Vsevolod Solovyov "How to debug. Everything"Fwdays
You know that person everybody comes to when the shit hits the fan and that bug is not going to fix itself? Want to become one? Come to learn about all the skills you'll need when your application freezes in production, leaks memory like crazy or dies under load in fifteen seconds.
Three things Liz's friends don't know about her:
1) She dreams of swimming the English Channel
2) She secretly thinks charades are fun
3) She is helping with research on Alzheimer's disease
This document provides information about an event occurring in Washington from April 25th to May 1st, 2010. It relates to an organization called "WA Jumpstart" and their website is listed as www.wajumpstart.org. The document gives dates for an event but does not provide any additional context about the nature or purpose of the event.
Ricardo Palma was a Peruvian writer born in Lima, Peru in 1833. He studied at Don Antonio Orengo and Don Clemente's school as well as San Marcos University. Palma was known as a narrator, writer, and journalist and is best known for his work "Tradiciones Peruanas". He died in Miraflores, Lima, Peru in 1919.
A Hierarchical Graph for Nucleotide Binding Domain 2Samuel Kakraba
The document describes a hierarchical graph model that was created for Nucleotide Binding Domain 2 (NBD2). NBD2 is part of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein. The model divides NBD2 into subdomains and builds a graph to represent the relationships between amino acid sequences and subdomains. The model is then used to examine how single point mutations affect the structure of NBD2 by changing molecular descriptors at different levels of the graph.
Why schools are spooked by social mediaDenis Masseni
The survey of 140 Victorian school principals found that female principals were more likely to have classroom blogs or wikis than male principals, and more likely to give parents access. Overall, only 11% of principals had a personal blog. 32% of principals had a Facebook account, with participation declining with age. The most participation was among female principals aged 51-55 at 35%. Principals participated reasonably highly as social media critics and collectors of content. However, only 14% and 13% respectively had social media policies for staff and students regarding after hours use, showing a gap in policy setting around this issue.
Yangon Airways announces the temporary suspension of all scheduled flights from December 3rd until further notice due to the suspension of its Aircraft Operator Certificate by the authorities. Agents are asked to transfer confirmed bookings to other domestic airlines. Yangon Airways apologizes for the short notice and thanks agents for their continued support.
OPS has experienced rapid growth since being established in Thailand in 2008. It provides rig inspection services to oil and gas companies operating in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Its team of international inspectors can inspect all types of offshore and onshore rigs, and provide services like rig condition assessments, safety audits, and equipment testing. The document provides details on the types of rigs and equipment OPS has experience inspecting, as well as the various inspection reports and acceptance programs it can offer to clients.
The document provides instructions and information for a government team. It outlines an introductory breathing exercise. It also details classroom logistics like seating, supplies needed, and schedules. Guidelines are provided for assessments, competitions, typical weekly activities, and debate formats.
Three things Liz's friends don't know about her:
1) She dreams of swimming the English Channel
2) She secretly thinks charades are fun
3) She is helping with research on Alzheimer's disease
This document provides information about an event occurring in Washington from April 25th to May 1st, 2010. It relates to an organization called "WA Jumpstart" and their website is listed as www.wajumpstart.org. The document gives dates for an event but does not provide any additional context about the nature or purpose of the event.
Ricardo Palma was a Peruvian writer born in Lima, Peru in 1833. He studied at Don Antonio Orengo and Don Clemente's school as well as San Marcos University. Palma was known as a narrator, writer, and journalist and is best known for his work "Tradiciones Peruanas". He died in Miraflores, Lima, Peru in 1919.
A Hierarchical Graph for Nucleotide Binding Domain 2Samuel Kakraba
The document describes a hierarchical graph model that was created for Nucleotide Binding Domain 2 (NBD2). NBD2 is part of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein. The model divides NBD2 into subdomains and builds a graph to represent the relationships between amino acid sequences and subdomains. The model is then used to examine how single point mutations affect the structure of NBD2 by changing molecular descriptors at different levels of the graph.
Why schools are spooked by social mediaDenis Masseni
The survey of 140 Victorian school principals found that female principals were more likely to have classroom blogs or wikis than male principals, and more likely to give parents access. Overall, only 11% of principals had a personal blog. 32% of principals had a Facebook account, with participation declining with age. The most participation was among female principals aged 51-55 at 35%. Principals participated reasonably highly as social media critics and collectors of content. However, only 14% and 13% respectively had social media policies for staff and students regarding after hours use, showing a gap in policy setting around this issue.
Yangon Airways announces the temporary suspension of all scheduled flights from December 3rd until further notice due to the suspension of its Aircraft Operator Certificate by the authorities. Agents are asked to transfer confirmed bookings to other domestic airlines. Yangon Airways apologizes for the short notice and thanks agents for their continued support.
OPS has experienced rapid growth since being established in Thailand in 2008. It provides rig inspection services to oil and gas companies operating in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. Its team of international inspectors can inspect all types of offshore and onshore rigs, and provide services like rig condition assessments, safety audits, and equipment testing. The document provides details on the types of rigs and equipment OPS has experience inspecting, as well as the various inspection reports and acceptance programs it can offer to clients.
