E m A GOooD gAl...... (*_^) wiD LOooTXx OoF baD haBiTXx...... :(*_^) eHmMm :D Name = Q BtAo :p ^_^ clAss = B.b.a :( age = 10+9 :D hEight = kal BtaON Gi !! ^_* CIty = Q rishta bhejna ha kya =pPpp date ov birth = 25 juLy fav subjEct = English hate MAthx Ugh wAnna Killll da CrEatOr ov thix fUckin' XubjCt :PpP hObby = Fb fb fb fb fb fb fb fb xDDddD fav bOok = facE bOok =Pp fav Dixh = bryaNii OR JUNG fOoDx Fav Choclate = Dairy milk Q khelani ha kya !! ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ I want to say thanks to those who walked into my life and made it fantastic and to those as well, who walked out and made it even worth living.. :) I was the music you heard and now um' the ♫ s0ng, everyone calls silence..~ Priceless,