W3ll...h3llOw mY gUddY frndzZ...
I'm SUraJ...
My bUddi3s, I am a caUtiOus TaUrus and can giV3 3ncOurag3m3nt and r3spOnsiv3n3ss wh3n3v3r n33d33d...
I can tap the d33p w3ll Of lOv3 that li3s in mY fri3nds' r3s3rV3...!!! I lOv3 takn cOmmitm3nts and I have nO dictatOrial waYz...and I n3v3r lOs3 mY pati3nc3 Oft3n...!!!
I'm lOving , aff3ctiOnat3, and passiOnat3 as w3ll...!!! h3y...i'm r3allY nOt kidding....!!!
I'm UsUallY an att3ntiVe p3rsOn...I sp3ak l3ss...bUt lOv3s h3aring froM Oth3rs...! And I gu3ss I hav3 the capabilitY tO Und3rstand chang3s in the mOods Of Oth3r p3Opl3,and I can h3lp smOoth the prObl3ms , if anY app3ars...
I lOve hanging Out with ma fr3akY fri3ndzZz... and I lI