My full name is Sheikh Muhammad Asif,but i write only Muhammad Asif.I was born on 24th day of December. My star is Capricorn. I belong to a noble family. My father was a businessman. My country name is Pakistan.I live in Pakistan's city,its name is Rawalpindi,this is the most beautiful city of Pakistan and it is nearby capital city of Pakistan.My hobbies are Cricket,Hockey,Foot ball,Base ball,Volly ball, Hide and seek, Hunting, Badminton, Kite flying, Hearts, Ply cards, Trump, Tennis, Clubs, Polo, Spades, Tug-of-war,Skipping,Trick,Chess,Tip-cat,Horse race, ludo. But my most favourite hobbies are Cricket, Hockey, Football, Baseball, Snooker, Watching TV and Movies,Net chatting,Collecting Stam