This was my first talk as a scientist. It was given to a small, mostly female audience. The atmosphere was very iighthearted which made it a lot easier to talk. The speech was about 16 minutes. The quesiton and answer went great!
6. Convenience Sample Selection (In a parking lot near a tsunami sign or in a college class near tsunami innundation zone.Southern California is among top areas for historically damaging tsunamis.1999
10. RESULTS66% think the warning signs are an effective method of public communicationBut very few respondents were aware the tsunami warning signage and evacuation route plans existed.
19. NOAA should make efforts to meet or adjust those expectations to match emergency management plans and capabilities.
20. Future research will include using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to compare the population density to signage ratio of Los Angeles with successful TsunamiReady locations.Any Questions?