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(汲,)Like if you LIke it .`ツ >>> ON RAINY DAYS, WHEN THE DOOR CLOSES, YOU come and find me, toturing me through the night, I got SHOCK just BECAUSE OF YOU my BAD GIRL, you are BEAUTIFUL and so MYSTERY. I cant BREATHE in front of you, thought I can touch you but in THE FACT, you still vanish like the RAINBOW after rain. THANKS TO you, the one who had taught me鏤 how to love. now,I'm READY(to keep)GOing on and just LET IT SNOW cuz I will not be frozen by the FREEZE anymore. I AM SORRY but the LIGHTS GO ON AGAIN in my life. now I can forget you <<< <3 Sucikan wajahmu dengan air wuduk dan basahkan matamu dengan airmata keinsafan. Tundukkanlah sepenuh hatimu jua da