You can find a lot of guides on how to write a summary essay in the web, but took the most important aspects of it and created informative presentation, so check this it and discover how to write a summary essay fast and easy.
2. A summary essay contains the key aspects of the original piece of
writing. It is much shorter but with the same meaning. After reading a
summary, your audience should find out what the main point is without
them having to read the entire source. Here are some helpful tips on how
to summarize a text.
3. Read the original text
Carefully study the original piece of writing. Make sure you
fully understand what it is about and all authors points are
clear for you. Read more than once for better understanding.
4. Define the main points
It can be very helpful to break up the whole
piece into smaller parts. You can read each
section, highlight the key points, and put
them later in your own words. Mark those
parts you want to say about in your
as well as less important which you wont use
to summarize the source.
5. Start with an introduction
Briefly, state what the main points of the original source are.
Write authors name, the title of his/her written piece, and if it
necessary, some background information about the author.
6. Start writing the first draft
Try not to look at your notes and write
everything from memory. The point is
that writing a summary is not only
about repeating original authors
thoughts, but your own wording is
7. Remember that youre not supposed to rewrite all authors
ideas! Choose the main aspects and write something like a short
overview of each of them. Prepare a list of questions to ask when
writing a summary and ask them your advisor to clarify all things.
8. Write a body of your paper
State essential points from the source and back all them up with
examples. Dont include unnecessary ideas which only take the
space of your essay. Focus on the most important things.
9. Use appropriate phrases
The summary requires phrases such as the author proves,
article states, etc. It shows the audience it is not your text, but
another author's.
10. Use transitional words between
statements and paragraphs
Make sure all your paragraphs
together perfectly. For this, read
your piece aloud so youll be
able to hear vague parts and
connect your sections better.
11. Revise, revise, and revise
Check for grammar and spelling
errors. Also, make sure you havent
missed commas or misused any
other punctuation mark. Perfect
English makes a really good
impression on the reader.
12. Ask someone to proofread your
Another person can look at your text
from an absolutely different light and
give feedback what you can improve
to make it more appealing.
Proofreader must understand the
main point of the original source
your summary. If not, its time for you
to rewrite it.
13. Do
Do quote authors words if needed. However, dont plagiarize
and write everything in your own words.
Do compose your sentences in present time even if the initial
text was written a long time ago.
14. Do clarify all complex terms and
phrases. Dont start summarizing
and paraphrasing without the full
understanding of the original
Do quote according to academic
15. Do submit a paper only after
thorough revision. A friend or
a colleague can help you to
improve the quality of your
paper. So, ask for extra help or
hire a professional from this
great summary writing service.
16. Dont
Dont write your own opinions on the topic. A summary must be
objective and free of your own interpretations and examples. Just
repeat what the original author said but in your own words and
your own writing style.
17. Dont estimate or judge the original piece. You need to
summarize it without giving your own opinion about the
author and his work. If you still dont know how to write a
summary, use professional help.
18. Dont try to include I your
summary all authors ideas
and details. Concentrate
only on the essential ones.
19. Dont repeat the same ideas even if
the original author mentioned them
multiple times. However, it a good
sign that some point is crucial if the
author wrote about it a lot. So,
definitely include this idea in your
summary. Find even more
information in this Google book.
20. Still need summary essay writing help?
right now!