I am who i am ...
it does not matter wateva u think =)
i am crazy outgoing !
i was born a bit stuborn , naughty nd crazy ..and very muj hot-tempered..try dealing with it xP
i'm selfish , impatient .....
i make mistakes and
go out of control and
at tymz hard to handle...
but if u cant handle me at my worst ....den u sure dont deserve me at my best <3 <3
one of my weakness....chocos <3 cant live without chocolates
i believe saying no to chocolates are "haraam" x'P
i am who i am, i like what i like, i love who i love, i do what i want either you accept it or just get off my back. its my life, not yours! B|
muziq is smthin very important in my life , living without it is unimaginable