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鐚(鐚鐘緒湿*)c鐔(*鐚鐘緒湿)鐚 M a p 炭 a n . \m/ I have a bipolar heart. Period. -- "If you don't stand for something, you'd fall for anything." - Sucker Punch. "Don't give up hope. When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. And when you think all is lost, when all is dire and bleak, there is always hope." - Henri, I Am Number Four. "The things that you wished for the most, are the things that you will never get." - Aisaka Taiga, Tora Dora. "Love.. It's not something you think about with your head, it's something you feel with your heart. No matter how many times you say you'll give up with words, if your heart still says 'love' there's nothing to be don