Name : Suciati Laiya
Called name : chiel,suchi,sochak, n up to u
PDoB : Surakarta,28 September 1998
School : 1. SD N petoran 1a-6a
2. SMP N 3 ska 7b-8a-9.2
Hobby : playing guitar, singing ( 亰 ),dancing ~(盾~) (~盾)~,trading, badminton, n others
Adress : SoBa
guitarist, and guitar 4 Jesus
I love Jesus, my family, my best friend,and every people in the world 鐙(K) 鐙(K) (K)
I LOVE GUITAR (o鐔) ( 鐔o鐔) (o鐔) (鐔o鐔 ) (鐔o鐔)