1. Name: Minsun Park
2. Birthdate: 27/04
3. Birthplace: Masan in South Korea (my mom's hometown)
4. Eye color: dark brown
5. Hair color: used to be black black but now strawberry red ?!
6. Left or Right Handed: right
7. Food: Prawn Pasta and my mom's food
8. Colour: Purple
9. Number: 27 or 72
10. Season: Summer
11. Sports team: not interested in any sports but favourite athelete is Yuna Kim
12. Drink: Jasmine Bubble tea, Heineken beer, Baileys
13. Word: snuggle, twinkle, blink
14. Most Missed Memory: childhood in Japan cus it was only one year
15. Weakness: bad eye sight
16. Fears: someday I will be a grandma...
17. First Thought Waking Up: still nee