The document provides instructions and information for a government team. It outlines an introductory breathing exercise. It also details classroom logistics like seating, supplies needed, and schedules. Guidelines are provided for assessments, competitions, typical weekly activities, and debate formats.
The document outlines plans for a spring clothing line photo shoot featuring boys and girls models. It details the hair, makeup, outfits, props, location, lighting, and shot types that will be used. For the girls, the outfits include dresses, skirts, and cardigans. The boys will wear shorts, jeans, and shirts. Props for the girls include purses and heels, while the boys will use sports items. Photography will take place in a studio against white or pink backgrounds using natural sunlight lighting. Shots will include close-ups, long shots, and different angles.
The document describes a turnkey remote tool wear offsets solution that includes an industrial touch screen, sealed PC cabinet, industrial PC, installation, cables, system setup, training, and documentation. The solution allows tool wear offsets to be remotely adjusted from the touch screen and includes Ethernet cables and switches to connect the touch screen HMI to CNC machines. TMS provides the hardware, installation, configuration, documentation, and training for the remote offsets system.
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Alexandr Serbul "The Rust language for a high-load network service - a quick ...Fwdays
In this talk, we will talk about the evolution of the development of a high-load network cluster for sending push notifications using technologies from Unix / bash and PHP to asynchronous non-blocking multithreaded connections based on Rust / Tokio. Let's talk about the intricacies of Rust development, language features, pitfalls, and ways to quickly learn and use it for web developers with LAMP skills. Let's also talk about Go, Java, and the reasons for our technological decisions.
The talk will be useful for developers wishing to master the latest and popular Rust programming language, functional programming, Haskell ideas with PHP / Python / JavaScript web development experience.
The document discusses the major changes in Rails 5 including:
- Many deprecated features have been removed such as respond_to/respond_with and XML serialization.
- New features have been added like ActiveRecord::Relation#or and ActiveModel::Errors#codes.
- Performance improvements including requiring Ruby 2.2.2 for speed boosts and more efficient Active Record querying.
- Breaking changes to callback behavior and parameter handling.
This document provides an overview of abstract machines for evaluating lambda calculus expressions and arithmetic expressions. It discusses the SECD machine, which evaluates lambda calculus using a stack, environment, code, and dump. It also discusses the K machine and tail call optimization. The document explains evaluation schemes and transitions for abstract machines and provides examples of evaluating expressions using different machines.
This document discusses various options for creating safe templates in Ruby, including Liquid, Liquor, Radius, Ruty, Laminate, and cs/Template. It provides code examples for how templates can be defined and secured in each system. The document also discusses how Liquor can be used to define attributes, named scopes, and associations for rendering complex templates in a safe way.
The document discusses configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, and Cfengine. It also discusses using these tools to manage versions of software like MySQL, PHP, and Ruby on different server environments. Specific commands are provided to install, remove, and change software versions. The document also discusses using tools like Capistrano and Lorenz for deployment and managing state changes across servers.
Sphinx is a very fast search engine that allows for integrated full-text search and queries without temporary tables. It supports different attribute types like strings, integers, and arrays. Attributes can be used in queries with operators like equals, not equals, in, between and more. Indexes can be defined on models with indexes on fields, sorting, and field types. Searches support filtering with conditions, sorting results, and grouping results by fields with aggregate functions. Deltas indexes can be used to track changes and updated through rake tasks or indexer commands.
Londiste is a master-slave replication system for PostgreSQL that uses PgQ (Postgres Queue) to queue transactions and events. PgQ allows asynchronous replication by queuing transactions and events from the master database to be consumed by subscribers or slaves. Rake tasks are provided to install, start, stop and manage Londiste replication and PgQ queue consumers. Example code shows how to create a PgQ queue, register a consumer, and add events to the queue to be processed asynchronously.
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? §±§à§Õ§á§Ú§ê§Ú§ä§Ö§ã§î §ß§Ñ RSS rails.lighthouseapp.com
? Watch http://github.com/rails/rails
? §°§Ò§Ù§à§â Lighthouse: §á§à§Õ§ä§Ó§Ö§â§Ø§Õ§Ö§ß§Ú§Ö §Ò§Ñ§Ô§à§Ó, §á§à§á§í§ä§Ü§Ú §á§à§æ§Ú§Ü§ã§Ú§ä§î §Ò§Ñ§Ô§Ú
? lifo: I'd just say, monitor Rails commits. Don¡¯t use RDoc, look into the
source. Look for incomplete tickets and complete them if you wanna
take a step further
13. §¹§ä§à §Õ§Ö§Ý§Ñ§ä§î §Õ§Ý§ñ §á§â§Ú§ß§ñ§ä§Ú§ñ §á§Ñ§ä§é§Ñ?
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? nzkoz: Mailing list threads get more attention than just a patch
? nzkoz: I try to stay no more than ~10 days behind on the mailing list
? nzkoz: ?nd a few people here or wherever to help you think through
the changes, then write to the core mailing list when you've got
something concrete