Its hard kipin track wt my personality,sumtyms i wake up n i take hrs tryin 2 rmemba d kind ò a person dat i am.
i am my own kind
im d swtst gal u cn eva cum acros
im crazy and stupid(sexy talented unique person in demand)
heaven-sent,i got wings!!!!!!!
i fall in love easily so dnt flirt wt me cz ga o ka ke wa nthusa ka sepe wen i fall 4 u......WARNING.......le wena dnt fall 4 me cz i ws born a heart breakr
i may b swt bt i cn change unda certain circumstances,piss me off o iponele
feet and hands tse di mpe di n-turna off,im always luking at ppl's feet and hands evrywhr i am
wana knw more...........dnt b scared 2 drop an inbox