♥ srie .
♥ kepala gila gila , happy go lucky.
♥ seorang yang tidak senang give up.
♥ i do love my FAMILY so much. please don't touch them !
♥ taking degree in civil engineering at UTHM (first year) .
♥ nak kawan? tentu , but i hate plastic friend !
♥ ready to hear any story but not ready to believe it at all .
p/s ; tak puas hati? cakap terang terang. jangan buat dosa la. setiap manusia tak sempurna . hakikat dunia kot :)
♥ I O W N E D H I M ! ♥
yeahh , i do love him freaking much !
*dear strangers ,sorry for unapproved friend request. i hate my stalker.