"Membiarkan orang lain sahaja yang bermotivasi dalam memperolehi pahala bukanlah sifat orang beriman. Jangan biarkan kata-kata negatif orang terhadap sesuatu yang baik untuk akhirat anda membantutkan semangat. Jadikan ia pendorong dan motivasi..."
In a time of darkness and greed
It is your light that we need
You came to teach us how to live
محمد يا رسول الله
You were so caring and kind
your soul was full of light
You are the best of mankind
محمد خير خلق الله
صلّوا على رسول الله
الحبيب المصطفى
Peace be upon The Messenger
The Chosen One
From luxury you turned away
And all night you would pray
Truthful in every word