health. Zestember is a health awareness campaign all about getting people to invest time in their own health and wellbeing, and taking responsibility for their health; our health care system is clogged up with people suffering from preventable illnesses and diseases caused by unhealthy living. The Zestember campaign uses people power, social media and a free download called ¡°30 Ways to Get More Zest¡± to inspire participants to get healthier. They then ¡°spread the zest¡± by sharing with others about what they¡¯re doing through social media, by taking a ¡°healthy selfie¡± or a photo of themselves eating or doing something healthy; they use the hashtags #HealthySelfie and #Zestember in tweets and posts.