Tessie [jOy] O. Tiu is the name,my friEnds likE tO caLL mE [aLjOy],[jOy],[tEs],or watever they want,
i am simplE,lOt of thEm mEntioned,im cute[nakz]..
i lOve eating[di halata sa lawas]
snickers adik,[gae niO kOh..nam'nam]
i am kinda mOody ♥♥[[=((
i am nOt perfect,but reaL,
i am demanding,only cOz i carE fOr thEm,.
i am fAithful [di lang halata]
i am swEet [in my oWn wAy]
and i am unique,i dOnt care abOut wat people think of mE,as lOng as i know that its nOt true,
besides its their own opinion,
i used tO have bOnding with my friEnds,they are my sweetest dOwnfALL..[mga plangga kOh nah silA,bisan mga pasaway,utrO man kOh muh]hahaha..=))
→[[♥_♀ I want tO mEEt new friends,