i am...
i am a s0n, a br0ther, a grand-s0n, a niEce, a c0usin, a friend. i am a pArtner, a 4th yr student, a y0ung b0y, a gr0wn man. i am terrified and xcited, c0nfident and scared. i am caring, l0ving, and th0ughtful, and h0peful. i am tired and sick.. i am shy and friendly, and cAreful and careless. i am br0ken and wh0le. i am misunderst0od, misguided, and mislead. i am hardw0rking and determined, but a little scAred 0n the inside. i wish 0n stars and dream my dreams. i pray t0 G0d and cry my tears. i smile 0n the 0utside, while im dying 0n the inside. i listen t0 0thers wh0 w0nt listen t0 me. i believe in paSsi0n, but n0t in true l0ve. i am everything and n0thing all at 0nce.